Meanwhile in nebby...

I don't know if anyone read the comments, but I think hawkeyeinstl pretending to represent Hawk fans is full of crap. To me, Nebraska's inability to successfully compete in the Big 10 is for two reasons:

1.) They have to play more than two games per year (Oklahoma and Texas)....or for most of their nationally prominent years in the Big 8, one game; Oklahoma.

2.) They can still recruit skill players, but they are no longer competing in the arena football league and need linemen. By the time Iowa gets to them, they have had the hell beat out of them, then NU fans whine about having to play with their second team offensive line against Iowa.

Finally, hawkeyeinstl stated numerous times that this was not going to be a good year for Iowa (three wins). I think this team will be much better than last year, though granted the schedule is tougher. Dunno, just rubbed me the wrong way.
I don't know if anyone read the comments, but I think hawkeyeinstl pretending to represent Hawk fans is full of crap. To me, Nebraska's inability to successfully compete in the Big 10 is for two reasons:

1.) They have to play more than two games per year (Oklahoma and Texas)....or for most of their nationally prominent years in the Big 8, one game; Oklahoma.

2.) They can still recruit skill players, but they are no longer competing in the arena football league and need linemen. By the time Iowa gets to them, they have had the hell beat out of them, then NU fans whine about having to play with their second team offensive line against Iowa.

Finally, hawkeyeinstl stated numerous times that this was not going to be a good year for Iowa (three wins). I think this team will be much better than last year, though granted the schedule is tougher. Dunno, just rubbed me the wrong way.
Hawkeyeinstl is not a Hawkeye fan, not a very knowledgeable one anyway. He hasn't been seen on BHGP or GIA in a while, and all he's done on Corn Nation is fellatiate the Fuskers. Methinks something's fishy there.
Nebby has been taking it up the a$$ for 20 years. Their refusal to admit where they are makes their fans look foolish and provides comedy the rest of the nation enjoys.
I know it'll never happen, but one of my dreams is to live long enough to see a Fusker game not sell out. That's the only legitimate thing they still have to hang onto that's not either fake news or rooted in the 90s.

Notre Dame and Nebraska fans are the only two groups deluded enough to think that their accomplishments 30 years in the past still make them relevant and elite.
Hawkeyeinstl is not a Hawkeye fan, not a very knowledgeable one anyway. He hasn't been seen on BHGP or GIA in a while, and all he's done on Corn Nation is fellatiate the Fuskers. Methinks something's fishy there.

I think Hawkeyeinstl is a Cyclone fan.
I really wish Iowa wouldn't have blown the game when they were playing Rudock over Beathards(that game never should have been lost), Iowa would lead the series 4-2 then. Even when Iowa was horrible in Vandenberg's sr. yr Nebraska barely beat Iowa.
I know it'll never happen, but one of my dreams is to live long enough to see a Fusker game not sell out. That's the only legitimate thing they still have to hang onto that's not either fake news or rooted in the 90s.

Notre Dame and Nebraska fans are the only two groups deluded enough to think that their accomplishments 30 years in the past still make them relevant and elite.
Don't they have some sort of arrangement with area corporations (ie Berkshire Hathaway et al) to buy tickets to keep that streak alive?
Their football team may not be what it use to be, but the state of Nebraska is a great place to vacation said no one ever.
I have several friends that were born and raised in Nebbyland but now live in Iowa.

I tell them with so many Nebraskans living in Iowa Nebraska must be a great state to be FROM....
Don't they have some sort of arrangement with area corporations (ie Berkshire Hathaway et al) to buy tickets to keep that streak alive?
Would not be surprised in the least.

But even if not I still won't get my hopes up. There are exactly three things in that state that aren't dirt: sand dunes, Cornhole football, and that weird arch thing that goes over I-80 near Kearney.

The inmates of that state have nothing better to do than watch their football program slowly flame out.
Would not be surprised in the least.

But even if not I still won't get my hopes up. There are exactly three things in that state that aren't dirt: sand dunes, Cornhole football, and that weird arch thing that goes over I-80 near Kearney.

The inmates of that state have nothing better to do than watch their football program slowly flame out.

If Nebby is flaming out then what is Iowa doing? At least Nebby is sticking with the times and trying to get better. Even a decent Hawk fan can recognize the disaster Pelini was brewing there and we all wish it stayed. Iowa hasn't won anything but a shared Big Ten title 13 years ago and an orange bowl against Georgia Tech? Lol. That's as irrelevant as Nebby's 97 National Chamiponship season. So what Iowa has beat Nebby 2 years in a row? We're 3-3 against them since they joined, we have the same number of division titles as them. We had our best season ever when they had one of their worst in history. I mean, we went 4-8 not too long ago. I love beating them, but we're getting out recruited as usual and who knows how long we can keep the pace, their brand is still stronger. Nebby has more wins this decade than Iowa, they haven't gotten blasted in 5 straight bowl games, or lost to an FCS team. I love 40-10 but that's just one game & anything can happen on any given Saturday. Especially when they play their backup walk-on QB with a broken wrist. That makes it even sweeter. Not. Let's actually beat a decent Nebby team like in 81 (if there will ever be one again).

Iowa will never be Nebraska historically but as long as we keep beating them then I don't care. I'll take what I can get even though Iowa is the most mocked team in P5 football.
If Nebby is flaming out then what is Iowa doing? At least Nebby is sticking with the times and trying to get better. Even a decent Hawk fan can recognize the disaster Pelini was brewing there and we all wish it stayed. Iowa hasn't won anything but a shared Big Ten title 13 years ago and an orange bowl against Georgia Tech? Lol. That's as irrelevant as Nebby's 97 National Chamiponship season. So what Iowa has beat Nebby 2 years in a row? We're 3-3 against them since they joined, we have the same number of division titles as them. We had our best season ever when they had one of their worst in history. I mean, we went 4-8 not too long ago. I love beating them, but we're getting out recruited as usual and who knows how long we can keep the pace, their brand is still stronger. Nebby has more wins this decade than Iowa, they haven't gotten blasted in 5 straight bowl games, or lost to an FCS team. I love 40-10 but that's just one game & anything can happen on any given Saturday. Especially when they play their backup walk-on QB with a broken wrist. That makes it even sweeter. Not. Let's actually beat a decent Nebby team like in 81 (if there will ever be one again).

Iowa will never be Nebraska historically but as long as we keep beating them then I don't care. I'll take what I can get even though Iowa is the most mocked team in P5 football.
Show me where I ever said Iowa football was an elite program.

I'll wait....

Just to speed this up I'll give you a hint: I never did. Ever.

What I did say is that Nebraska fans are delusional, Back To The Future wannabes who walk around and tout 30 year old accomplishments as reasons why they're too "good" for the B1G, or why they'll never stoop to the level of considering Iowa as a rival, and a million other ridiculous, decades old stories that have no bearing on their relevance today. If Nebraska is such an elite blue blood, why are they even with the lowly Hawkeyes since they joined? Why do they change coaches like underwear? The Foster Farms Bowl? but that championship 20 some years ago sure does seem to get brought up a lot. Let me fill ya in on a secret...if you have to dredge up wins that happened two or even three decades ago to defend your program, your team is a tire fire.

Nebraska fans are bad enough, but when someone who claims to be a Hawk fan comes on an Iowa board to try and defend (you did a miserable job, btw) the huskers it's a special kind of suck. The URL for the site you're actually looking for is You'll find plenty more cuckolded Iowa residents like yourself who have turned in their dignity in exchange for a cutoff belly shirt.

I get to Sheldon quite a bit, and I always wondered who the guy in the Dodge pickup with the cheesy "blackshirts" skull decal and the fake nuts on the trailer hitch was. Now I know. Please try to keep your mullet tucked under your Eric Church hat until you cross the river.

P.S....Try not use the word "we" when referring to the Hawkeyes. Anybody who comes here to brag about how awesome the huskers are and tells us the Hawkeyes suck doesn't get to use the "we" thing. "We" might not be as awesome of a group as your brothers in red, but you're by default not part of the "we" unless you have a turd in your pocket (from the smell of it when you were in the Hwy 18/60 Casey's the other day it might be the case).
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