McCaffery's Quote on Melsahn

Heres the thing. Fran knows Mel. We dont. If Fran wants to say something about Mel than he has the right. I for one am confused but dont know the whole story.
Is Melsahn still playing the diva thing during warmups? Wearing a different shirt that every other player on the team?

The kid needs to get his head screwed on right. :mad:
I just don't know how invested into the team Melsahn is. I don't have any inside info. but he doesn't seem like he's having much fun and he is far from home and family. I sure hope he doesn't transfer.
I just don't know how invested into the team Melsahn is. I don't have any inside info. but he doesn't seem like he's having much fun and he is far from home and family. I sure hope he doesn't transfer.

How will replace his 3 pts and 3 rb conf averages? I dont want him to leave but if he wants to be here he should start playing a little harder
They reason it would hurt isn't his 3rb and 3pts per game this year, it's because we all know what kind of player he's capable of being. Besides I don't think this program needs anyone to bail right now especially one of our most talented players which, like it or not, basabe is.
I just don't know how invested into the team Melsahn is. I don't have any inside info. but he doesn't seem like he's having much fun and he is far from home and family. I sure hope he doesn't transfer.

If thats all he can give then he needs to transfer his play lately has been unacceptable. Glad Fran commented on it.
I think Fran's given everything he can to help out Melsahn, but not getting the results on the court. Practices are good, but can't get him going in games.
He's not calling out Mel either, just saying he lacked effort.
....So he is calling him out on his lack of effort then.

He was asked about his effort, and he gave the same answer every Iowa fan paying attention would give.

Mel's effort has been disappointing. There is no way to sugarcoat it.

I hope Mel flips the attitude switch...if he doesn't, the last thing I am worried about is what he is going to do after this season. I'd rather he be on the team with the kind of effort he gave last year. We know what he is capable of, but I just don't have much time for people that don't give their all when they have amazing opportunities, in any walk of life.
Is Melsahn still playing the diva thing during warmups? Wearing a different shirt that every other player on the team?

The kid needs to get his head screwed on right. :mad:

He is also fixated on the big screen when the camera is on him.
Jon- He gone, and good riddance if you ask me.

His attitude has sucked ever since he had a LITTLE TASTE of success last season.

Some people can handle a bit of success and excel, while others get lazy and start posting about how awesome they are on facebook.

Any guesses to which one Basabe is? How bout Aaron White???


I don't sugarcoat Fran's involvement though either at this point. He recruited Melsahn, Cartwright, and Hubbard!

I honestly don't mind a guy with swag like that in the warmups as long as they back it up with dunks and blocked shots and man sized rebounds in the game. He needs to take that swag to the court from here on. When the only point you get is by splitting a pair of FT's and you're acting like the man before the game you just look like a punk.