Many of you need a history lesson

who's Luke?

This guys kid.

I lived through Iowa football from 1962-1980. During that 19 year period how many times did Iowa have a winning season? The answer: Zero!! I don't like losses any better than the rest, but let's keep things in perspective. Ferentz and his staff have us on a really fine run and today's loss does not negate that. We were defeated today by an exceptionally fine quarterback who had an exceptionally fine game. Many of you may think like Chicken Little that the sky is falling. I don't agree.

Maybe you need a history lesson. Hayden Fry
Some of you people are just so negative. I am disappointed also, but it is just a game. The problem is that you had such high expecations at the beginning of the year. We have had numerous injuries on both sides of the ball. They still are just young college students. They need your support next week and get back on the winning side.
Some of you people are just so negative. I am disappointed also, but it is just a game. The problem is that you had such high expecations at the beginning of the year. We have had numerous injuries on both sides of the ball. They still are just young college students. They need your support next week and get back on the winning side.

There's nothing wrong with having high expectations. Many of us thought that this could be a big 10 champion caliber team this year. The higher the expectations...the greater the frustration I guess.

However, I agree that the team needs our support next week. Let's hope they can pull off the upset.
Yep, I'll take 8 wins and be thrilled because our program is in such a position where that is cause for celebration! Get a clue. I'm not calling for heads. I just want to see the team play the way they are capable of. I don't care if we were horrible back in your day. We are far above that now. And I don't think you could tell the difference during today's game.

Maybe you need to stop expecting us to be so far above that & then you won't be so disappointed when the team & coaches don't live up to your expectations. Last time I checked these are still college kids, right. For the record "my day" was in the early eighties when we were going to the Rose & Peach Bowls with Chuck Long so I have experienced winning with the Hawks, I just haven't lost sight of the fact that this is Iowa and essentially these are still very young men doing their best! It's pretty easy to sit behind a computer and second guess everything isn't it? Anyway, I'm done here so please carry on with your negativity. I am a little disheartened with the Iowa fanbase right now & it is probably best for me to stay off the boards & be satisfied with our mediocrity all by myself!
Maybe you need to stop expecting us to be so far above that & then you won't be so disappointed when the team & coaches don't live up to your expectations. Last time I checked these are still college kids, right. For the record "my day" was in the early eighties when we were going to the Rose & Peach Bowls with Chuck Long so I have experienced winning with the Hawks, I just haven't lost sight of the fact that this is Iowa and essentially these are still very young men doing their best! It's pretty easy to sit behind a computer and second guess everything isn't it? Anyway, I'm done here so please carry on with your negativity. I am a little disheartened with the Iowa fanbase right now & it is probably best for me to stay off the boards & be satisfied with our mediocrity all by myself!

In a typical year, I'd be more than happy with 8/9 wins. When it at least appeared that we had the talent to get 10/11/12 wins, I'm beyond disappointed with what we're looking at right now. It's not often that we get that special team, and it feels like we squandered an opportunity to have one this year.
If anyone needs a history lesson it's the Iowa coaching staff.

2005- Northwestern- Loss
2006- Northwestern- Loss
2007- Northwestern- Win
2008- Northwestern- Loss
2009- Northwestern- Loss
2010- Northwestern- Loss

More history. Iowa's 21 game winning streak against Northwestern was snapped in 1995. Iowa and Northwestern has faced each other 14 times since and Iowa's record is a smooth 5-9..
We didn't even have a varsity team in the early 1880's when I was in school! You ungrateful bas**rds.
I was a witness to those two decades of Hawkeye futility as well. It was so bad we cheered if we made a first down. They were usually rare... But we didn't have the talent to compete, so there was no blaming the players. And no one expected much as a result.

But things are much different now. Hayden set the bar back where it had been under Evy, and after a few down years when Hayden was ill and Kirk too over, Iowa has enjoyed three decades of successful football. Pretty amazing, really.

Yet this season is a downer. When Iowa has a team capable of being 10-0 right now, but is only 7-3, that's frustrating. It's disappointing. It's unacceptable.

The coaching has been suspect this season, and the facts are there to substantiate that claim. Ineffective coaching has led to all three defeats. We run an end around pass with McNutt missing a wide open receiver while leading MSU 37-6, but we attempt not a SINGLE "trick" play against NW...unless you consider that one middle screen a "trick" play...

Iowa's coaches need a loooooooooong look in the mirror. There's nothing wrong with Iowa's fundamental philosophy, but it must be broadened to provide for less predictability and more flexibility on both sides of the ball. Persa even admitted that game-planning for Iowa is a no-brainer because Iowa always does the same stuff...and as that football guru Dr. Phil never tires of pointing out, "Why do you keep doing the same stuff and expect a different result?" That's the question Iowa's coaching staff needs to answer long before the 2011 season kicks off.
I'm only surprised it took this long for somebody to bring up crap that happened 30-50 years ago.

Exactly Iowa as a whole is content with 7-5,8-4, and an occasional great season, but when you start in the top ten with all the NFL talent this program has turned out 31 currently. My guess is during that 30 year period as posted originally we did not put 31 players total in NFL. We need to expect more from Hawks.
When coaches are paid 3 million a year there are certain things expected. Namely winning. When Iowa doesn't win a lot of people are going to question if our tax payer dollars could be spent better.
Since 1980 Iowa has gotten on the big stage thanks to Hayden and now Kirk, but for this much money people want the next step...To be the Ohio State, Nebraska etc with winning traditions an National championships.
I'm sorry to the OP, but that argument doesn't hold any water. To act as though Kirk Ferentz has made this program is just wrong. Hayden Fry made this program into what it is. Did it drop off at the end of his tenure? Absolutely, but by that time Hayden had made Iowa into a nationally recognized brand. Kirk did a great job of bringing it back, but many coaches could've done the same. Now don't get me wrong, I know Kirk is a good coach, but lets not act like this is 1980 and Kirk made this program, because that credit is really Hayden Fry's. This program is in great shape when you think about it. A top flight stadium, plenty of money funneled into the program, upgraded facilities, rapid fans that pack Kinnick and btw, the ability to pay a coach over 3 million dollars. Iowa is here to stay, this isn't 1970's and the margin for error thing isn't what some want to make. Ask Texas and Florida about that.
You really think that the fans are any different at Ohio State (fans on the verge of calling for Tressel's head just 2 years ago)? Texas (you realy think the fans are taking their awful season in stride?)? Michigan (ran Carr out, on the verge of running out Rich Rod)?

Gee, those programs still get elite players.

This isn't about expecting 11-12 wins every year, at least for me. I'm upset because this team was capable of MUCH more than an 8/9-win season. If the best we had was 7-5, that's fine by me. But when we've got this much talent, I want to see us play to our potential.

That is correct this team has probably 6or7 NFL level players.
When coaches are paid 3 million a year there are certain things expected. Namely winning. When Iowa doesn't win a lot of people are going to question if our tax payer dollars could be spent better.

FAIL. Iowa Football is self-sufficient, NOT ONE TAX DOLLAR is spent to support Iowa Football.
Maybe you ought to take a look at the state population when wondering how they get their elite players and no I don't think their fans are different but I had hoped OUR fans were! I was wrong, obviously. I also know Luke was a good elite coach who said he didn't like being in the Iowa fishbowl!

Lute and the Iowa fishbowl move on!!!!!!! Do you think OSU is a fishbowl it is a massive fishbowl,Alabama, and the list goes on and on stop saying not enough population fish Lute left stop making excuses for Iowa!! Neb has done more with less we pay an elite coach for an avg team period!!!!
I'm sorry, McNutt7gets6. That is just idiotic!

What does the amount the coaching staff makes have to do with anything? Do you think they would do a better job if they made less? Would you not care as much if they made less? You infer that by virtue of how much they make they should perform better? Did it ever dawn on some of you that a coach that is worth his salt puts more pressure on himself than anyone else and as a result the amount of money that anyone with character gets doesn't impact their performance?

You are the same person that would ***** if we didn't pay this coach and then he went elsewhere and we had another coach that REALLY wasn't good. You would then denigrate the AD because he didn't keep this coach and keep him happy.

What you are really saying is that you reserve the right to ***** if you are jealous of what someone makes. Just cut to the chase and say that. I want to ***** at the guy that makes several million dollars and I am an anonymous Internet poster who will say whatever I want to say because no one knows who I am and I don't have to look someone in the eye when I denigrate them so I will say whatever I want whenever I want and it doesn't matter how outlandish the comment is because I am on the Internet and I can say whatever I want and no one can tell me not to.

Well, McNutt7gets6, does it help that I got that off your chest for you.
Actually, jjra...

...we have had numerous injuries at LB. That's it. I will grant that the ground game has suffered a loss. But since we have a pretty reliable guy there it is hard to say that has presented a problem. Although I will say that having 5.7 ypc instead of 4.7 is a big difference and that might be what we would have gotten with Hampton.

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