McCaffery's Quote on Melsahn

Matt Gatens all frosh, Eric May all frosh, Mel Basabe all frosh.
Matt Gatens not on all conference team as a soph...

It is called the softmore slump. There is a reason there is a name for it. Some guys, like Sullinger, won't be affected, but more marginal players often struggle in year two when teams figure them out and things don't come as easy. And yes, each of these guys are marginal players. Matt is marginal athletically, Eric and Mel are both kind of tweeners. Both have skill sets better suited to bigger bodies.

This sophomore slump also happens with the non-athlete college student socially and academically. Look it up, it's not that surprising.
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Slumps can go away quickly when you hustle.

Extra effort can create extra opportunities.

I would not be surprised to see a transfer in the Spring.
Slumps can go away quickly when you hustle.

Extra effort can create extra opportunities.

I would not be surprised to see a transfer in the Spring.

Again, look it up. It happens to all kinds of college students. It is also known as second year blues. It is a common apathy that second year college students experience.

Saying hustle can solve it doesn't really address the underlying causes.
While I understand the 2nd year slump it must be affecting Cartwright too because his play was terrible last night several TOs and they weren't hustle things they were just plain bad bball things.
Confidence issues? Does'nt seem happy on the court? Maybe he is spending too much time reading these posts before tip-off. I agree he doe'nt seem to be playing inspired ball and I'm not making excuses for that. He's a kid, lets try to pick him up, not bury him. Just my 2 cents, not much I know.
Basabe could at the very least show some hustle. Fight for rebounds ,play good defense. He does that and the offense will come. I will be surprised if he doesn't transfer at the end of the season.
I just don't know how invested into the team Melsahn is. I don't have any inside info. but he doesn't seem like he's having much fun and he is far from home and family. I sure hope he doesn't transfer.

Would transferring be a bad thing if he is unhappy and therefore going to play like crap the next 2 years? McCaffrey has flown cover for this kid since the season started. First the weight thing, then his confidence, then conditioning, then (insert random injury). It's one thing to not score, but to give absolutely no effort night after night is indiciative of a bigger problem than "his shots aren't falling".
Alford would throw players under the bus for missing shots or not playing well, calling someone out for not giving effort is a lot different. Even if you have an off night, effort is something you can always control as a player, which is why it is so disappointing. As much as I get annoyed with May not finishing, the guy gives it his all on the court. Same could be said for McCabe. When he struggles, he still hustles. That is what most wish they would see out of Basabe.
Alford would throw players under the bus for missing shots or not playing well, calling someone out for not giving effort is a lot different. Even if you have an off night, effort is something you can always control as a player, which is why it is so disappointing. As much as I get annoyed with May not finishing, the guy gives it his all on the court. Same could be said for McCabe. When he struggles, he still hustles. That is what most wish they would see out of Basabe.

Agree. Even when your in a slump you can still give 100% effort each game. If your shot is off you can still make up for it with rebounding, assists, defense, and leadership. Neither Basabe or Cartwright seem to be giving 100% this year.
3 pts between the two of them last night is not good but the lack of leadership and effort is unacceptable.
At some point he needs to either put more effort in to the game or come out of the starting lineup.

Right now I would move Archie in as starter and slide Zach to PF. Based on effort that is a better and taller lineup. Plus you don't lose White's energy off the bench.
Who knew that a loss to the Huskers would bring out the Alf lovers in such numbers?

No kidding, it is amazing how many times he has been mentioned in this thread. How many years has it been since he has coached here? Perhaps if he gets mentioned 50 more times on these forums he will magically reappear and be the coach at Iowa again. No love for Lick? :D

I use hope Melsahn figures it out before next season and can regain his confidence. Once Woodbury comes on board I wonder if he will even be in the starting lineup.
At this point is having him come back next yr even a good thing? He'll be a practice player because it's pretty hard to assume he'll be as good or better then his freshman yr after regressing this yr. With White and Mcabe along with next yrs frosh class coming in I don't see any mins for him anyway. So to me its a matter of is it better to cut the cord with a kid that could be a sour apple to the team. Or keep him and roll the dice that competition and coaching will turn the light on for him? I lean towards letting him go and having the scholly. But yet giving a kid a chance to improve that wants it is tough to take away. So it's Basabes call in the end
I will probably never forget Alford blaming Sean Sonderliter for a loss at Iowa State. Sonderliter received his second foul with less than a minute on the clock. Alford left him in the game, and substituted for someone else. Sean immediately received his third foul. Very early in the second half, Sonderliter earned his fourth foul, and had to sit almost the entire second half.

Coaching 101 states that when a starter receives his second foul with less than a minute to go in the half, you take that player out of the game to avoid the distinct possiblility of earning a third foul.

Many coaches take a player out when he gets his second foul immediately no matter how much time is remaining in the half.

Alford was an arrogant punk who spent his millions on hair gel.....

GOD knows we have so many élite players knocking down the door to come here right now? He was one of the only bright things about the team last year. Let's just send him packing and bring in one of the 5* that just can't wait to be a Hawkeye!! We did have to turn away how many to fill our schollies this year?? No wonder we have so many tranfers with the fan support we have around here. We are the Dukes of BB, and the Alabamas of FB apparently!!!
At this point is having him come back next yr even a good thing? He'll be a practice player because it's pretty hard to assume he'll be as good or better then his freshman yr after regressing this yr. With White and Mcabe along with next yrs frosh class coming in I don't see any mins for him anyway. So to me its a matter of is it better to cut the cord with a kid that could be a sour apple to the team. Or keep him and roll the dice that competition and coaching will turn the light on for him? I lean towards letting him go and having the scholly. But yet giving a kid a chance to improve that wants it is tough to take away. So it's Basabes call in the end