Lunatic Fringe


Well-Known Member
I was wondering which posters on here consider themselves a flag carrying member of the Lunatic Fringe of the Hawkeye Fan Base. You would be defined as anyone who thinks or expects Iowa football to win more than 7 games this coming year. I guess I will wear that badge with honor. I'm one of the few people that feel a 7 win season this far into a tenure is ridiculous, let alone three in a row. We are already hearing the excuses why this program will be around 7 wins this year and next. Think about four straight years of 7 wins before you all pull out your pitch forks and storm the Lunatic castle.

I would also like someone to name the group of apologists that can't and won't ever look at the last 7 years of Iowa Football along with the next two with an objective view. Please remember all things except injuries are the responsibility of the head coach and he is paid very well to overcome all obstacles.
I thought Cory was an ISU fan?

That's another one of my favorites. Anyone that doesn't think KF is a genius and that Iowa could do any better, is a Clone Fan. Is it a programmed response or do you get paid by the U of I or make money from it?
I was wondering which posters on here consider themselves a flag carrying member of the Lunatic Fringe of the Hawkeye Fan Base. You would be defined as anyone who thinks or expects Iowa football to win more than 7 games this coming year. I guess I will wear that badge with honor. I'm one of the few people that feel a 7 win season this far into a tenure is ridiculous, let alone three in a row. We are already hearing the excuses why this program will be around 7 wins this year and next. Think about four straight years of 7 wins before you all pull out your pitch forks and storm the Lunatic castle.

I would also like someone to name the group of apologists that can't and won't ever look at the last 7 years of Iowa Football along with the next two with an objective view. Please remember all things except injuries are the responsibility of the head coach and he is paid very well to overcome all obstacles.

I love listening to the excuses for why Iowa should be happy to win 6-7 games each year.
Question is, if that is all that is expected, are those fans on the opposite end of the lunatic fringe therefore considered the moronic fringe?
It's great that fans can't expect more from their team without being labeled with superlatives.
Have you looked in the mirror lately? Just wondering...

This was all in response to JMs appearance on the radio today. He stated that the only people that will have a problem with Iowa winning 7 games this year are the Lunatic Fringe. I don't think people understand that if 7 wins haven't become the norm than people wouldn't be upset if there was a 7 or less win season here or there.
This was all in response to JMs appearance on the radio today. He stated that the only people that will have a problem with Iowa winning 7 games this year are the Lunatic Fringe. I don't think people understand that if 7 wins haven't become the norm than people wouldn't be upset if there was a 7 or less win season here or there.

I heard the same interview tonight. I could explain the situation to you but instead I feel a better use of my time would be to slam my nuts repeatedly in the silverware drawer.
Have you looked in the mirror lately? Just wondering...
This was all in response to JMs appearance on the radio today. He stated that the only people that will have a problem with Iowa winning 7 games this year are the Lunatic Fringe. I don't think people understand that if 7 wins haven't become the norm than people wouldn't be upset if there was a 7 or less win season here or there.

who the **** is jm?
I heard the same interview tonight. I could explain the situation to you but instead I feel a better use of my time would be to slam my nuts repeatedly in the silverware drawer.

Don't do that, it hurts real bad. I did it once instead of listening to why we should be happy with the program no matter what because we don't know as much as Kurt and Jawn.
This was all in response to JMs appearance on the radio today. He stated that the only people that will have a problem with Iowa winning 7 games this year are the Lunatic Fringe. I don't think people understand that if 7 wins haven't become the norm than people wouldn't be upset if there was a 7 or less win season here or there.

Heard that comment today as well. I understand that this year is a rebuilding year and 7 wins or less is likely going to happen.

What I dont understand is, why any fan who questions this coaching staff and the lack of success the past two years, gets the lunatic fringe label.

As stated, our coach makes 3.65 million a year and our football revenue is 15/16th in the entire nation. I guess because I expect more wins from these numbers I'm part of the lunatic fringe and not the moronic fringe.
This was all in response to JMs appearance on the radio today. He stated that the only people that will have a problem with Iowa winning 7 games this year are the Lunatic Fringe. I don't think people understand that if 7 wins haven't become the norm than people wouldn't be upset if there was a 7 or less win season here or there.

The question that was asked was if I felt fans would be upset with 7 wins this year. It was not are fans going to be happy with 7 wins a year as a norm for the program.

IMO, the problems this team has right now are fairly obvious and they are not small problems. When you have a DL that may be your weakest group in over a decade, it's a fundamental issue of being able to stop the run, or not.

So if some folks are expecting (again, EXPECTING) this team to win 9 games this year, they are their own worst enemy. While it's not impossible for that to happen, to EXPECT it seems a bit foolish. Just my take. I am sure that if you email KXNO, they will give you a refund.
I swear most of the posters on this website are just moles from the U of I.

With all that cash laying around I'm sure they have time to hire a grad assistant or two to troll the message boards.
As stated...

"I could explain the situation to you but instead I feel a better use of my time would be to slam my nuts repeatedly in the silverware drawer."
I heard the same interview tonight. I could explain the situation to you but instead I feel a better use of my time would be to slam my nuts repeatedly in the silverware drawer.

I say instead of spending more time debating this, we should go to Legacy and I will hit drives into your nuts from 10 feet away. That would take care of two obsessions, mine with golf and yours with hurting your nuts.

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