McNutt, Sash and Prater


Well-Known Member
What is everybody's best guess with what these 3 guys do? I think McNutt and Sash come back. I think Prater might leave. I am hoping all 3 come back though.
They would all stay if they are smart. There is nothing more important in life than getting that degree. Also, none are ready for the NFL. But my guess is Sash bolts and the other 2 stay.
McNutt stays, Prater(cocky CB) and Sash(Old Balls) go. Prater goes 4th round, Sash goes late first day early second day to a good team like Indy or Philly.
They would all stay if they are smart. There is nothing more important in life than getting that degree. Also, none are ready for the NFL. But my guess is Sash bolts and the other 2 stay.

If any of them go I think it is Sash. I think Prater really wants to go, but I think he stays. I'm 50/50 on McNutt, but if I had a gun to my head I'd say he stays.

All should stay.
If any of them go I think it is Sash. I think Prater really wants to go, but I think he stays. I'm 50/50 on McNutt, but if I had a gun to my head I'd say he stays.

All should stay.

NOOOOOOOO!!!! I just bought his jersey for my kid for Christmas.:eek:
Sash is most NFL ready right now. Prater offers versatility in he could play CB or Safety in Pros. McNutt has the most upside in that he is still learning the WR position and can get faster and become a better route runner.

Best guess Sash & Prater leave, but I hope all three come back because I believe that they all need to so they can maximize draft spot.
Assuming the NFL puts a cap on Rookies I think they need to include a difference in pay scale for players who complete their Eligibility in College or Graduated. That way players could see a reason to come back for their Senior Year.
I would imagine they all stay. The only one I have doubts about is Prater, but what do I know, I'm just the 2010 HN Football Board Poster of the Year.
They would all stay if they are smart. There is nothing more important in life than getting that degree. Also, none are ready for the NFL. But my guess is Sash bolts and the other 2 stay.

This is a bad take. 1st of all you aren't qualified to say if they are, or are not, ready for the NFL. 2nd it's hard to imagine Prater or Sash improving thier stock or game. Prater is 1st team all B10 this year which is quite an honor. Sash is a 3 year starter on D who has peaked physically and excels at the mental aspect of the game. If the scouts tell them they are sure fire draft picks and they have little to improve on then it's hard to come up with reason why they should leave now, especially given the potential labor unrest in the league.

McNutt who's only played the position a few years is really the only one with anything to gain.

Lastly the "they should stay for their education" argument is pretty stupid as well. If they get drafted they will make more than enough money to go back and finish school if that is a priority for them, and if it's not chances are they aren't putting enough effort toward thier school work to earn a meaningfull degree anyway.
I'm going to say that the only people who know if any of them are going to go are Sash, Prater, and McNutt. Anything said here is idle speculation.

The deadline is one week from tomorrow, so we'll all find out by then.

It should be noted that Bulaga declared either one day or two days after the Orange Bowl last year, and that game was played on Jan 8th.
All three are no where near NFL ready.

I love Sash but he is the weakest of all the NFL potential FS canidates Iowa has produced. Great against the run and if a fly ball is thrown his way.

Prater wants to go and make the jack. Has the potential but is a head case. WTF was he doing in the Insight bowl? He tried going Bob Sanders on every tackle and it didn't work.

#7 Could be a real player in the NFL. Unfortunately, I don't know if JVB is the one to help him get there. Bad timing on McNutt's part. I think he can make a roster with another season in IC.

Don't get me wrong, I like these guys on our team next year, I just don't see them being NFL ready this year.
They would all stay if they are smart. There is nothing more important in life than getting that degree. Also, none are ready for the NFL. But my guess is Sash bolts and the other 2 stay.

I don't want to get picky here, but to some, there are more important things in life than a degree. Many of our football players are not lucky enough to come from families affluent enough to live their life the way I, and most of our posters here, have. Let's suppose here that we have a kid who's completed his junior year, and can sign a contract worth a million + $. This is his opportunity to bring his family out of poverty and live a life without further financial worries. Should he risk the possibility of a career ending injury by playing another year for the Hawks? As a Hawk fan I'd love nothing more than to have all these guys come back, but if they choose to go pro, I'll certainly understand, and won't think they've made a bad decision simply because they didn't get their degree.
I don't think Sash should return. He is going to be 23 this year, he is a three-year starter, and as another mentioned he has peaked physically. In terms of the NFL, he is what he is. He probably has or is close to his degree, and football is fickle sport. If he has information that he would be a mid-round pick and make an NFL team he should jump.

The other two are both only two-year starters and younger. Prater is a true junior. They both have the athletic potential to improve. I thinnk Prater is probably a mid-round guy right now with the potential to be a solid second round guy in the year. The difference in cash and job security between a 4th round and a 2nd round guy is pretty great. McNutt just needs to do more at the college level and continue to improve physically.
There is nothing more important in life than getting that degree.

Completely untrue in the present context. The earning potential of an NFL player is confined to a limited number of years based upon the athlete's age. For instance, it is likely that Sash/McNutt/Prater will not be able to earn a salary playing football beyond the age of 35 (at the most) regardless of number of years played in the NFL. Playing one more year of college football cuts into their earning potential.

Thus, if Sash, McNutt and/or Prater receive word from the NFL scouts that they will be drafted in the top 3 rounds, they should forego their senior seasons and opt for the draft.
I don't want to get picky here, but to some, there are more important things in life than a degree. Many of our football players are not lucky enough to come from families affluent enough to live their life the way I, and most of our posters here, have. Let's suppose here that we have a kid who's completed his junior year, and can sign a contract worth a million + $. This is his opportunity to bring his family out of poverty and live a life without further financial worries. Should he risk the possibility of a career ending injury by playing another year for the Hawks? As a Hawk fan I'd love nothing more than to have all these guys come back, but if they choose to go pro, I'll certainly understand, and won't think they've made a bad decision simply because they didn't get their degree.

My big concern, and one that I would say is legit, is that when the "said" athlete gets that contract, what happens?

Too many of these athletes live way beyond their means. Houses, cars, parties, etc. That's great until you blow your knee out (or whatever) and, s*it, what do I do know.

In a perfect world, yes, grab the cash and make it happen. But in the real world, I would guess that at least 50% of the pro athletes struggle for cash within 5 years of the end of their pro career.

Dark picture but I would love HBO, ESPN, etc to check it out.

Debbie Downer!
First Sash is a SS not a FS so he is playing over the strong side in the Iowa defense where he goes against TEs and focusing on the run. He is not the player that Bob Sanders is but he is the 2nd best SS Iowa has developed in Ferentz era. Second Prater played a pretty good Bowl game and came up with some big plays. All three players are ready for the pros I just feel that they could do increase their stock next year. If the NFL tells them they are going to get drafted then obviously they think they are NFL ready. Then go argue with the guys whose jobs rest on knowing whether people are NFL ready or not.
My big concern, and one that I would say is legit, is that when the "said" athlete gets that contract, what happens?

Too many of these athletes live way beyond their means. Houses, cars, parties, etc. That's great until you blow your knee out (or whatever) and, s*it, what do I do know.

In a perfect world, yes, grab the cash and make it happen. But in the real world, I would guess that at least 50% of the pro athletes struggle for cash within 5 years of the end of their pro career.

Dark picture but I would love HBO, ESPN, etc to check it out.

Debbie Downer!

So you think another year of college is going to change that? I think we are discussung players leaving before they get their degree.

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