Looking to next year

Newhawks: USAF is an established Iowa wrestling room "insider." He doesn't need me to speak for him but I will say I'm positive he meant no offense. Please understand he's not comparing Mike to the Campolattanos of the world--he's comparing them to college wrestling's elite. The Jay Borschels. The Phil Keddys. Mike is now up against a whole new level of athleticism and skill.

And if he's in the 180s now, wait until he's been training for 1 year plus under the Iowa S&C staff and a guy named Chris Doyle. Based on what you have said I think he's more likely to be at 184 in just over a year when he comes off redshirt.

Thanks for making it a little clearer. Mike weighs 178, weighed in all year "fully clothed" and still only came in at 180 to 182. He tends to lose weight as practice kicks rather then gain. This group of guys are special, and we wish the best for each and everyone of them. Once again thanks for the clarification.
NewHawksFamily, I just wanted to let you know that if and when any Hawkeye wrestler works his tail off, no matter win, lose, draw, freshman first match or national championship senior match, the Hawkeye faithful will be cheering loud and proud for that young man. We know it takes a lot of hard work to get in that Hawkeye Wrestling room, and even more once you are in it, and we all can respect that.
On Iowa! Go Hawks!
USAFhawk, thanks for all the information. I know there is a lot of time before wrestling season starts and hopefully we see some guys step up. The line-up your predicting is far from my dream line-up, but I'm sure the Brands will put out the line-up that gives us the best chance to win. Anyway, do you know if the Hawks had a bad experience at the National Duals last year or do they just want to try something new?
newhawksfamily any insider info you have from your son will be appreciated and encourage please stick around you won't find any better coverage of iowa wrestling off season and during season

usually mat side coverage or post point for point results

welcome to hnation
Mike is excited to say the least. MIke and his roomate Bobby Telford will be in Iowa City on the 16th, visiting Iowa City Motorsports getting set up with thier scooters (black of course), most likely moving into the dorms on the 18th, orientation on the 19th and 20th and begining thier time on campus officially at that time. I know for both boys it is the first time back on campus since thier initial visits during the recruitment process. they are excited and pumped but are aware of what is in store for them, no cake walk, just grind and grit. Adjustments will be in order, fortunatley Mike has gone through a tough grind at Blair and believe me for a high school room it is one if not the toughest in the nation. So he has a perspective as to how it will be only he knows the Iowa room will be ramped up. Lots to look forward to,. ...:)
NewHawksfamily, I am so excited to see what Mike can do! I have watched a number of his matches on flo and absolutely LOVE how he rides. Its almost as if he's not happy unless he rips his oponents arms off! I Love his intensity and it sounds like he is a good kid off the mat. Can't wait for him to get here!!!
FYI, I am spoons on the "other" website and you will find less "rift/raft" on this one. If/when you make it Carver to watch him look my wife and I up! Section BB row 7 seats 1 and 2!!!!!
free scooters for wrestlers? should of got mm one maybe he wouldn't of got caught

Not free, we consider it a graduation, birthday, welcome to Iowa present.
A little easier then a car. Telford is bringing his from pa, we chose to buy Mike's in Iowa, just easier we have enough things to bring across country.
NewHawksfamily, I am so excited to see what Mike can do! I have watched a number of his matches on flo and absolutely LOVE how he rides. Its almost as if he's not happy unless he rips his oponents arms off! I Love his intensity and it sounds like he is a good kid off the mat. Can't wait for him to get here!!!
FYI, I am spoons on the "other" website and you will find less "rift/raft" on this one. If/when you make it Carver to watch him look my wife and I up! Section BB row 7 seats 1 and 2!!!!!

Thanks for your kindness we will look you up. It is nice to be part of a big family who happen to be Hawk wrestling fans!
USAFhawk, thanks for all the information. I know there is a lot of time before wrestling season starts and hopefully we see some guys step up. The line-up your predicting is far from my dream line-up, but I'm sure the Brands will put out the line-up that gives us the best chance to win. Anyway, do you know if the Hawks had a bad experience at the National Duals last year or do they just want to try something new?

I'm sorry, but I really hope that it's not true about Iowa skipping National Duals. I know people on here will say, Tom knows what he's doing and/or he has to do what's best for his team, but when it's in Iowa, I really believe it's his responsibility to bring the hawks to National Duals. Not only for the fans but for the sport of wrestling in general. If you take all the iowa fans out of the UNIdome it will be a ghost town in there and that's not good for the sport. Plus, Iowa has always prided its self on 'sticking the guys in the fire' when you have a young inexperienced team and you pull out, to me it goes against every philosophy that makes Iowa wrestling great. I really hope they change their mind, I think it would be a huge mistake if they didn't go.
NewHawks: Just want to say "welcome" as well! Mike is a phenomenal addition to the team and i think we are all excited about him and the rest of this class. I personally look forward to him winning a couple NC's while he is here...both team and individual! I really hope Mike enjoys IC....it is the Mecca of college wrestling!
Welcome NewHawks:..know all us Hawk fans gonna love Mike and the class coming in ..most likely all will red shirt which is good for them and the team ..the boys can adjust to all the factors of not only college wrestling but also the school part..wish all of them success and the Hawks will continue to dominate ..
Just want to add my welcome to NewHawks.
I also want to thank USAFhawk for all the good information.There are some very informed people on this site and you're one of best and most trusted.You always add good insight.
So glad to hear about a possible new announcement coming. Let's all hope it happens.

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