Mike Wilbon Calls for Retaliation


The one show I cannot do without is Pardon the Interruption. To those who have not seen it, it is a couple of very sharp talking heads who talk nothing but sports for 30 mins each day on ESPN. Today, they spent a full 2 minutes talking about Woody and his eye poking problem. Wilbon, a huge Big 10 homer who always sticks up for us, had nothing but negative things to say about Fran and Woody. Called Fran a well known "bully" with a volatile temper (it didn't help that they showed a clip of the press conference where Fran refused to respond to a question about the 3rd poke, calling it an unintelligent question). Wilbon suggested that if the Big 10 does not step in, the next team we play bring out one of their linebackers to give Woody a taste of his own medicine prior to the start of the game. All players who were poked were defenseless and not even moving at him.

While I have been on the fence in determining whether or not the 3 pokes were intentional, the guys on PTI brought up a persuasive point...the guys Woody poked just happened to be the very best guys on the teams he faced. Against Wisko, he poked a guy who is perhaps the best player in the nation. Against Maryland, he poked a guy who was single handedly taking us on.

It will be interesting to see if a suspension occurs.
This probably wouldn't register on the national radar if Fran hadn't answered the question in the postgame like a ******* DB
This probably wouldn't register on the national radar if Fran hadn't answered the question in the postgame like a ******* DB

Fran hasn't handled this well. And tonight on his call in show he began with another 5 minute rant about the way he handled it in the post game.

I'm a huge Fran fan, but the more he addresses it, the more it gains traction.
There isn't going to be a suspension. Period.

Nigel Wilson was making a move. Unintentional.
Kaminsky rake down face over eyes. Intentional.
Mary. Who knows. Looked intentional to me but who knows.

Wilbon calling for retaliation shows how classy he is. Just a mediawhore trying to get eyeballs to his show and poking woody to do it.

Fran's respones to media are much to-do about nothing.
Woody's eye "pokes" aren't much more than that.
The one show I cannot do without is Pardon the Interruption. To those who have not seen it, it is a couple of very sharp talking heads who talk nothing but sports for 30 mins each day on ESPN. Today, they spent a full 2 minutes talking about Woody and his eye poking problem. Wilbon, a huge Big 10 homer who always sticks up for us, had nothing but negative things to say about Fran and Woody. Called Fran a well known "bully" with a volatile temper (it didn't help that they showed a clip of the press conference where Fran refused to respond to a question about the 3rd poke, calling it an unintelligent question). Wilbon suggested that if the Big 10 does not step in, the next team we play bring out one of their linebackers to give Woody a taste of his own medicine prior to the start of the game. All players who were poked were defenseless and not even moving at him.

While I have been on the fence in determining whether or not the 3 pokes were intentional, the guys on PTI brought up a persuasive point...the guys Woody poked just happened to be the very best guys on the teams he faced. Against Wisko, he poked a guy who is perhaps the best player in the nation. Against Maryland, he poked a guy who was single handedly taking us on.

It will be interesting to see if a suspension occurs.

That is far from a very good point. When he "poked" Kaminsky (i put poked in quotes because he didn't poke him, he drug his fingers down his face) the game was already out of reach. When he poked Trimble, the game was also out of reach. What kind of point is it to say he was going after the best players on the team if not to suggest he was doing it to help us win. In both instances the game was already decided.
There isn't going to be a suspension. Period.

Nigel Wilson was making a move. Unintentional.
Kaminsky rake down face over eyes. Intentional.
Mary. Who knows. Looked intentional to me but who knows.

Wilbon calling for retaliation shows how classy he is. Just a mediawhore trying to get eyeballs to his show and poking woody to do it.

Fran's respones to media are much to-do about nothing.
Woody's eye "pokes" aren't much more than that.

There is no way it was intentional because poking someone in the eye is too hard to do to even attempt. Now if he wanted to hit him in the face i could understand maybe trying that, but you don't lead with your fingertips when trying to hit someone in the face. When you factor in there being no reason to want to do it and no way you could get away with it, it all adds up to it being un intentional. Even if people think it's possible to hit someone in the eye like that intentionally, do you think it's possible to do it while trying to make it look like an accident?
There isn't going to be a suspension. Period.

Nigel Wilson was making a move. Unintentional.
Kaminsky rake down face over eyes. Intentional.
Mary. Who knows. Looked intentional to me but who knows.

Wilbon calling for retaliation shows how classy he is. Just a mediawhore trying to get eyeballs to his show and poking woody to do it.

Fran's respones to media are much to-do about nothing.
Woody's eye "pokes" aren't much more than that.
Wilbon is an idiot. He has no credibility. Anyone that defends Dean Smith/Roy Williams and their 23 yrs of cheating has no credibility.
Wow, the Common thread here is that all the Woody critics are ESPN Pinheads.

Dakich is the one who started this bogus attack on Woody. BLEEP Jock-Itch

Wilbon was likely told by his bosses at ESPIN to continue the False narrative

What a joke ESPIN has become..........nothing in SEC to report, obviously..........LOL !!
I really don't give a **** about any of this. Nobody should. We lived through the Lil Lick years. This is nothing.
It doesn't look that bad when played at full speed. It's the slow mo that convinces people.

I was referring to the PTI conversation. The slow motion video of Woody is absolutely hilarious because it looks so much like it's intentional. I'm smart enough to understand the game isn't played in slow motion though.
It doesn't look that bad when played at full speed. It's the slow mo that convinces people.

To bad the game is not played in slow mo huh....to say it is intentional because it looks like it in slow mo is just stupid comment by these clowns.
I was referring to the PTI conversation. The slow motion video of Woody is absolutely hilarious because it looks so much like it's intentional. I'm smart enough to understand the game isn't played in slow motion though.

IMO the slow motion of the Trimble eye-poke makes it completely obvious that it was unintentional. I wasn't sure about the whole thing until I saw the slow motion replay.
What is the reason for Woody sticking his hand up in the guy's face? Is he just hand checking him and saying I got you covered? Is he trying to break up the guys concentration? Let's be honest here if that were a MSU player and he did that three times to other players posters on here would be calling for a suspension. I would like to hear Woody's side of the story and why he puts his hand out towards the guys face. If he is trying to break his focus just say that. It makes it worse that the ball isn't even in the area where his hands are going. I don't see Adam doing it maliciously as he has never come of as that type of person. It's a simple question. Why are you putting your hands up in the face of your opponent when the ball in not in that immediate area. Let's here what Woody has to say.

My guess is that it's intended to break the opponent's concentration.
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IMO the slow motion of the Trimble eye-poke makes it completely obvious that it was unintentional. I wasn't sure about the whole thing until I saw the slow motion replay.

Maybe it was just from me knowing what was coming and then watching the finger slowly track strait towards the eyeball. All I know is i watched it about 20 times and had tears in my eyes by the time i was done.
Wilbon is an idiot. He has no credibility. Anyone that defends Dean Smith/Roy Williams and their 23 yrs of cheating has no credibility.
What does the fact that Wilbon is of the same opinion as you on pokegate say about you?

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