MAFIA: Sign-up Thread


I know everyone hates CF, but that mafia game they play does look kindof fun and I thought we could do it here. Game will start on Wednesday, December 12.

Who's in?

Welcome to the Hawkeye Nation Mafia!

This game will feature allies, foes, and even neutral alliances. The game will be split into four factions of fans. Two innocents and two mafias. The two innocent fan factions are the Hawkeyes and the Panthers (sorry Drake fans, but the Panthers are the talk of the state). They are innocent people just looking for a good time at the ficticious February madness tournament (hopefully not in a public restroom). The two mafia factions are the Gophers and the Huskers (No one deserves to be a Cyclone)! They are still bitter about being who they are and where they live that they will do nothing to let the Hawkeyes or Panthers enjoy the tournament. They are trying to hunt down and kill the innocents before the innocents rat them out.

Only one of the four groups will win this game. The two innocent factions will want to get the mafia wiped out and likewise with the mafia, but they may need each other at first to help fight off other factions. It's up to you all to decide how to strategically figure out how you can outlast the other three factions. Both mafias will get a night kill as normal and there will also be a daily lynching. The mafia will know their own as usual, but the two innocent factions will not know who else is innocent. There also may or may not be the same number of people on any of the four groups. Beware of who you trust. The innocents will have a few special roles to help them out though.


Head Hawkeye: Innocent Hawkeye who gets one insta kill. Must use the power with more than 4 people left.
Head Panther: Same as head Hawkeye but on the Panther team.
Head Husker: Husker Mafia master who will come up as innocent if detected. Gets one insta kill, but must use it with more than 4 people left.
Head Gopher: Same as head Husker but on the Gopher team.

Doctor Herky: On the Hawkeye team, can save one person per night from a mafia hit. Cannot save the same person two consecutive nights. CAN self protect with the same rules applying.
Doctor Panther: Same as Herky but on the Panther team.

Detective Barta: Hawkeye who can PM the mayor nightly for the role of another player.
Detective Dannen: Panther who can PM the mayor nightly for the role of another player.

Drunk fan with no allegiance: This guy is so drunk, he doesn't know what team he is rooting for. After the beer-tenders cut him off, he will sober up and I will randomly assign him to one of the four factions after the 2nd day (If he's still alive). He ALSO gets to investigate one person a night and he will get a 50% chance of knowing the truth if a person is mafia or not.


No editing posts of any kind!
Days are 9 AM to 9 PM. Nights are opposite. Friday 9 PM to Sunday 9 AM is one day.
Only mafias can PM amongst themselves.
Need to average 3 posts a day or else you get the clap and you die.
1,000,000 credits split among winning team.
Person who gets the 100th/200th etc,. will get a special hint.

and GO!
Don't knock it until you've tried it. I've played a few games on CF and it's kindof fun. e11en plays, too. Not sure how that makes me a troll, though.

A few games? Yet 50 posts in you start one here?

Seems that you have been on that site for quite some time. For a hawk fan to be on that site and not this one is strange.

A few games? Yet 50 posts in you start one here?

Seems that you have been on that site for quite some time. For a hawk fan to be on that site and not this one is strange.


I'm new to this site. I've been on rivals for a long time though. Clowns don't have a rival site which is the only reason I'm also on CF.
I know everyone hates CF, but that mafia game they play does look kindof fun and I thought we could do it here. Game will start on Wednesday, December 12.

Who's in?

Welcome to the Hawkeye Nation Mafia!

This game will feature allies, foes, and even neutral alliances. The game will be split into four factions of fans. Two innocents and two mafias. The two innocent fan factions are the Hawkeyes and the Panthers (sorry Drake fans, but the Panthers are the talk of the state). They are innocent people just looking for a good time at the ficticious February madness tournament (hopefully not in a public restroom). The two mafia factions are the Gophers and the Huskers (No one deserves to be a Cyclone)! They are still bitter about being who they are and where they live that they will do nothing to let the Hawkeyes or Panthers enjoy the tournament. They are trying to hunt down and kill the innocents before the innocents rat them out.

Only one of the four groups will win this game. The two innocent factions will want to get the mafia wiped out and likewise with the mafia, but they may need each other at first to help fight off other factions. It's up to you all to decide how to strategically figure out how you can outlast the other three factions. Both mafias will get a night kill as normal and there will also be a daily lynching. The mafia will know their own as usual, but the two innocent factions will not know who else is innocent. There also may or may not be the same number of people on any of the four groups. Beware of who you trust. The innocents will have a few special roles to help them out though.


Head Hawkeye: Innocent Hawkeye who gets one insta kill. Must use the power with more than 4 people left.
Head Panther: Same as head Hawkeye but on the Panther team.
Head Husker: Husker Mafia master who will come up as innocent if detected. Gets one insta kill, but must use it with more than 4 people left.
Head Gopher: Same as head Husker but on the Gopher team.

Doctor Herky: On the Hawkeye team, can save one person per night from a mafia hit. Cannot save the same person two consecutive nights. CAN self protect with the same rules applying.
Doctor Panther: Same as Herky but on the Panther team.

Detective Barta: Hawkeye who can PM the mayor nightly for the role of another player.
Detective Dannen: Panther who can PM the mayor nightly for the role of another player.

Drunk fan with no allegiance: This guy is so drunk, he doesn't know what team he is rooting for. After the beer-tenders cut him off, he will sober up and I will randomly assign him to one of the four factions after the 2nd day (If he's still alive). He ALSO gets to investigate one person a night and he will get a 50% chance of knowing the truth if a person is mafia or not.


No editing posts of any kind!
Days are 9 AM to 9 PM. Nights are opposite. Friday 9 PM to Sunday 9 AM is one day.
Only mafias can PM amongst themselves.
Need to average 3 posts a day or else you get the clap and you die.
1,000,000 credits split among winning team.
Person who gets the 100th/200th etc,. will get a special hint.

and GO!

I'm not playing. Rules are too complicated. I can't even successfully bet my viesels in a simple win/lose scenario.
blackout did. I'm not a clown, just being on CF doesn't make someone a clown. Hawkeye11en1 is on there, too.

Except Ellen didn't show up randomly one rivalry week, spout derp, and then try and spam us with Clown nomenclature.

It was way to long to read, but I saw something about the mafia and CF, so if we get guns and get to put clown fans in cement shoes, I'm in.
It was way to long to read, but I saw something about the mafia and CF, so if we get guns and get to put clown fans in cement shoes, I'm in.

Thanks, first taker!

Guys, I don't see how wanting to try out mafia here makes one a clown. If it doesn't work, we don't have to do it again.
Hey Notti Boy, I'll play. I'm Don O'Keefe and I have just put out a hit on you. My capo, JD, will be rolling through with the banhammer any minute now.

Thanks, first taker!

Guys, I don't see how wanting to try out mafia here makes one a clown. If it doesn't work, we don't have to do it again.

I think it is pretty obvious it's not working. Back to CF troll, and see if you guys can plan a better run at us.

I think it is pretty obvious it's not working. Back to CF troll, and see if you guys can plan a better run at us.


It hasn't been up that long.

I should have had someone with more post history put the thread up to give it more legitimacy, but good god I'm not a troll just because I'm also on CF.

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