McCabe jailed for assault

You know this is finally an interesting discussion. The distinction between physical and verbal abuse is being questioned as evidence of neural damage from verbal abuse is being discovered.

This calls into question the Descartian mind/body dualism. The old sticks and stones thinking is now about as sound as thinking the world is flat. Science lets us know better.

The issue is how do we determine the extent of neural damage in respect to certain amounts of verbal abuse? Is a nasty tweet the same as a physical push, that affects the person's physical state, but doesn't leave a mark? Is a systematic campaign of abuse the same as giving someone a black eye?

What we do know is that the psychological impact of verbal abuse is much more long lasting than physical abuse.

Boys have traditionally set physical boundaries in response to verbal abuse, perhaps if we thought of it as a physical response to a neural physical harm, we would see things differently. Also, if we considered that certain physical harms done to the body could be more focused on neural abuse, we might be able to determine whether a physical response might be more or less legitimate.

The problem is physical responses have become deamonized, while verbal abuse, with the exception of hate speach, has not.

McCabe could probably fight this using the First Amendment, specifically the part about fighting words that has been established through the courts.

That said, he's still an idiot. Why a college athlete on a major university campus would even think about having a Twitter account is beyond me. At least Facebook can be controlled. But the entire world can take potshots at you on Twitter.
Carr & Jack you guys have a much deeper knowledge than me in this area it seems. I know you cant go around hitting people even when they deserve it. As for the other effects you are talking about Im really not qualified to speak to. I have just lived by the rule life is tough and sometimes you have to suck it up and ignore the idiots. Not saying you are wrong. Its just a different world than I grew up in
Carr & Jack you guys have a much deeper knowledge than me in this area it seems. I know you cant go around hitting people even when they deserve it. As for the other effects you are talking about Im really not qualified to speak to. I have just lived by the rule life is tough and sometimes you have to suck it up and ignore the idiots. Not saying you are wrong. Its just a different world than I grew up in

Agree. Unfortunately it seems like there more and more idiots each passing day...
I personally consider the messages to Zach, Hate Speech, far from complimentary comments, Very Far. As difficult as it must be for a college student to drop twitter, and I imagine the majority of college students use twitter, facebook, etc, Zach should have dropped it immediately after the Wisconsin game.....

Nonetheless, I approve of him decking the punk who interfered with his conversation with a woman in a bar after posting, F*** You P**** a few minutes before.....

Wonder if he put his hands on Zach to separate him from the woman he was having a heated discussion with. Police advise otherwise.....

I also wonder if Zach was reading his twitter account while having a discussion with the mysterious woman.....

There is also the timing of hateful tweets. After the Wisconsin game the team must have felt devastated, and to be hit with hateful remarks even before the game ended would be difficult to handle. Not every young person is well adjusted and composed enough to overlook such hatred and delete their account before replying, especially after such a closely contested game against a bitter rival and final four team.....
I would imagine Zach has left twitter behind now.....

I sincerely hope he comes through this incident alright. Actually, all he did was put a punk on the floor in an IC bar, blew him a kiss and walked out the door. He didn't put the boots to him. He rid himself of an obnoxious pest and went home....

It would be nice if he really rid himself of the obnoxious pest, but the guy doesn't seem to be the kind of person that will let the incident go. He will want his pound of flesh, and McCabe is going to have to live with it for a long time. Its pretty hard to imagine all the things McCabe has gone through with a few idiots the last couple of years. McCabe is probably only 22 years old, and I remember what it was like to be 22.
Tired of this thread. Page long blah blah blahs and rants about social media. Truth is maccabe is a good dude and no I dont know him nor have I even met him. Basketball aside every person that went to college had a mccabe type friend. He has too much to drink? You got his back no matter what. I drink too much and start something I know I can't finish bc im stupid....he shows up and has my back.
It would be nice if he really rid himself of the obnoxious pest, but the guy doesn't seem to be the kind of person that will let the incident go. He will want his pound of flesh, and McCabe is going to have to live with it for a long time. Its pretty hard to imagine all the things McCabe has gone through with a few idiots the last couple of years. McCabe is probably only 22 years old, and I remember what it was like to be 22.

Day of Reckoning:

A time when the effects of one's past mistakes or misdeeds catch up with one.....

Ask and you shall receive:

Man sees someone in a college bar whom he hates, notices him arguing with a woman, knows that he probably has his smart phone turned on. Tweets him a message: F*** You P****; waits about 8 minutes or so and confronts the person he tweeted and his companion, against the advice of every policeman in America, and gets punched for his aggressive attitude. Man who punches him, blows him a kiss and goes home.....

What would one expect Zach to do. say, I'm sorry and leave. Wonder what sort of messages he would receive after that solution.....

After that Kase receives two tweets: One says: Were you there.....

The other is Kase responding: He hit me, Ha Ha.....

Sounds like he thought it was funny.....

Social media has a nasty evil side to it. High School girls being harassed by their classmates to the point of committing suicide.....

Kase took this one a little too far confronting Zach in person, especially after sending another nasty tweet.....

He certainly was the aggressor in this case. I don't know anyone who would accept such behavior......

There are those who are shocked that Zach would resort to such barbaric behavior, in the act of preserving one's self respect when directly confronted in a bar.....

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Tired of this thread. Page long blah blah blahs and rants about social media. Truth is maccabe is a good dude and no I dont know him nor have I even met him. Basketball aside every person that went to college had a mccabe type friend. He has too much to drink? You got his back no matter what. I drink too much and start something I know I can't finish bc im stupid....he shows up and has my back.

So you don't know him but you know exactly how he is?

What I "know" of him is that he was not that good of a basketball player and he becomes a big baby when someone tells him that.
Day of Reckoning:

A time when the effects of one's past mistakes or misdeeds catch up with one.....

Ask and you shall receive:

Man sees someone in a college bar whom he hates, notices him arguing with a woman, knows that he probably has his smart phone turned on. Tweets him a message: F*** You P****; waits about 8 minutes or so and confronts the person he tweeted and his companion, against the advice of every policeman in America, and gets punched for his aggressive attitude. Man who punches him, blows him a kiss and goes home.....

What would one expect Zach to do. say, I'm sorry and leave. Wonder what sort of messages he would receive after that solution.....

After that Kase receives two tweets: One says: Were you there.....

The other is Kase responding: He hit me, Ha Ha.....

Sounds like he thought it was funny.....

Social media has a nasty evil side to it. High School girls being harassed by their classmates to the point of committing suicide.....

Kase took this one a little too far confronting Zach in person, especially after sending another nasty tweet.....

He certainly was the aggressor in this case. I don't know anyone who would accept such behavior......

There are those who are shocked that Zach would resort to such barbaric behavior, in the act of preserving one's self respect when directly confronted in a bar.....


And this is why McCabe sucked at basketball. He wasn't particularly skilled, but it was his role to be the enforcer on the team. The problem with that is that usually the enforcer is the one that gets into the heads of the other team, rather than having all of the fans and opponents in his head.
And this is why McCabe sucked at basketball. He wasn't particularly skilled, but it was his role to be the enforcer on the team. The problem with that is that usually the enforcer is the one that gets into the heads of the other team, rather than having all of the fans and opponents in his head.

Maybe this is just hyperbole on your part, but McCabe doesn't suck at basketball. Is he a highly skilled NBA talent level player? No. But he is a good basketball player with a good skill set that was a role player for Iowa and he played his role well.

And Jack is right, to a large degree, that because social media so prevelent and ingrained into today's society, tweets are essentially a live conversation. It is very difficult to judge a person's reaction that has been confronted, face-to-face, by another person. In this case, it appears not only did the guy tweet McCabe while they are in the same room, he then personally confronted McCabe, interrupting a highly personal and distressful situation. Yeah, I'd be ******, too. The guy that got punched acted like a typical instigator. When you do that, you get what you get and you (usually) deserve what you get.
Maybe this is just hyperbole on your part, but McCabe doesn't suck at basketball. Is he a highly skilled NBA talent level player? No. But he is a good basketball player with a good skill set that was a role player for Iowa and he played his role well.

And Jack is right, to a large degree, that because social media so prevelent and ingrained into today's society, tweets are essentially a live conversation. It is very difficult to judge a person's reaction that has been confronted, face-to-face, by another person. In this case, it appears not only did the guy tweet McCabe while they are in the same room, he then personally confronted McCabe, interrupting a highly personal and distressful situation. Yeah, I'd be ******, too. The guy that got punched acted like a typical instigator. When you do that, you get what you get and you (usually) deserve what you get.

He did play his role well until he let everyone into his head. Then he sucked terribly and played a major role in derailing the season.

Maybe, since McCabe has proven that violence is his only solution, this guy took the punch so the girl didn't eventually have to. It is clear to me that this dude got the expected result, which only proves my point at how mentally weak McCabe is.
He did play his role well until he let everyone into his head. Then he sucked terribly and played a major role in derailing the season.

Maybe, since McCabe has proven that violence is his only solution, this guy took the punch so the girl didn't eventually have to. It is clear to me that this dude got the expected result, which only proves my point at how mentally weak McCabe is.

* That is a generalization. So, unless you know that McCabe punches every single person he comes in contact with (this is an exaggeration to prove a point), you can't take one event and make that the defacto course of action he always takes. Are you aware of other instances where McCabe has punched someone?
* This is an assumption. Do you have proof of a history of physical abuse by McCabe towards this girl, or, against women in general?
* If, when you were 18-22, you lived your life in the public eye and the fishbowl that is Iowa City, and fielded angry, demeaning, aggressive and inflamatory confrontations from "fans" and never lashed out, physically or verbally, then I would grant you credence on this point. But if you didn't, then all I can say is wait to pass judgement on another persons actions, until you walk a mile in another man's shoes.
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Maybe this is just hyperbole on your part, but McCabe doesn't suck at basketball. Is he a highly skilled NBA talent level player? No. But he is a good basketball player with a good skill set that was a role player for Iowa and he played his role well.

And Jack is right, to a large degree, that because social media so prevelent and ingrained into today's society, tweets are essentially a live conversation. It is very difficult to judge a person's reaction that has been confronted, face-to-face, by another person. In this case, it appears not only did the guy tweet McCabe while they are in the same room, he then personally confronted McCabe, interrupting a highly personal and distressful situation. Yeah, I'd be ******, too. The guy that got punched acted like a typical instigator. When you do that, you get what you get and you (usually) deserve what you get.

Very well put, Arveda.....

Very well put, Arveda.....


Thank you, Jack. I don't think anyone has or is condoning throwing punches, unless it is a last resort. But sometimes, you do reach that point, and since it is most likely that none of us were there, we shouldn't judge it; particularly with no evidence this is a pattern of behavior. Then, I don't understand how some folks are drawing a parrallel line of McCabe's basketball skill level to throwing a punch. :confused:
* That is a generalization. So, unless you know that McCabe punches every single person he comes in contact with (this is an exaggeration to prove a point), you can't take one event and make that the defacto course of action he always takes. Are you aware of other instances where McCabe has punched someone?
* This is an assumption. Do you have proof of a history of physical abuse by McCabe towards this girl, or, against women in general?
* If, when you were 18-22, you lived your life in the public eye and the fishbowl that is Iowa City, and fielded angry, demeaning, aggressive and inflamatory confrontations from "fans" and never lashed out, physically or verbally, then I would grant you credence on this point. But if you didn't, then all I can say is wait to pass judgement on another persons actions, until you walk a mile in another man's shoes.

Words of Wisdom Well Put, Arvada....

* That is a generalization. So, unless you know that McCabe punches every single person he comes in contact with (this is an exaggeration to prove a point), you can't take one event and make that the defacto course of action he always takes. Are you aware of other instances where McCabe has punched someone?
* This is an assumption. Do you have proof of a history of physical abuse by McCabe towards this girl, or, against women in general?
* If, when you were 18-22, you lived your life in the public eye and the fishbowl that is Iowa City, and fielded angry, demeaning, aggressive and inflamatory confrontations from "fans" and never lashed out, physically or verbally, then I would grant you credence on this point. But if you didn't, then all I can say is wait to pass judgement on another persons actions, until you walk a mile in another man's shoes.

I don't think you have to have walked in his shoes in order to realize that you don't pull something like this. If a guy walks up and starts talking ****, by all means, feel free to tell that guy to GTFO of your face. But you don't deck the guy. Plenty of Iowa athletes have come and gone without punching people who talk **** to them. By "plenty," I mean damn near all of them.

Besides that, he's giving people an easy avenue to get under his skin. Did he really think, after his last Twitter incident, that it would be all better just a couple months later and people wouldn't say anything to him when he brought his account back? He'd have been better off wearing a kick me sign on his back.
I don't think you have to have walked in his shoes in order to realize that you don't pull something like this. If a guy walks up and starts talking ****, by all means, feel free to tell that guy to GTFO of your face. But you don't deck the guy. Plenty of Iowa athletes have come and gone without punching people who talk **** to them. By "plenty," I mean damn near all of them.

Besides that, he's giving people an easy avenue to get under his skin. Did he really think, after his last Twitter incident, that it would be all better just a couple months later and people wouldn't say anything to him when he brought his account back? He'd have been better off wearing a kick me sign on his back.

tm, we disagree on the part of your statement I bolded.
Its not like this kid was just walking by and ZM clocked him. He wanted ZM to do something. ZM did and now he will have to deal. Im suprise thats all that fool got. At that age when my light got to green it would have been more than one punch and a blown kiss.

You know what the fans need this every once in a while. Just like when a dude runs out onto a baseball field and starts something he needs to get wrecked. Or when a dude robs somebody and gets shot. It keeps people in check. Once the average dbag thinks he can get away with anything thats when you see dorky kid that couldnt play sports get all cocky with a real athlete this happens. Did anyone see what happened to the fat kid that ran on the court during the piston and pacers fight? Yeah fatty got knocked out. Its gets to the point where Americans sitting behind there tv and computer thing they can do a whole lot more than they can and I for one like it when the Zach McCabes of the world blow them a kiss and say not today buttercup.

I bet 75% of us would have punched the dude at that point in our lives. Now being 29 there is almost no chance Id hit the guy(but at my age I should never be in a bar that gets crazy enough for a fight to happen). Most people on this site are acting as if ZM is our age. Hes not.

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