McCaffery Adds Michigan Point Guard to the Fold


Lansing, Michigan point guard Anthony Clemmons has verbally committed to the Iowa basketball program according to Rob Howe. Clemmons is a6-1 point guard and plays for J.W. Sexton High School. Read Howe's free interview with Clemmons at this link. showed Clemmons to have offers from Detroit, Eastern Michigan, Northern Illinois and Western Michigan. He visited Iowa City on Saturday and took in the Iowa-Louisiana-Monroe football game. He sent out a tweet late on Saturday night saying that it would not be his last visit to Iowa City.

Clemmons wears #5 for the red team in the video below,thought it's not the best edited highlight video I have seen.

To date, Clemmons has gained attention more for his defensive skills, though referred to him as an underrated offensive player.

As a junior, he averaged 12.3 points, 4.6 rebounds, 4.1 assists and 3.2 steals per game.

Clemmons has been overshadowed a bit on his own team as Denzel Valentine is a shooting guard, and one of the Top 100 players in the nation . The two play for the Michigan Mustangs AAU team and Clemmons turned in a solid summer. He had committed to Eastern Michigan in mid-August but backed away from that commitment before month's end.

Clemmons joins point guard Mike Gesell, center Adam Woodbury, forward Kyle Meyer and two-guard Patrick Ingram as members of Iowa's 2011-2012 recruiting class. It is believed that Iowa has one more scholarship to award this year should they choose to do so.

[ame=]2012 Lansing Sexton Anthony Clemmons vs Waverly 2-25-2011 - YouTube[/ame]
Nice get. Not a lot of stars, but excellent defender and a guy who seems to fit FM's vision for PGs. Will complement Gesell nicely. We needed this kind of player.

So, who gets the final scholly? Does FM bank it, or perhaps get a player during the spring period?
Ingram also has the defensive reputation, though Van Coleman thinks his offense is underrated and thinks he is a potential Top 100...Gesell can supply more of a scoring point role.
I actually want Fran to use the final scholarship, if the opportunity is right, because it would be nice to actually have a full roster for once.
why so he can sit on the bench, as Fran even at Seinna, never went 13 deep, i just hope this is not a indication of a coach that recruit players, then cuts the players if they don't produce, i want 2 -3 for next year as that class is loaded with guards and forwards, also i want a team that gets to stay for awhile rather than a team that gets to stay because they produce
I actually want Fran to use the final scholarship, if the opportunity is right, because it would be nice to actually have a full roster for once.

I can think of one "right" opportunity just up the road from IC. Long-shot, not likely to happen. But boy would that be sweet.
why so he can sit on the bench, as Fran even at Seinna, never went 13 deep, i just hope this is not a indication of a coach that recruit players, then cuts the players if they don't produce, i want 2 -3 for next year as that class is loaded with guards and forwards, also i want a team that gets to stay for awhile rather than a team that gets to stay because they produce

We need two point guards no matter who they are. Now we have MG and Clemmons.
why so he can sit on the bench, as Fran even at Seinna, never went 13 deep, i just hope this is not a indication of a coach that recruit players, then cuts the players if they don't produce, i want 2 -3 for next year as that class is loaded with guards and forwards, also i want a team that gets to stay for awhile rather than a team that gets to stay because they produce

I understand your thought process, but here is my take. If Iowa were to secure a player like Charles Mitchell, then take him. If Iowa only has one scholarship for the 2013 class and Peter Jok is healthy, focus all attention on him to get him. There was an article that said, if healthy, Jok will mean more to Iowa high school basketball than Harrison Barnes, pretty big compliment.
I don't see Iowa going 13 deep and I also wouldn't see some of the current players seeing the floor if the players Iowa has coming in for the 2012 class live up to thier billing. Also, don't rule out the utilization of the redshirt, the staff can develop players, so it is also an option.

On the Clemmons commitment, this is huge and that may be an understatement, Marble can play wing and become great. Iowa won't have to worry about injuries, unless two people get hurt. Ingram can solely focus on one position and develop into a nice player. Iowa will be able to go two or three deep at each position without having one player flip flop and cover if an injury happens.
the pg addition is a given, but we are in on a few G and F next year if we have to be full i like a staggering of classes, 3-3-3-4, that way we don't have a major loss of 6 players in one year and have 1 scholly in another
Ingram also has the defensive reputation, though Van Coleman thinks his offense is underrated and thinks he is a potential Top 100...Gesell can supply more of a scoring point role.

Has Van Coleman ever had a bad thing to say about an Iowa recruit? That said this is an enormous hole that is now filled. The benefit of getting an under recruited guy in this situation is that hopefully he acknowledges that Gessel is the guy from day one. Being a back up pg in the Big Ten is still a pretty sweet gig.
the pg addition is a given, but we are in on a few G and F next year if we have to be full i like a staggering of classes, 3-3-3-4, that way we don't have a major loss of 6 players in one year and have 1 scholly in another

That is the least of my worries at this point. If Iowa can put together a great recruiting class that will play together for four years, then it will hurt nothing. Iowa needs players now, it is too bad these kids aren't going to be on the floor for the coming season. Also, if Iowa does get someone else for this class, it will not surprise me to see them, when the time comes, fill in some of the spots with a JUCO or two to even out the years from there. But really, there is no sense in talking about this now, I want to see Iowa win games now and I think most everyone else feels the same way. There is no need to worry about the 2013 class, there will be one scholarship available for sure, any beyond that is a bonus. Again, I will remind you that the redshirt will potentially be in play.
You know what, I would have no issues with it filled since there would be no need to worry every flippin Spring how many open scholarships there were going to be for the next season.
we lose 4 this year and had those 4 replaced by sept 15th, the days of scratching and clawing out a recruit at the last minute are over, its time to look and plan the future this team is going to be good now, not 3-4 years down the road
Excellent post, sportstalent, take a premier player if available, if not hold the scholarship. Peter Jok is the main target and might be ours to lose if everything I hear is true. Fran is doing it probably the only possible way imaginable, considering the hole we we were in, he had to get a quality homegrown recruit and Josh Oglesby achieved that goal. Then the only chance we had was to identify the under the radar recruits, and that is where Fran excelled. Aaron White, Myers, Olaseni, Ingram, and now Clemmons. Not to mention the four star players, Gesell and Woodbury. Simply a remarkable job by Fran and staff. We are on the way.....
Has Van Coleman ever had a bad thing to say about an Iowa recruit? That said this is an enormous hole that is now filled. The benefit of getting an under recruited guy in this situation is that hopefully he acknowledges that Gessel is the guy from day one. Being a back up pg in the Big Ten is still a pretty sweet gig.

Not exactly sure what you are trying to say here. This guy is going to come in and accept that he is a back up just because he is under recruited? I don't think it works that way. I hope he doesn't acknowledge anything.
Excellent! Welcome Mr. Clemmons!

Let the pg competition begin! Nobody will be handed the starting role...they will have to earn it...

On Iowa!
Not exactly sure what you are trying to say here. This guy is going to come in and accept that he is a back up just because he is under recruited? I don't think it works that way. I hope he doesn't acknowledge anything.

I am sure he will ignore that Fran has basically offered Gessel the position for the past two summers from day 1. All I am saying is that you need someone who will be comfortable as a back up. There is nothing wrong with that at all. It is not often that you have to get two point guards in the same class so it would be tough to get another highly ranked player who could make Gessel angry.

I hope he is a diamond in the rough. But if he isn't, no big deal. Now Fran gets to be highly selective with the remaining scholarship this year while also looking forward to the 13 and 14 classes even more.
I am sure he will ignore that Fran has basically offered Gessel the position for the past two summers from day 1. All I am saying is that you need someone who will be comfortable as a back up. There is nothing wrong with that at all. It is not often that you have to get two point guards in the same class so it would be tough to get another highly ranked player who could make Gessel angry.

I hope he is a diamond in the rough. But if he isn't, no big deal. Now Fran gets to be highly selective with the remaining scholarship this year while also looking forward to the 13 and 14 classes even more.

Offered Gessel the position? Really, is that how it works? Comfortable as a backup? Ok now I know what you are saying. I think you are getting too caught up in the "rankings" here.