McCabe tweet - rips Iowa fans


Well-Known Member
It's been deleted, but he said something along these lines:

The fact that I got $hit from Iowa fans is suck...go suck a fat one all of you.

Yikes. It's too bad that Iowa fans are ripping the guy, but it's never a good idea to vent on twitter like that.
Yeah...people are ripping on him when it's not his fault he was in that situation to begin with...but really shouldn't vent like that.
yeah, that's a bad idea. but it's also a terrible idea for anonymous people to rip on the kid like they do on twitter. stupid really.
The fact that Iowa fans inside Carver say stuff about their own players is sad; did some students change their comments from Woodbury to McCabe too, like this board?
holy ****. i just took a look at what people are tweeting at him. there's a lot of ****ed up people in the world.
I just think...generally...right or wrong...these players are people that young Hawkeyes idolize...and look up to...and when you have one of them telling all of the fans to "suck a fat one"...that's not the best image for young kids to look up to. McCabe would be better not to validate the Twitter fans with a response.

The argument over whether they should be role models is another story...but the fact is they are...
Social Media is an evil that isn't going anywhere and players have to know that there are crazies with unreal expectations and they have no filter.
Yeah...people are ripping on him when it's not his fault he was in that situation to begin with...but really shouldn't vent like that.

It's not his fault, McCabe plays hard. It's Fran's fault for having him in the game at crunch time or most anytime IMO.

When Fran defends him (as he should), he is really defending his coaching decision to play him.
Three and four years ago he was one of the top 8 in the rotation, not anymore as more talent has come in and others have risen well above him skill wise.
2 of the tweets went like this

" nice 3 at the end of the game...fa...t."

"You're f'n terrible. You came in with Todd's awful recruits. You don't belong on this team. Go ruin someone else's team."

Seriously who the **** does that? It's embarrassing
It's not his fault, McCabe plays hard. It's Fran's fault for having him in the game at crunch time or most anytime IMO.

When Fran defends him (as he should), he is really defending his coaching decision to play him.
Three and four years ago he was one of the top 8 in the rotation, not anymore as more talent has come in and others have risen well above him skill wise.

Right, that's what I was saying...I never thought he was a great player...but it wasn't for lack of effort...and our cupboard was bare, we needed bodies. Not everyone is blessed with the same talent level (and the kid is a heck of a lot more talented than I, or any of us on this forum probably, considering he found a team willing to foot the education bill for him)

That Fran still looks to him in crunch time in the big games is the thing people should be questioning. And Fran gets paid to take the heat and criticism...just like Kirk does. If you want to blame starts with the head hawk in Carver hawkeye.
I only regret that he took it down - a pretty healthy % of the Hawkeye fan base needs to hear it loud & clear, unfortunately.

As far as ripping players @ the collegiate level, I think 95% of it falls under 2 categories:

1) You're young and have some maturing to do (it's regrettable, but I've been there first hand)
2) You're a loser & would rather take it out on the 21 yr old kid for missing a shot/dropping a pass/whatever than come to grips with your own life.
Embarrassing for McCabe and Hawkeye fans. Just embarrassing all around.

You should always stay away from twitter after having a bad game.
I think it's terrible the way Iowa fans have acted in general this season. It's been beyond embarrassing. From constantly crying about officiating to attacking our own players, we've become the joke fan base of the BIG.

Having said that, McCabe's reaction will further cement a lot of fans' feelings about him. As much as it sucks, as a player you must ignore the critisism and steer away from the victim mentality. You won't change opinions on social media. That can only be done on the court.