McCall's season wasted for 2 carries

You have to believe that Iowa felt its case for a medical hardship waiver for McCall was not strong. If they felt it was very strong, he would not have played.

McCall's redshirt was burned against Tennessee Tech....he would have had to prove that that injury caused him to miss the rest of the year. Being medically cleared to play for Minnesota game, and Kirk talking about playing him against Michigan and MSU is not a strong case

Exactly what I was arguing all week and I got bashed for it. "Kirk knows the rules, you're an idiot and know nothing" that's all I heard all week
He seriously can't win with some of you guys. McCall learned the ever important lesson that if you don't protect the ball, you don't play. Remember the reason he did so well in the first game? B/C they were doing the same thing with Coker. He will play next week, and he will play in the bowl, and he will be better over the next 3 years because of it.

McCall is an average b10 running back. We don't need him to stay for 5 years! People need to calm the F down.
Just don't understand it at all.

Well maybe it would have been more than two carries if he hadn't fumbled on the five yardline. And...we likely have two games left so it probably isn't two carries. The coaches put him in the game and HE fumbled, the coaches again are to blame. I just dont understand that...
He seriously can't win with some of you guys. McCall learned the ever important lesson that if you don't protect the ball, you don't play. Remember the reason he did so well in the first game? B/C they were doing the same thing with Coker. He will play next week, and he will play in the bowl, and he will be better over the next 3 years because of it.

Totally agree. I've never seen such a love affair with a back that has seven carries. WHen coker fumbled he was pulled. Mccall fumbled on the five so he can set for a while. I can only imagine if that was coker that fumbled, the board would have been lit up with mcall mcall mcall. totally ridic. We have the conferences leading rusher and all we are worried about is the second string, yeah SECOND STRING, back
You know what the reaction on this board would have been if McCall would have come back in and fumbled.... nuclear!

yep, or if coker would have fumbled, we are treating this kid like the second coming....pretty disrespetful to coker...the guy who is actually getting us the yards
This X 10. Unbelievable. The worst thing you can do is bench a kid like that not play him again. Absolutely terrible coaching and player development.
Coker fumbled 4 times in the first 4 games. (and don't give me was raining...crap about the opener. He fumbled twice...nobody else on either team fumble at all).

I'm sick and tired of Ferentz playing scared (though playing stupid is running a close second). As Vince Lombardi said "Confidence is is a lack of it."

CHeck cokers fumble stats i think they are pretty good except for that one game. I dont think KF played scared today at all. Tell me how he played scared today please? How did he play stupid today? thanks
It would have been KF's fault for putting him in on the 20...or the 45..... or midfield..

Everything is KFs fault. Despite making several personnel changes this year, despite throwing the ball this year more than running, despite two fourth down attempts last week, despite multiple reverses this week and last, everything is KF's fault. YOu know... if I were him i'd just leave, due to fans like some of you...
Not the coachun staff's fault. They gave mccall a chance and he put the ball on the turf, costing us a TD. Why risk another fumble when coker has been so great?

Because, KF/Iowa coaches are wrong no matter what they do. Gave a freshman a chance and he fumbled costing us five and they are still wrong...
I don't like developing a player while a game is on the line if that's what is being suggested. I'd like to have a back up for Coker too but it's not like anyone has proven they deserve big time snaps either.

duh, mccall has 6 CARRIES, he is obviously very deserving of lots and lots of snaps ahead of the conferences 2nd leading rusher...
I do agree that benching him is a bad deal. You really don't want a RBs last memory on the field to be a fumble.

He wasn't benched, you bench starters, he was taken out and he WILL get plenty of carries down the road. it wont be his last memory...he did fumble on the five yard line in a tight game however...
Ferentz doesn't play him....people ticked off
Ferentz plays him....costs Iowa points....People ticked off.

I swear I don't understand a lot of our fans.

^1000%. So ****** about hearing about mccall for the last month, then he finally gets his carry like HN has been askign for and he caughs it up on the five costing us 7, and STILL STILL STILL people question KF. totally ******* me off. And all time time we have a back that is quietly and humbly continuing to get us yards. never says a word and does his job and HN just wants to have a butt affair with mccall...
I would have liked to see McCall get at least one more carry. By not doing so, Kirk is basically telling McCall he doesn't trust him.

But then, that's Kirk.

Not IMO, he's telling him we trusted you enough to get you in the game when we needed seven, you caughed it up, we're gonna go back to coker, and we'll play you again down the road...
Didn't Ferentz say there was an X-ray that could allow McCall to redshirt? Is he redshirting or not?

People call for McCall when the Hawks lose, they call for him when they win. Isn't a consistent opinion more credible than one that changes every week?

The only consistent opinion is that there are people on HN that blame KF and Iowa coaches for everything. We got him into the game and he fumbled on the five yard line. Uhh, i'll go back to Coker at that point and that's what our coach should do. Yet still KF is wrong, cool!
I swear, I don't understand YOU. Yes, a lot of fans wanted to see McCall....but not in that situation (first and goal). McCall is a between the 20s back...not a goal line pounder.

So now McCall is a between the 20's back? OMG, if only KF knew that. McCalls is a between the 20's back...he's not a goal liner. I am glad we know that now.

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