"Look For Bruce Pearl To Land At Iowa In 2012"

Well Mr. Davis, Keno and Bruce all are available. They all have the clout to sit courtside in Carver and put a lot of pressure on Fran and Co. :)
I'm glad we hired Fran, love the style, the staff, his personality, now Im hoping we get a couple of studs this spring, man the Hawks deserve to catch a break, Pearl is a proven winner, he will sit out 1-2 yrs, but then get another chance, too much money involved in college basketball, look at Gillespe, someone will be desperate enough and to be honest I hope he does become successful again, he made a mistake and is paying the price for it. It sucks that Tressel beat Ia in football when Pryor and gang should have been ineligible, without them the Hawks would haved killed OSU!
This is an opinion piece and carries no merit. He could have inserted any name as the potential coach and it would have held the same amount of water.
This guy is just throwing crap up into the air and hopes that some of it sticks somewhere. He is the very definition of clueless.
I'm glad we hired Fran, love the style, the staff, his personality, now Im hoping we get a couple of studs this spring, man the Hawks deserve to catch a break, Pearl is a proven winner, he will sit out 1-2 yrs, but then get another chance, too much money involved in college basketball, look at Gillespe, someone will be desperate enough and to be honest I hope he does become successful again, he made a mistake and is paying the price for it. It sucks that Tressel beat Ia in football when Pryor and gang should have been ineligible, without them the Hawks would haved killed OSU!

People will jump on me for this, but Fran is hanging by a thread, just like the vast majority of recent hire coaches are hanging by threads. You only have so much time to get the recruiting machine going. You can't be looking to fill your third class in Spring, which means he needs to sign at least 4 legitimate B10 talents by November, and this is beyond Meyer. It's a tough business.
I disagree Caar. Fran is not hanging on by a thread after just his 1st season. Imo, Fran has 4-5 years to really get things rolling but I am certain he'll have things going long before then.
I would think the only time the pressure would be on Fran would be if come this time next year we're having trouble get any recruits signed for the next class. But I dont know why anyone would predict that happening yet. And even if he had low rated recruits signed I think we would trust him until he showed poor developement with them into his 3rd season.
About the author, Cork Gaines.

If you look him up on LinkdIn, he went to Iowa and is a scientist by trade. He is simply an Iowa fan who has a place to write on the Internet. It doesn't say anything towards his credibilty. And who really needs credibity when you are a columnist writing, as was pointed out, an opinion piece?
I'm glad we hired Fran, love the style, the staff, his personality, now Im hoping we get a couple of studs this spring, man the Hawks deserve to catch a break, Pearl is a proven winner, he will sit out 1-2 yrs, but then get another chance, too much money involved in college basketball, look at Gillespe, someone will be desperate enough and to be honest I hope he does become successful again, he made a mistake and is paying the price for it. It sucks that Tressel beat Ia in football when Pryor and gang should have been ineligible, without them the Hawks would haved killed OSU!

sounds like we already caught a break when Pearl wasnt named iowa's coach

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