Magic Bus Denied Permit

I just think that the university won't be happy until the scum(non-big donors) just take the train to Kinnick, watch the game, and then get the hell out of their utopia.
I just think that the university won't be happy until the scum(non-big donors) just take the train to Kinnick, watch the game, and then get the hell out of their utopia.

A freaking men. The train was the worst thing they ever did for the fan who can't afford to donate big dollars. Yeah I know there are private lots but the university is doing there best to get rid of anything us peasants can afford.

I know there are people who love the train but I have hated the thing from the get go.
I just think that the university won't be happy until the scum(non-big donors) just take the train to Kinnick, watch the game, and then get the hell out of their utopia.

Damn straight! If they cannot afford the scotch like the skybox donors then go away! Only the rich may play.
Speak of the devil, an Iowa City Bar ( The Summit) has file suit over the 21 and older Bar law.
Bar sues city over 21-only law | | The Des Moines Register
Mike Porter, owner of The Summit, believes Iowa City has unfairly targeted certain bars that used to allow 19- and 20-year-olds on their premises after 10 p.m. He says the city wrongfully denied his request for an exemption.

Porter says the denial has cost his business about two-thirds of its revenue, and he says The Summit will likely become insolvent in August without an exemption.

Lets hope the Summit makes it, there were alot of good looking women at that bar. :)
I just think that the university won't be happy until the scum(non-big donors) just take the train to Kinnick, watch the game, and then get the hell out of their utopia.

This comment seemed to hit a nerve and very likely for a good reason. As an out of stater trying to get a sense of the situation I pretty much get the same vibe. In the big picture of things I've felt for some time that the university and Athletic Department gear everything around the big donors, especially when it comes to issues like student seating. The effort to change the tailgating atmosphere, while having some good intentions like cutting down on the underage drinking, may well go too far. Making alcohol too restrictive can have some nasty consequences as I wrote about in an earlier thread based on my experiences with the Navy and all the problems they have with alcohol incidents since they quit allowing underage sailors to drink on base.
Raise tuition and make college only accessible to the wealthy - silence. Reduce state contributions resulting in a decided drop in the quality of education - silence.

Take away easy access to massive amounts of alcohol and it is time to riot in the streets.

Makes me proud to be an American.
The students need to STEP UP and vote these fools out, as well as repeal the bar ban.

Don't worry, the students will step up and vote that stupid 21 age bar thing repealed AGAIN. Between the Iowa City and Cedar Falls city councils, I'm glad I don't live there anymore.
Saw this coming a mile away. There was no reason to have required a permit except they needed a way to 'legally' get rid of the bus.

Freakin' LAME!

Any guesses on what 'cause' the liberals go after next?

Then load up on your concessions in the stadium, and steer clear of the bars after the game. If everybody did that and let it be known it was for a protest, do you really think it would take bar owners long to start demanding that this regulation get changed?
The students need to STEP UP and vote these fools out, as well as repeal the bar ban.

I'm not sure that you can count on that happening. Incoming freshmen won't know what the downtown life is like in IC because they aren't allowed to experience it, so they don't know what they're missing. Alot of the older students will be 21 and may not care enough anymore to vote. I'm not sure how many votes they would have to get, but there may not be enough people who care to overturn it. I don't drink at all, but I still think it's a stupid ordinance, because it does nothing but put the kids into places where they are less supervised. That puts them at a higher risk for a lot of things. It's got nothing to do with safety, and EVERYTHING to do with image.
That's right, kids are going to party and drink regardless of what the City of Iowa City and the University want them to do. If they cannot go to bars and enjoy themselves and dance (at which they cannot drink or at least minimally) they will end up at house/apartment parties where they will Really drink or they will end up driving around on gravel roads drinking. To get home from parties, what will students what people DON'T want these kids to be doing after drinking.

Like tm3308 said, it is ALL about image...the students have nothing to do with it. The City and University know the kids are going to continue drinking and Overdrink but at least THEY can tell everyone they have cleaned it up downtown and the University can tell everyone they have taken steps to clean up drinking, when in fact drinking among kids will have gotten worse and more dangerous.
Don't worry, the students will step up and vote that stupid 21 age bar thing repealed AGAIN. Between the Iowa City and Cedar Falls city councils, I'm glad I don't live there anymore.

It really is the wrong ordinance to try to be fighting. Don't you really want to be fighting the actual drinking age?

Not sure why you want to fight an ordinance that just sets you up to be in violation of a law.

Also, the city council is voted by district. The students only have enough votes to affect a couple of districts and that is if they bother to register, which the vast majority don't.

What I expect you will see pop-up are all ages dance clubs that have access to a 21 and over bar. There won't be 50 of them. There will be two or three mega-complexes. Also, designer drugs and high caffeine energy drinks will replace alcohol. People will be just as high, just going in a slightly different direction.

If you ask me, my choice would be a compromize to reduce the drinking age to 20. Giive the younger kids, and yes at that age they are kids, a couple of big dance clubs. That would traditionally split the groups between underclass, and upperclass and graduate students. That would let more of the bars stay open but provide a big enough clientele for the all ages spots.
The underage thing I'm not nearly as ****** about. I always thought it was pretty amazing that an 18,19,20 year old kid could hang out in bars with a wrist band on. The Magic Bus thing though just pisses me off. It's a staple of Iowa City tailgating. It's straight BS that they would try to get rid of it. I know I am going to be making the most of my tailgates from now on, who knows what IC will look like on gameday 10 years from now.
Speak of the devil, an Iowa City Bar ( The Summit) has file suit over the 21 and older Bar law.
Bar sues city over 21-only law | | The Des Moines Register
Mike Porter, owner of The Summit, believes Iowa City has unfairly targeted certain bars that used to allow 19- and 20-year-olds on their premises after 10 p.m. He says the city wrongfully denied his request for an exemption.

Porter says the denial has cost his business about two-thirds of its revenue, and he says The Summit will likely become insolvent in August without an exemption.

Lets hope the Summit makes it, there were alot of good looking women at that bar. :)

Looks like the magic bus has found a possible investor looking to stick it to the city.
The underage thing I'm not nearly as ****** about. I always thought it was pretty amazing that an 18,19,20 year old kid could hang out in bars with a wrist band on. The Magic Bus thing though just pisses me off. It's a staple of Iowa City tailgating. It's straight BS that they would try to get rid of it. I know I am going to be making the most of my tailgates from now on, who knows what IC will look like on gameday 10 years from now.


ok i usually don't give ISU crap but that was just too easy.
wow the one poster was right....if you don't have the money the university doesn't care....I say we start a boycott....Concessions or something like that.
I just think that the university won't be happy until the scum(non-big donors) just take the train to Kinnick, watch the game, and then get the hell out of their utopia.


This is what I think too and have been saying for awhile now. The University wants the tailgating/partying OFF campus and so does the city. I telling you now that the University will completely disallow drinking on campus entirely (except for big donors) in the next 5-10 years. Mark it down.
This is just a real life re-enactment of the Revenge of the Nerds movie. Sally Mason and the Iowa City Council are a bunch of unattractive nerds. They hate young people who enjoy socializing, having a drink and god forbid, hooking up with members of the opposite sex.

So now that they have some power they are going to punish anyone who isn't a "hang out at the library 24 hours a day nerd" like they were growing up.

If this was purely an attempt to curb the party school label, then why does the University sell Tiger Hawk logo'd shot glasses, beer mugs, bottle openers? I know they say those items are just for "collectors", but come on. They sell these items because it makes the University money.

I wonder if the Magic Bus gave their Charitable donation to the University to support some pet project of Sally Mason's, if they would still be denied a permit.

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