"Look For Bruce Pearl To Land At Iowa In 2012"

I'm a huge Pearl fan, I don't condone his lying but I'm still a fan. With that said, there is no chance of this happening. Fran will be at Iowa for a long time to come.
Re: About the author, Cork Gaines.

If you look him up on LinkdIn, he went to Iowa and is a scientist by trade. He is simply an Iowa fan who has a place to write on the Internet. It doesn't say anything towards his credibilty. And who really needs credibity when you are a columnist writing, as was pointed out, an opinion piece?

From what I read, he is an Iowa graduate, and a Tampa Rays blogger by trade.

I had no idea Iowa had such weak science programs, because ol' Cork is quite a gem.
If Fran had followed after George R and had this poor of showing yes he would be under some heat, but considering that Lick left us in the gutter you can expect a minimum of two years of patience and most of the third year before the powers that be start leaning on Fran. Beating Purdue, stomping MSU, and nearly upsetting Ohio State and Wisconsin is better than what I would have expected. I think we will see an even bigger step this next season with the veteran team Fran will have.
I see Fran leading this basketball team over the hump within the next two years. As stated he already beat two B1G powers and almost beat two others in his first year. That tells me he's a good coach and motivator. I would hope we could build off of that next year being that we were so close in most of our games.

Kind of reminds me of Iowa football, always close games, could go either way.
People will jump on me for this, but Fran is hanging by a thread, just like the vast majority of recent hire coaches are hanging by threads. You only have so much time to get the recruiting machine going. You can't be looking to fill your third class in Spring, which means he needs to sign at least 4 legitimate B10 talents by November, and this is beyond Meyer. It's a tough business.

LOL. Fran is NOT currently hanging by a thread. Not even close.

That being said, his recruiting is going to have to improve or he will find himself in serious trouble in a couple years.
Anyone remember Todd Bozeman? He took over as interim coach at California in February 1993 when Lou Campanelli was fired late in the season. California upset Duke in the NCAA tournament & went to the Sweet 16. Bozeman was only 29 at the time. He was the hottest young coach in basketball.

As a result of an investigation, the NCAA imposed an eight-year "show-cause" order on Bozeman. The NCAA came down particularly hard on Bozeman because he'd lied to the NCAA during the investigation.

Since most schools won't hire a coach with an outstanding "show-cause" order, Bozeman was effectively blackballed from college coaching for eight years.

After Cal dismissed him in 1996, Bozeman spent the next ten years working in the NBA as an assistant coach & scout. He was finally hired by Morgan State in 2006.

The NCAA will issue a "show-cause" order against Pearl. Kelvin Sampson received a five-year "show cause" order. The most serious charge was that he provided false information to the NCAA & Indiana.

I think Pearl will get at least five-years. I also think the NCAA may set a precedent in this matter & issue "show cause" orders against some of the assistants.

What are your thoughts?
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People will jump on me for this, but Fran is hanging by a thread,

There's a reason people will jump on you, you have no clue what you are talking about. Caff's clock hasn't even begun ticking yet. Attendance rose by almost 20 percent this year. The team showed improvement throughout the season. Our two best players were the guys Caff brought here so it shows he has an eye for talent. From all accounts there will be no player defections and we have some quality guys signed for next season(not to mention the fact the staff are busting their butts looking to get others).

Iowa is going to have tremendous patience this time around. The administration knows they have the right guy for the job and they are going to give him time to get the job done.
That article is a perfect example of how saturated the media is today with topics with no real basis or value and writers with no real brains.
Let's hope this is not true, we don't need any of his bagage. We have our man, just be patient and allow him to get his own recruits.
Three thoughts...
1. Absolutely absurd
2. I'd take McCaffrey over Pearl without any hesitation.
3. CAARHawk is losing it, McCaffrey isn't even close to "hanging on by a thread".
People will jump on me for this, but Fran is hanging by a thread, just like the vast majority of recent hire coaches are hanging by threads. You only have so much time to get the recruiting machine going. You can't be looking to fill your third class in Spring, which means he needs to sign at least 4 legitimate B10 talents by November, and this is beyond Meyer. It's a tough business.

But he is doing it the right way, bringing in freshman. So by the time they are seniors, the team will finally be decent. Takes time guys.. give him 4-6 yrs to turn this program around!
Do coaches have "bulletin board material"......if so, I bet Fran puts that one smack dab in the middle.
Just like there were too many hair bands in the 80's, there are too many crack pot writers throwing crap like this out on social media sites in 2011. I would wager Cork wears hemp socks and velcro sandals to work and hasn't set a pick in his life.

The only prediction I can think of that has a lower probability of occuring than Pearl coaching Iowa in 2012 is Cork writing sports articles 6 weeks from now.
But he is doing it the right way, bringing in freshman. So by the time they are seniors, the team will finally be decent. Takes time guys.. give him 4-6 yrs to turn this program around!

Todd Lickliter and Keno Davis say hi.

It does not and should not take 4-6 years to turn around a basketball program. You can turn it around in as little as a year with solid recruits. It's not like football where in football there are a lot of moving parts.

IMO, I don't think Fran gets 4-6 years to turn this thing around and I think he understands that. I think he'll be evaluated after year 3 as he should be. Lick only got three years. Two more years of seasons like this and it's bye-bye Fran. I do think Barta would get shown the door before Fran anyways.
The way Iowa is with regards to compliance, there is no chance Pearl will ever coach at Iowa.

Agreed. Pearl is not a person of character. No way he gets hired to coach at Iowa. If Pearl's college roommate hadnt been in charge of the investigation of Deon Thomas, he would have been BBQ-ed just like Jimmy Collins.
There was a reason he was persona non grata for as long as he was. And it had little to do with how other coaches felt about him.
Dont want him anywhere near CHA. No thanks.
A "show cause" order is a penalty against a coach involved in major rules violations. The coach may not be hired by any other NCAA member institutions without permission from the Infractions Committee for a set period of time. If a school seeks to hire such a coach, they must "show cause" as to why they should not be penalized for hiring him. Most schools will not even consider hiring a coach with a "show cause" order in effect. As a result, the "show cause" order effectively blacklists the coach from the collegiate coaching ranks for the duration of the penalty. The penalty is intended to follow a coach for violations that he had a role in committing.
Fran is definitely not hanging on by a thread, he has the basketball program on the upswing for the first time since the Northeastern State game.
There's a reason people will jump on you, you have no clue what you are talking about. Caff's clock hasn't even begun ticking yet. Attendance rose by almost 20 percent this year. The team showed improvement throughout the season. Our two best players were the guys Caff brought here so it shows he has an eye for talent. From all accounts there will be no player defections and we have some quality guys signed for next season(not to mention the fact the staff are busting their butts looking to get others).

Iowa is going to have tremendous patience this time around. The administration knows they have the right guy for the job and they are going to give him time to get the job done.

This. Iowa will not be paying another buyout with Fran after 3 years. He got a 5 year deal,and I would bet my ranch that he is at Iowa that long,unless he leaves to take another job,which is doubtful.
Iowa is starting to rebuild from the rubble that lick left behind...this year was cleaning away the debris, next year will be laying the foundation,and by year 3 or 4 the progress will be apparent. The new facilities are all part of the new chapter in Iowa bb,and it will rise again under Fran. Just how high it rises will determine whether Fran is a 10 year coach at Iowa,or only gets the 5 years...but he will get 5 years.

The league is different than when Mr. Davis was around. Wisky was a whipping boy for the Lute/Mr. Davis runs...same with NW,and PSU.
MSU was not that great in the 90's either,with the three I's..IU,Ill,and Iowa,along with Michigan as the nexus...OSU was just ok.
Now,Wis,OSU,MSU are national powers, NW is very competitive,as is PSU.
While the overall quality of the league might be down,within the league,programs have passed Iowa by....which means expectations for Fran should be adjusted accordingly...and will be.

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