Marcus Smart shoves a fan

There has to be zero tolerance for this kind of behavior. No matter what a moronic fan says, you can't allow players to go after a fan. You simply can't open Pandora's Box on this one. If a player goes after the wrong fan, in the wrong crowd, on the wrong night, you could end up with a riot on your hands. Once that invisible barrier between fan and athlete is broken, the potential is there for all hell to break loose. I expect them to come down extremely hard on Marcus Smart for this simple reason. An example will be made.

I also think there should be zero tolerance with "fans." If a player can get T'd and tossed, fans should too. When he shouted that F Bomb and made the offensive gesture against TAMU, he should have been tossed. Seriously, I hate fans shouting obscenities and making obscene gestures at games. I actually have had to move when I have taken my kids to games and that behavior is going on around me.

The thing is there is virtually no recourse in dealing with it. So, if Smart's actions draw attention to this idiot and his antics, I am all for it. Supposedly, he travels thousands of miles to support Tech hoops. I expect his travels won't be very pleasant in the future.

Here's the problem. Suspend Smart and this fan's behavior is rewarded. Don't suspend Smart and you condone bad player behavior. Think what Bowlsby needs to do is suspend both. The fan might not like it, but he should go along with it for the good of the game.
I also think there should be zero tolerance with "fans." If a player can get T'd and tossed, fans should too. When he shouted that F Bomb and made the offensive gesture against TAMU, he should have been tossed. Seriously, I hate fans shouting obscenities and making obscene gestures at games. I actually have had to move when I have taken my kids to games and that behavior is going on around me.

The thing is there is virtually no recourse in dealing with it. So, if Smart's actions draw attention to this idiot and his antics, I am all for it. Supposedly, he travels thousands of miles to support Tech hoops. I expect his travels won't be very pleasant in the future.

Here's the problem. Suspend Smart and this fan's behavior is rewarded. Don't suspend Smart and you condone bad player behavior. Think what Bowlsby needs to do is suspend both. The fan might not like it, but he should go along with it for the good of the game.

Sticks and stones...
It doesn't matter what words were said, Smart was dumb. The fan was being a fan, smart was looking for someone to fight that wasn't kicking his *** like every team in the big12 seems to be.
I also think there should be zero tolerance with "fans." If a player can get T'd and tossed, fans should too. When he shouted that F Bomb and made the offensive gesture against TAMU, he should have been tossed. Seriously, I hate fans shouting obscenities and making obscene gestures at games. I actually have had to move when I have taken my kids to games and that behavior is going on around me.

The thing is there is virtually no recourse in dealing with it. So, if Smart's actions draw attention to this idiot and his antics, I am all for it. Supposedly, he travels thousands of miles to support Tech hoops. I expect his travels won't be very pleasant in the future.

Here's the problem. Suspend Smart and this fan's behavior is rewarded. Don't suspend Smart and you condone bad player behavior. Think what Bowlsby needs to do is suspend both. The fan might not like it, but he should go along with it for the good of the game.

Sticks and stones...
It doesn't matter what words were said, Smart was dumb. The fan was being a fan, smart was looking for someone to fight that wasn't kicking his *** like every team in the big12 seems to be.

Sticks and stones is an uniformed response. There is ample data indicating that verbal abuse has longer lasting negative results than physical abuse. Look at the data of child and teen suicides. These kids kill themselves because of words, not sticks and stones. There is also ample data indicating that verbal abuse is a precursor to physical abuse. Beyond this, psychologists are now starting to realize that males establishing physical boundaries with other males who abuse them verbally is positively correlated with confidence and achievement.

In essence, sticks and stones was a cute saying, but research indicates it is faulty reasoning.

However, judging by the verbal abuse (use of obscenity) in your response, it makes sense that you might react as you did to the situation.

One thing that might be useful is to google Infante's research on verbal aggression.
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Sticks and stones is an uniformed response. There is ample data indicating that verbal abuse has longer lasting negative results than physical abuse. Look at the data of child and teen suicides. These kids kill themselves because of words, not sticks and stones. There is also ample data indicating that verbal abuse is a precursor to physical abuse. Beyond this, psychologists are now starting to realize that males establishing physical boundaries with other males who abuse them verbally is positively correlated with confidence and achievement.

In essence, sticks and stones was a cute saying, but research indicates it is faulty reasoning.

Now you have jumped the shark. Was this at a junior high basketball game? You might have just won the crazy post award.
Now you have jumped the shark. Was this at a junior high basketball game? You might have just won the crazy post award.
I was responding to someone using the outmoded comment of "sticks and stones" as reasoning.

I provided clear support to indicate why that thinking is no longer valid.

However, I would say this particular 'fan' does have a tendency to act like less than an adult. That is why I think he needs a bit of a 'time out.'

I get it, you think it is fine for fans to shout obscenities and make obscene gestures. We will just have to agree to disagree on that one.
I was responding to someone using the outmoded comment of "sticks and stones" as reasoning.

I provided clear support to indicate why that thinking is no longer valid.

However, I would say this particular 'fan' does have a tendency to act like less than an adult. That is why I think he needs a bit of a 'time out.'

I get it, you think it is fine for fans to shout obscenities and make obscene gestures. We will just have to agree to disagree on that one.

So in your expert psychological opinion, words should be met with violence to teach a lesson.

Btw, you provided clear support of nothing. Words can start a war, but we aren't going to hold this guy responsible for the next war, so you bringing in psychological studies about kids killing themselves is just asinine.
Smart didn't shove anyone. The fan flopped.

It was a tribute to Marcus.
Simple thing is there are reasons that I can't stand fans (the ones in which the name is given...fanatic). They think the game is inclusive of them and over step how they should act.
I was responding to someone using the outmoded comment of "sticks and stones" as reasoning.

I provided clear support to indicate why that thinking is no longer valid.

However, I would say this particular 'fan' does have a tendency to act like less than an adult. That is why I think he needs a bit of a 'time out.'

I get it, you think it is fine for fans to shout obscenities and make obscene gestures. We will just have to agree to disagree on that one.

& you are apparently fine with players shoving fans...

You don't even know what that fan said or did....
I need to know what was said by the fan(Orr). It does appear that Smart has a quick temper and now would be a good time to try and get a hold of it before it escalates into something a lot worse.

I remember back in the late 80's Steve Kerr was playing for Arizona and his father had been just killed in the Middle East, he was playing at ASU when fans started shouting, 'Where's your Daddy?'. Kerr handled it with class, it was just one of the moments when i realized fans will say anything and everything. Now with all this information at our disposal, fan behavior seems to be getting worse.
& you are apparently fine with players shoving fans...

You don't even know what that fan said or did....

Actually, I said both Smart and the fan should both be suspended. Surprisingly, I just heard Seth Greenberg and Mike Lupica say the same thing. But I guess a bunch of Tavernhawks know better.
The only one that rewarded the fans behavior was smart. He validated the fan by being such a mental midget.
Fanatics, think they have every right to do whatever they want just because they paid for a ticket. That two chinned fool is lucky Smart didn't right cross him and his 300 lb wife.

Not a smart move by Smart stooping to the level of a guy who should be on "The Biggest Loser" but sometimes in the life the clown with the big mouth needs to eat a fist to shut it up.

Disappointed he didn't roundhouse that old snard in his chinz..or those 2 clucking henz
Fanatics, think they have every right to do whatever they want just because they paid for a ticket. That two chinned fool is lucky Smart didn't right cross him and his 300 lb wife.

Not a smart move by Smart stooping to the level of a guy who should be on "The Biggest Loser" but sometimes in the life the clown with the big mouth needs to eat a fist to shut it up.

So according to reports Orr said "Go back to Africa n*****." If that happened then I applaud Smart for his restraint. He should have caved that old man's face in.
Fanatics, think they have every right to do whatever they want just because they paid for a ticket. That two chinned fool is lucky Smart didn't right cross him and his 300 lb wife.

Not a smart move by Smart stooping to the level of a guy who should be on "The Biggest Loser" but sometimes in the life the clown with the big mouth needs to eat a fist to shut it up.

You're one of "those" people...
So in your expert psychological opinion, words should be met with violence to teach a lesson.

Btw, you provided clear support of nothing. Words can start a war, but we aren't going to hold this guy responsible for the next war, so you bringing in psychological studies about kids killing themselves is just asinine.

When someone continually attacks you with verbal assaults, setting physical boundaries may in fact be the correct response. The sticks and stones perspective was something that someone pulled out of thin air. It's simplicity made sense to common people, as simple things often do. It also fit with the "talk it out" counseling perspective that pervaded middle-class America over the last third of the last century. Like any predominant ideology, it just seemed natural, so nobody actually thought to test if the idea was in fact founded on any solid grounds. Accordingly, schools developed zero tolerance policies on physical violence.

However, if you look at things like Iowa named chair Professor Leslie Baxter's work on the manner by which girls exert emotional violence on each other, you quickly realize the no physical altercation policy was a gender biased approach to conflict. Boys push other boys to indicate enough is enough. Girls do things like spread nasty rumors, gang up to insult particular ones on social media and in person, create social isolation, etc. The research shows that one altercation usually solves the issue for boys and they often end up being friends afterward. This is not the case for girls, because their goal is complete social and psychological annihilation. The problem is that we punish boys for dealing with their issues in a fairly effective manner, while we ignore what's going on with girls.

Small wonder that as soon as we see these no-tolerance for physical altercation policies go into effect that boys start falling off the cliff in education.

My sense is that the superfan type feels protected to lash out at the types of boys he was afraid to stand up against in school.
So according to reports Orr said "Go back to Africa n*****." If that happened then I applaud Smart for his restraint. He should have caved that old man's face in.

I love the 'just for men' hair dye job going on too. You ain't fooling anyone buttercup

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