McCaffery Adds Michigan Point Guard to the Fold

he just started recruiting Gesell this springn if his mother would have got her way, he would have gone to Stanford, it was Fran's attending all of his AAU games that changed his mind
Not going to lie, only watched about 3 minutes of his highlight tape. That had to be one of the worst highlight tapes I've ever seen.

Not saying the kid is a bad get, but could have put a little more effort on a highlight tape. Hopefully your coach saw more in person, but after getting kids like Gessell and Woodbury, this is a little puzzling to me from an outside viewer.
Not going to lie, only watched about 3 minutes of his highlight tape. That had to be one of the worst highlight tapes I've ever seen.Not saying the kid is a bad get, but could have put a little more effort on a highlight tape. Hopefully your coach saw more in person, but after getting kids like Gessell and Woodbury, this is a little puzzling to me from an outside viewer.

Your right... Fran has horrible judgement of talent!!!
The whole happy being a back-up thing is funny. Fran's system is going to require 2 PGs who play a bunch of minutes. If one can flat out D, awesome.
Your right... Fran has horrible judgement of talent!!!

This. Fran's got a pretty well-documented eye for talent. Until he whiffs on a couple (Hubbard doesn't count, since all we're talking about here is his eye for talent), I'm going to assume that the guys he's bringing in are money.
Has Van Coleman ever had a bad thing to say about an Iowa recruit? That said this is an enormous hole that is now filled. The benefit of getting an under recruited guy in this situation is that hopefully he acknowledges that Gessel is the guy from day one. Being a back up pg in the Big Ten is still a pretty sweet gig.

To Van's credit, he did say that the Iowa St. commit Georges Niang would be a top 100 guy and that was while he was still a virtual unknown. Turned out Van was right.
Offered Gessel the position? Really, is that how it works? Comfortable as a backup? Ok now I know what you are saying. I think you are getting too caught up in the "rankings" here.

Some of you realize that the kid verballed to EMU on Aug 16th, right? Here is a quote from him following the verbal: They told me I could come in and play, and that there probably won’t be a better situation. Coach Murphy, I know he’s a winner, and I’d like to be a winner with him. [EMU's losing record] was another part. I wanted to be part of the reason why they turned their program around.

This doesn't sound like a kid that wants to ride the pine for 4 or 5 years while he's at Iowa.

Competition is going to build the team The staff knows what they are doing. Enough of this, 'hand the keys to a commit and hope it works out.'
The whole happy being a back-up thing is funny. Fran's system is going to require 2 PGs who play a bunch of minutes. If one can flat out D, awesome.

Couldn't agree more. Anyone who remembers Eric Snow at Michigan State knows you can have a huge impact on the game solely at the defensive end of the floor. Through his junior year Eric Snow was an average offensive player on a good day (much better as a senior). But from the day he stepped on a Big Ten court he absolutely locked down his man as a defender.
The whole happy being a back-up thing is funny. Fran's system is going to require 2 PGs who play a bunch of minutes. If one can flat out D, awesome.

If I said happy as a back up then that is not exactly what I was trying to get out. I just mean that this signing isn't something that will spook Gessel. I understand that both players will come in and try to start. They should both expect to receive major minutes, but in all likelihood Gessel will get the majority of these. Now that Fran is actually fielding an entire team made of Big Ten caliber players some guys won't play. That means that every recruit won't see the floor when better players (Gessel) are in front of them. There is nothing wrong with being an energy guy off the bench.

Fran started recruiting Gessel long before this summer, so that isn't correct at all. He made Woodbury and Gessel 1A and 1B which was pretty easy since they are from the same metro and the same AAU team.
I love players that really embrace and excel at the defensive part of the game. Good defense creates many easy scoring opportunities for the team and I think this kid will fit perfectly into the system. I wasn't blown away by his highlight video, but I'm sure Fran had the opportunity to see what this kid really has to offer and I am confident this kid has great ability.
Oi.....Bawinkle. Don't remind me. You aren't seriously comparing those recruits to the 2012'ers are you?
in the eyes of the media, this is so much better, this class has to top 100, one of which is in the top 50, so lick's 1st class is not even close, and this technically Fran's third class AND all of Fran's recruits are staying, hell even Paine turned out to be a quitter
I remember us all being excited about Lickliters first class as well (Fuller,Tucker,Brommer,Davis,Bawinkle)

And Gatens.

I think Tucker and Fuller also could have both been excellent players. Unfortunately, one couldn't stay out of the bars and the other was looking for the fastest train out of town after 2 years with Lick.
Good get, because we need depth at point. I think one important thing that isn't being mentioned very much is this; as Fran continues to transform our program, the style of play will keep evolving and we will see it happen this next year. When we hired Fran everyone said, "now we're an up tempo team, fast-break team" but honestly, we didn't really see that to a big extent. This is no ones fault, nor is it a bad thing, but we were just playing with who/what we had. The style of play was not an immediate transformation.
As Fran continues to recruit, this change will happen dramatically. So, with that being said, this kid is a good get because we need athletic depth at guard (and obviously all positions) in order to push tempo. We can't have a "Bryce Cartwright" style one man show and be effective.
However, watching the highlight tape, does this kid look good? He is very quick and seemingly fast, maybe he has a good handle. I've read from everybody else that he really isn't a highlight-tape kind of player, instead more of a defensive specialist (lockdown perimeter defender). If true, this is great. But he doesn't look that impressive in the youtube video, at all. It seems to me like we have all of these scholarships to burn and we just gave one to a kid that isn't that special. Now, he is probably like 17 years old, and how good will he be when he's 20? Maybe he is like a mike henderson type player. Who know? All I'm saying is, we have a passionate fan base with the gift of being able to excite our own interest in our teams. And I think, that's what happening here. He doesn't seem like an impressive commit right now, yet everyone seems so excited. Let's put this player in perspective.
I remember us all being excited about Lickliters first class as well (Fuller,Tucker,Brommer,Davis,Bawinkle)

Wrong. Those of us who looked at this group that had zero offers from high division 1 schools,were not excited. Gatens,who committed to SA not lick, was the only recruit that did have interest from non-mid major in that class.

No, it was an extremely disappointing critical large class assembled by Lick,and anyone with any objectivity could see it very clearly. I knew this guy was never going to make it in the Big Ten when this class was announced.

Fran is a living,breathing,high-division one bb coach for the 21st century.
Lick fit better at Butler,before their recent surge into the 21st century. I see that they signed a 4 star recruit for 2013...Lick would not even fit in at Butler,now.