LSU v. Bama- Who's not watching

I know a lot of people will watch which is why the BCS will have great ratings and this will be a success. I won't watch the game at all. I have better things to do than watch a rematch of teams. It's unfortunate that so many will encourage this.

But you don't have anything better to do than talk about not watching it?

Just messing with ya. Felt like giving you a hard time :)
But you don't have anything better to do than talk about not watching it?

Just messing with ya. Felt like giving you a hard time :)

haha, good one. No I'm currently working. Will be home pretty soon, and have a few things that I need to work on around the house/farm, so I'll stay busy.
Its a tough call; Punky Brewster season 1 on DVD or this game. I'll probably watch the game but I'm still undecided. I'm going to go tweet something stupid about it now.
Erin Andrews just called me out sarcastically saying no one will watch this rematch blah blah blah and how its the best game of the century x2
I will watch some. But it starts way too late for me. No way I can stay awake long enough for all of it. Especially if it's another battle of the FG kickers.

Same here.

I loves me some defense, but that last game was a yawner. Several NFL players and a Middle School kicker.

Monday night late start...meh.
Not watching but willing to take bets on how many players on the field can actually read the program for tonight's game, this being the SEC and all. You know the conference of high academic standards.
watching and in awe at all the speed on the field. The o-lines are faster than our db's. This game should be 45-44 going into the second half, 'cept theres only been about 3 first downs.
I was going to watch....but then saw that the movie "Troy" was on the SyFy
The biggest problem I have with the whole thing is that there were coaches that deliberately went out of their way to vost OSU 4th or as low as 6, I believe in order for Alabama to jump them in the poll. BTW Saban voted OSU 4th, Stanford was screwed because they lost to Oregon, so no chance to jump anyway.
OSU should never have played the game at ISU that night, they should have rescheduled it, or played it on Saturday given the tradgedy that happened. OSU will not make excuses other than to say they played poorly in the 2nd half, which they did.

The system is flawed, now I see the BCS is going to "look at every situation, but wants to protect the regular season." Well, the regular season didn't matter for OSU, who won their league and Oregon, who won their league.
Remember when Nebraska went to the title game after being thumped and not going to their conference title game? Everyone wanted them to have the chance because they lost to such a great team. Well, they did and then promptly got thumped.
If LSU doesn't win this game, then the BCS has ruined college football, again.

The talk of protecting the regular season is garbage...teams still have to prove themselves and if there was a playoff of sorts the fans would win. Top teams wouldn't schedule FCS teams and play more real competition.
Quite frankly, I like all the preseason tournaments and the huge matchups between elite programs, in basketball. Conference play matters to position yourself for a good position entering postseason play.
If there are teams that play with the sense that the regular season doesn't matter and they think once the tournament is started, they can flip a switch. Those are the teams that get upset early.

I have watched a total of 15 seconds of the game, it just does not make me want to watch.
If Ohio State would have beaten Florida a few years back the fascination with the SEC and all of their "speed" wouldn't have blown up the way it has. Until the other conferences beat the SEC in the BCS, it will just continue.
It is questionable at best that these are the two best teams, but since the SEC can't be beaten where it matters, this is what you get.

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