Magic Bus replacement denied permit

I needed to keep reading further. Here is another rule new for this year...

"Consumption of alcoholic beverages must cease one hour after game. All tailgating activities in University owned parking lots and ramps must end two hours after the game. Specifically, fans will be asked to pack up tents, tables, chairs, grills, etc. and vacate parking lots and ramps. Post-game alcohol and tailgate compliance will be enforced by UI officials. The only exception to this policy is RV owners, who will be allowed to spend the night, however, tailgating activities will not be permitted."

Also missed the no stand alone speaker rule. That will be interesting if that gets enforced in the donor lots. LOL.
Some of those setups have a crazy amount of speakers.
There have always been laws about where and when you can legally consume alcohol. I can't go to my local park and start slamming beers legally, but every Hawkeye fan thinks that ANY rule enforcement on alcohol is an infringement on their rights to be jackasses.

This is ******* stupid! I hope there is a massive revolt if they try to enforce this ****.

Viva la revolution!!
Not a huge fan of these rules but I'll reserve judgement until the first gameday to see how hard they crack down on some of this stuff. I just think there are going to be way too many people for them to crack down on for the open container rule.
Some people really need to get a life, this is going to hurt the football team??? really?

Everyone on this board is aware that Ohio State doesn't allow alcohol on school property, right? That team really seems to be hurting, getting fans to come to games and playing well.

People really need to grow up and realize that this isn't a big deal and is just one more thing for people to ***** about.

People need to grow up? It is my choice not to attend games (no donation, no purchasing tickets, no spending $330 for a hotel room) if i feel like i am being policed like a criminal. If you don't think donors will be upset, if you don't think season ticket holders will be upset, and if you don't think casual tailgaters will be upset than you are as ignorant as those trying to ruin Iowa tailgating. When I have to worry about getting harrassed by police for drinking a beer or having my music too loud that is when i will stay home. Say what you want but this will happen.
You wet blanket proles don't understand what makes college football, nay, America great. It's the ability to get trashed at 7 in the morning a handful of Saturdays a year. It's those handful of days where people can let loose and get away from the conformity of their dreary suburban life. The scene outside of Kinnick is Iowa's Mardi Gras, but a lot more tame. The gameday atmosphere isn't just about grilling a few burgers, it's about crushing some brews and watching some gal having her hair held back while she has her first good alcohol induced vomit. It's about the look on a youngster's face after his buddies made him beer bong 3 cans of Beast. It's about seeing the group of gals run back into the woods to tinkle and then yelling "ICPD" as soon as they drop trou.

The atmosphere is a big part of the gameday experience. Sorry if you guys are freedom loathing government loving proles, but the partying is a big part of college football everywhere other than Northwestern, BYU and Utah.

I loathe the Chicago Cubs, but I still go to Cubs games on occasion. Why? Because I like going to Uberstein and crushing a few German brews, then going to the ballgame, then going to the bars around Wrigley after the game. The atmosphere is what makes me go. I'll tell ya what, when the Hawks were 6-5 going into the Western Michigan game back in 2007 and it was getting really cold outside, I still drove my butt 3 and a half from Chicago to go to the game because I knew that irregardless of the outcome and no matter how bad the team was, I would have a good time crushing brews and tailgating with my buddies. I average one basketball game every 2 years in IC and it ain't because I don't like the Hawks basketball team or because of their record, it's because there is no tailgating before basketball games. If there was, I would go to more games. Tailgating is integral to our football program. You dry out the campus (and don't cite OSU as an example, that is a GIANT state where OSU is the only game in town) and in a few years when bowl reps go through and see a freaking ghost town in years when we're 6-5 because the freedom loathers who run the U and IC have killed tailgating, good luck ever landing a bowl better than the Meineke Bowl or the Motor City Bowl.
Well said Okeefe. We all know the atmosphere has been diminishing for years. The students are pushed from one place to another nearly every year. If they enforce this **** i will not buy season tickets next year. But that is me...
okeefe4prez just became my new best friend. Well stated.

I don't see how they are going to enforce a lot of these rules. Changing the culture of a tailgating atmosphere doesn't happen overnight.

Iowa fans love a good tailgate party. They should focus on the underage drinking, binge drinking and people who are being disorderly. Leave the rest of us to our music, beer, beer-pong and tailgating festivities.

FWIW, I absolutely LOVE all the music you hear walking through the tailgating lots on a Saturday morning. I'd be curious to know what the reasoning is behind eliminating the stand-alone speakers. Too loud? Please. The stadium itself during the game is a noise pollution problem.
After reading the ICPC posts and this board, I can feel the pot boiling already. If even 10% of the fans encounter regulations as proposed, it will not be pretty. Especially for the ISU game and the PSU game.
What's the revolution about again? Everyone is mad that they can't carry an open beer down the sreet, play their favorite country song loud enough to hear a mile away, and tailgate by themselves behind their car late into Saturday night??? Really?? These "new" rules aren't anything to get upset about and not that "new", the precious gameday atmosphere will still be there. I think this has more to do with there ONLY being 3 WEEKS till football season. Relax.
What's the revolution about again? Everyone is mad that they can't carry an open beer down the sreet, play their favorite country song loud enough to hear a mile away, and tailgate by themselves behind their car late into Saturday night??? Really?? These "new" rules aren't anything to get upset about and not that "new", the precious gameday atmosphere will still be there. I think this has more to do with there ONLY being 3 WEEKS till football season. Relax.

Really? You are as out of touch as those wanting to enforce this. If i wanted to play Parcheesi with the folks i could do that at home.
For you Okeefe: "If there is hope, it lies in the proles. If they could become conscious of their own strength, they would have no need to conspire. History does not matter to them."
After reading the ICPC posts and this board, I can feel the pot boiling already. If even 10% of the fans encounter regulations as proposed, it will not be pretty. Especially for the ISU game and the PSU game.

The whole "citation if you're carrying an open container" crap is ridonkulous, but I think it will be like speeders on the freeway, some people really will get singled out and given citations. Why? Because Iowa City wants to collect additional revenue from football games. I wouldn't be surprised if all the cops were given 10 or 20 person unofficial quotas so that each cop goes from being a cost to a profit center for the town.
I may have found a little loophole. What about having a blockparty? If you meet the requirements the city can not deny a permit. There are specific standards (or criteria) set out in the City Code. If you meet the standards, then the City must
grant the permit. See City Code section 10-1-4A.
Now you will need to have a "written agreement with the City" to serve alcohol and will also need a GL policy of $1Million.
I'm another who doesn't drink, but I do understand the affect that this sort of thing will have on the atmosphere around Kinnick, which I've always grown up knowing was second to none (except for maybe a few NFL stadiums). I have little doubt that the university is driving the bus on this, and it's really starting to tick me off. While the U is a great school (I'm a current student), it's not Harvard. Stop acting like you're so much Goddamn better than the rest of us!

Come on. And face it, the U of I *is* better than you.
Just because you like drinking more than Iowa football doesn't mean enough people to make any difference are going to "revolt" with you.
Just because you like drinking more than Iowa football doesn't mean enough people to make any difference are going to "revolt" with you.

Who said i like drinking more than Iowa football? I like drinking and Iowa football more than not drinking and Iowa football, so what.

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