Mandel's Iowa Thoughts


Well-Known Member
I am interested to see what thoughts Stuart Mandel has if Iowa does beat LSU. He claimed KF was one of the five worst coaches in the nation; and when doing his bowl game predictions he stated that LSU would win because of the massive talent gap between the two teams. So we have an awful coach and no where near the talent of LSU. Its amazing we even got to 8 wins with a horrible coach and a lack of talent.

If we win he will most likely attribute it to LSU not showing up; similar to what many of the LSU fans seem to be doing already. Iowa can only win if LSU isn't into it or doesnt show up. They act like that is an ok approach. Cracks me up.
I believe he tweeted a score prediction of like 24 to 13 LSU and said they have too much talent. Then he was trolled by Iowa fans and then said something to them.
Iowa will keep LSU's score to something respecible, but I don't have confidence in Iowa's offense to keep up
If Iowa does win, he'll say "I guess Iowa fans are happy to pay $4M a year for the outback bowl."
As usual, I have spent about 15 seconds paying attention to anything Mandel says. He is simply another media attention whore.
If Iowa does win, he'll say "I guess Iowa fans are happy to pay $4M a year for the outback bowl."

True, (and he does have somewhat of a point) but I still don't understand why people care about a story a person writes, let alone make a point to call them out on twitter. It's childish at best and just makes the fanbase look bad.
Why do people get so upset when someone picks against Iowa? I don't really get that.

Honestly, if your referring to me and this post, I don't get upset when people pick against Iowa. In fact, logic would lead us to believe in this game a majority of people will be picking against Iowa. I was more interested in if his stance would change if Iowa beats LSU. To sum it up he is stating we have an overrated coach that is one of the worst in the country, and a team that is not talented enough to compete with LSU. So, with less talented players and a coach that isn't good how would he explain it if Iowa won the Outback bowl. That is what I was going for. Not, I can't believe he didn't pick Iowa. As I can understand why he wouldn't.
Honestly, if your referring to me and this post, I don't get upset when people pick against Iowa. In fact, logic would lead us to believe in this game a majority of people will be picking against Iowa. I was more interested in if his stance would change if Iowa beats LSU. To sum it up he is stating we have an overrated coach that is one of the worst in the country, and a team that is not talented enough to compete with LSU. So, with less talented players and a coach that isn't good how would he explain it if Iowa won the Outback bowl. That is what I was going for. Not, I can't believe he didn't pick Iowa. As I can understand why he wouldn't.

Sorry, that wasn't meant to refer to you. I was referring to Iowa fans that trolled him because of his prediction.
Sorry, that wasn't meant to refer to you. I was referring to Iowa fans that trolled him because of his prediction.

You've got it backwards. These media types troll Iowa fans because they know that Iowa is a top 10 program with loyal fans and that by claiming Iowa will lose every game, they get page hits. Now I hate to give him page hits, but I can't let this crap stand. Either give us respect and keep our team out of your crappy blog.
I guess if Iowa somehow pulls it off he could always blame it on the fact LSU forgot how to play in January. You know since they've managed to pull off 1 bowl win the last 4 seasons. If only the horrid KF could find a way to be successful in late December/January.
When he named KF one of the five worst, I pretty much lost any respect for his opinion on all things Football. He is entitled to his opinion. But I know KF is very well respected by Collage A.D. and Collage coaches. NFL G.M.s and NFL coaches. So it leads me to belive he is ignorant on the subject or he was just trying to grab attention.
True, (and he does have somewhat of a point) but I still don't understand why people care about a story a person writes, let alone make a point to call them out on twitter. It's childish at best and just makes the fanbase look bad.

He probably broke the story on DJK too. Like that's a credible source! LOL
When he named KF one of the five worst, I pretty much lost any respect for his opinion on all things Football. He is entitled to his opinion. But I know KF is very well respected by Collage A.D. and Collage coaches. NFL G.M.s and NFL coaches. So it leads me to belive he is ignorant on the subject or he was just trying to grab attention.

Look Kirk is a stand up guy. He demands discipline which I LOVE. Especially in today's environment where these guys wear hair down to their ankles and think the world revolves around the individual.
It's not even that he listed KF in the Top 5 worst coaches. It's more of his reasoning. He said it wasn't about salary, but every time he defended himself he brought up KF's salary and it was one of his main reasons. If he had listed KF as one of the most overpaid he wouldn't of got trolled as much. But to be fair, all the sportswriters get trolled by fans of whomever they write about so I don't know why he was surprised by it.
Mandel probably is right about the talent gap. On paper the game looks one sided. But you never know.

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