McCall Facebook post


Well-Known Member
Mika'il posted the following on his wall less than an hour ago:

"I wanted to let everyone know that in ok. I really wanted to put on a show for everyone back at home and for all the fans of HAWKEYE FOOTBALL. Unfortunately i got hurt, but im looking foward to next year. I'm going to go harder than ever before!!!"
Mika'il posted the following on his wall less than an hour ago:

"I wanted to let everyone know that in ok. I really wanted to put on a show for everyone back at home and for all the fans of HAWKEYE FOOTBALL. Unfortunately i got hurt, but im looking foward to next year. I'm going to go harder than ever before!!!"

Great attitude! Best of luck, Mika'il! I expect big things out of you next season.
McCall has won over Hawkeye Nation, and we all feel for you, man! Heal up and come back angry! Your few minutes of pt were magical....

On Iowa!
I hope everyone, including himself, doesn't put too much hype on him for next year like they did for Jewel. He suffered a serious injury and nobody knows how he'll recover. Look at Bernstine, took him 2 years to get back to form or to what we all expected. I hope he comes back strong and has a great career but on the time he needs and no unreachable expectations for a freshman with 9 carries before a serious leg injury.
Better, much better, to have a broken bone than a knee tear, etc.

Agree SDK46. I'm surprised they've already ruled him out all season. Sometimes they can heal in 6-8 weeks but obviously he'd be lost for MOST of the season so why waste a year for a couple of games. But at least he will have plenty of time to rehab. Tears take almost a full year to fully feel at full speed.
I hope everyone, including himself, doesn't put too much hype on him for next year like they did for Jewel. He suffered a serious injury and nobody knows how he'll recover. Look at Bernstine, took him 2 years to get back to form or to what we all expected. I hope he comes back strong and has a great career but on the time he needs and no unreachable expectations for a freshman with 9 carries before a serious leg injury.

I understand this. With bone breaks, a good doctor can set the bone so it repairs as good as new. Muscle and tendon tears are the big issue. Jewel suffered those, and they are bad. McCall should recovery easily with time. I will take a bone break over a muscle/tendon tear any day.
McCall seems to have a good head on his shoulders. I expect him to be back again next year ready to blaze by defenses. Everything happens for a reason.
Better, much better, to have a broken bone than a knee tear, etc.

Good point.
Bones heal stronger and comparatively faster than a knee or achilles.
I broke my leg (tibia and fibula) just above the ankle, in practice after our first game my junior yr of high school. Six weeks in a cast on crutches,two weeks in a walking cast,2 weeks of just walking (getting my sea legs back). So, after 10 weeks I was able to start building the strength back. By track season I was 100% and by football season it was long forgotten.
Our left guard blew his knee out the week after i broke my leg. He never played football again.
I know to McCall it will seem like an eternity until spring, but on the bright side, he will recover 100%. Bad break,yes. But could have been much,much worse.
Good point.
Bones heal stronger and comparatively faster than a knee or achilles.
I broke my leg (tibia and fibula) just above the ankle, in practice after our first game my junior yr of high school. Six weeks in a cast on crutches,two weeks in a walking cast,2 weeks of just walking (getting my sea legs back). So, after 10 weeks I was able to start building the strength back. By track season I was 100% and by football season it was long forgotten.
Our left guard blew his knee out the week after i broke my leg. He never played football again.
I know to McCall it will seem like an eternity until spring, but on the bright side, he will recover 100%. Bad break,yes. But could have been much,much worse.

I is getting the leg back in condition that takes the longest. You cannot get the cast off and start where you left off from a broken leg. Muscle atrophy takes time to reverse. I broke my tibia at the ankle my freshman year in football. I was in a full leg cast for six weeks and in a half leg cast for four weeks. Then another four weeks in a walking cast. I missed football and wrestling, and then ran track that spring. So to expect him back this year is not realistic, but he should be back as good or better next fall.
Saw him today, and he seemed to be enjoying himself with some friends. I think he sees it as an opportunity to improve, and likely will. Excited to see what he becomes.
If there's any silver lining about the injury ... I would think that the following facts would come to mind ....

- We likely won't be all world this year anyhow. We'll invariably lose a few games this year and losing McCall would likely only make difference in a game or two record-wise. It would be more heart-breaking if we were on the verge of being dominant but absolutely needed him to put us over the edge.

- There actually could be a positive recruiting side-effect. Iowa currently is sitting well with some really promising RBs. Without a really impressive guy like McCall emerging behind Coker ... it will make Iowa's RB situation look like it's much more full of opportunity. I love the promise of stock-piling talent for the future!

- Lastly, despite getting injured, McCall still benefited from getting plenty of reps with the #1s as a TR FR. Furthermore, he got live game action as a TR FR ... and that will only further build his confidence. All the above factors will likely conspire to help McCall make that much more of a splash next year.
Everything happens for a reason.

I agree completely. When I tore ligaments in my ankle the doctor said I would have been better off breaking it, because broken bones heal back to normal and tears never heal back to 100%.


He looked extremely impressive out there! I'm really excited to watch this guy play in the future and I really like his attitude! Go hawks!

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