McCall violated team rules - not traveling to Lincoln

On that note Howe just tweeted that Kirk said McCall's suspension is open-ended and penalties after this week are still being thought out. WTF did he do?
I wouldn't be surprise by this I guess. This is how it usually starts - injury, get behind, some sort of violation, mental lapse, gone. Reminds me of Adam Robinson.

Scenario 1.
That is what I thought of too, first off the injury had to be agravating, and then I also thought after weeks of saying he was going to play and then not playing, it had to get on his nerves I don't care how humble or how much of a team player you are. When you keep getting told you will get a chance and then it doesn't come it has to make you a little bit mad. So then he gets in fumbles and never comes back in which only piles onto his frustration. He does something to get in trouble because he is mad and frustrated, then gets suspened, then gets even more mad and says either screw it I am gone or does something else to get in trouble and gets kicked off the team.

Scenario 2.
He learns from it, sucks it up, and becomes better because of it.
Im confused why Johnson doesn't at least get a couple of carries a game, he hasn't done that bad when he is in there except I guess when he pass blocks but still.
Im confused why Johnson doesn't at least get a couple of carries a game, he hasn't done that bad when he is in there except I guess when he pass blocks but still.

I agree. I liked what I have seen of him so far and felt he deserved more carries, but there must be some reason he is not in.
This makes no difference for this game, but is just one more storm cloud over his short career at Iowa. Would not be shocked to hear he is transferring in the offseason and the AIRBHG gets another notch in his belt.

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