Two hands is more effective and you get better grip on the doughnut.I really don't care if Duff can dunk a doughnut with both hands or one. What kind of person dunks a doughnut with both hands anyway?
Two hands is more effective and you get better grip on the doughnut.I really don't care if Duff can dunk a doughnut with both hands or one. What kind of person dunks a doughnut with both hands anyway?
Hurray. We have a point guard who can dunk. Seriously?
Well hello Jon Lickliter.
I was 5'9" in high school and I was was known to dunk every now and again.
The girls were so intimidated they wouldn't even talk to me.
The dude had stupid hops as the kids say. Proving Wesley Snipes WRONG.[/QUOTEHad Millard not had his knee injuries, or even been born 15 years later and benefited from current medical technologies dude would have had a nice career in the NBA. He has the offensive skill set of Kevin Love and before he got hurt was probably a better athlete.
yes, he can jump way higher then Owen Wilson
I click on this to maybe read about our future point guards jumping ability and end up reading a bunch of crap from the comedians.
I click on this to maybe read about our future point guards jumping ability and end up reading a bunch of crap from the comedians.
Irony.I love when the dude named penis gets mad that everyone isn't being serious.
I love when the dude named penis gets mad that everyone isn't being serious.
Wait, you clicked on this thread to have a serious discussion about our incoming point guard's dunking ability?
I don't know about you guys, but when I think PEN15, I think wet blanket