McCall Facebook post

He also responded when asked about being out the year, " i dont know i could come back if im healthy".. I doubt that will be this year, BUT is a very good sign that it wasnt a super bad break.
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A bone heals in 6 weeks, but is not back to its full strenght for a year to 18months. Like I said I hope he comes back strong, but I hope he doesn't feel the pressure to be amazing his first game back. Take his time and get stronger.
I hope everyone, including himself, doesn't put too much hype on him for next year like they did for Jewel. He suffered a serious injury and nobody knows how he'll recover. Look at Bernstine, took him 2 years to get back to form or to what we all expected. I hope he comes back strong and has a great career but on the time he needs and no unreachable expectations for a freshman with 9 carries before a serious leg injury.
I'm not diminishing a broken bone (they suck) - but I wouldn't put him in the same classification as Jewel when it comes to injury. ACLs/MCLs are a totally different issue. It will definitely take a while for him to get back, but bouncing back from a broken bone is much more manageable than a knee injury.
A bone heals in 6 weeks, but is not back to its full strenght for a year to 18months. Like I said I hope he comes back strong, but I hope he doesn't feel the pressure to be amazing his first game back. Take his time and get stronger.
From people I've talked to in sports med, they say that even if pins need to be used, usually the injury is 100% after 6 months, if not sooner. A lot of people are 100% by 12 weeks.
If there's any silver lining about the injury ... I would think that the following facts would come to mind ....

- We likely won't be all world this year anyhow. We'll invariably lose a few games this year and losing McCall would likely only make difference in a game or two record-wise. It would be more heart-breaking if we were on the verge of being dominant but absolutely needed him to put us over the edge.

Ouch, homer. I wonder if this one has occured to KF and the players...?
He def has a diff style than Coker and brings (brought) something diff to the backfield. Hard, punishing runner who also displayed good shiftiness. Excited about his future!
Ouch, homer. I wonder if this one has occured to KF and the players...?

Hopefully not. You can only play to win.

Given our situation in '04 ... I wouldn't have guessed that we would have even been close to competing for the conference title either ... and yet we managed to share it!

Sometime you benefit from how the team as a whole plays together ... and hopefully it far exceeds the "sum of the parts." In such instances ... the loss of a single guy can have minimal impact.

I think that Iowa's D has some real promise. Furthermore, if we can see some growth in the running game ... then I think that the team has the potential to be awfully good.

However, up until I see the group demonstrate that needed improvement and growth ... I'm still of the opinion that this is just going to be one of those years when the Hawks are darn good ... but not great.
I just hope he stays on the correct path off the field. Lately, players who aren't injured seem to be falling out of the program for the wrong reasons. Jewel was injured yes, but then left for undisclosed reasons. ARob, Wegher...

Anyway, we're all hoping for a full recovery and that he returns to make up for this season, with a vengeance.
Hopefully not. You can only play to win.

Given our situation in '04 ... I wouldn't have guessed that we would have even been close to competing for the conference title either ... and yet we managed to share it!

Sometime you benefit from how the team as a whole plays together ... and hopefully it far exceeds the "sum of the parts." In such instances ... the loss of a single guy can have minimal impact.

I think that Iowa's D has some real promise. Furthermore, if we can see some growth in the running game ... then I think that the team has the potential to be awfully good.

However, up until I see the group demonstrate that needed improvement and growth ... I'm still of the opinion that this is just going to be one of those years when the Hawks are darn good ... but not great.

But, I do not think the Hawks need to be ''great'' to get to Indy this year,with a very favorable schedule. McCall could have been instrumental in putting our running game over the top this year. We can lose to PSU and Nebraska and still win this division. Losing McCall is a blow,but not a fatal one,certainly.

One the plus side,it will give McCall two years separation from Marcus,so that Mikai'l could be the ''man'' his junior/senior years.

With out history of injured rbs, we can never feel satisfied with our depth. Just pray for Marcus to stay healthy,and for DeAndre to regain his form. We still have enough firepower with them and the frosh to win this division,imo,and that would constitute a ''great'' season,this year.
I hear a lot about 2 years of separation. McCall is going to be a sophomore next year. This not now a red-shirt year. After his 4th year he can apply for a medical red-shirt, if he wants to. It's not a guarantee he will get it or he will apply for it.
I hear a lot about 2 years of separation. McCall is going to be a sophomore next year. This not now a red-shirt year. After his 4th year he can apply for a medical red-shirt, if he wants to. It's not a guarantee he will get it or he will apply for it.

Even if he would have redshirted, it would not ''guarantee'' that he would stay all 5 years.
KF mentioned it,so it is not like fans are throwing wild conjecture out there.
He will get it if he applies,as the rules are quite clear,and he qualifies.
If he does not want to stay,then he will not apply,fine. Why would we assume that?
But, I do not think the Hawks need to be ''great'' to get to Indy this year,with a very favorable schedule. McCall could have been instrumental in putting our running game over the top this year. We can lose to PSU and Nebraska and still win this division. Losing McCall is a blow,but not a fatal one,certainly.

One the plus side,it will give McCall two years separation from Marcus,so that Mikai'l could be the ''man'' his junior/senior years.

With out history of injured rbs, we can never feel satisfied with our depth. Just pray for Marcus to stay healthy,and for DeAndre to regain his form. We still have enough firepower with them and the frosh to win this division,imo,and that would constitute a ''great'' season,this year.

Iowa arguably had more talent in '08 and had an even more favorable schedule ... and yet we didn't get it done then!
I hear a lot about 2 years of separation. McCall is going to be a sophomore next year. This not now a red-shirt year. After his 4th year he can apply for a medical red-shirt, if he wants to. It's not a guarantee he will get it or he will apply for it.

It will be a lay-up for McCall to be granted a hardship waiver ... an absolute lay-up.

If McCall wants it ... he'll get it. It will be as simple as that.

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