McCaffery Updates Progress


Can't wait to see Jon's reply to this.


Once in a while we all slip up. Your only dilemna is that everyone here jumps on the chance to let you know about it.

Great work with the site. Keep it up.
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After reading the linked article, I feel In fact, I believe that Jon is exploiting an addiction over which I have no control and that eventually I will be compelled to file a class action on behalf of all addicts simliarly situated in order to recover our share of the ill-gotten gain resulting from the hundreds of thousands of page hits we cannot help but create.

:) ;) :p
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LOL! The best thing is that he hasn't seemed to figure it out yet about 6 hours later!

However, more power to you Jon. As long as you keep the political stuff out of the way, you have my business.
After reading the linked article, I feel In fact, I believe that Jon is explointing an addiction over which I have no control and that eventually I will be compelled to file a class action on behalf of all addicts simliarly situated in order to recover our share of the ill-gotten gain resulting from the hundreds of thousands of page hits we cannot help but create.

:) ;) :p

I'm pretty sure this site is coming after guys like you, FB. :p
LOL! The best thing is that he hasn't seemed to figure it out yet about 6 hours later!

However, more power to you Jon. As long as you keep the political stuff out of the way, you have my business.

There have been days that go by that I've posted something and didn't realized I made a mistake. For reals.

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