Look at our early departees


Well-Known Member
Tyler Smith-produced for a couple years for Bruce. Ended in legal trouble, small black eye on Tennessee. Dismissed from team. Played in Turkey. Entered 2010 draft. Bummer, not drafted what a surprise.

Jeff Peterson-transfer to Arkansas, can anyone help me here. Should have sat out last year. I can not find him on any roster and no stats from anywhere this season. Too bad had a strong upside for the Hawkeyes. Fans liked him. Could have had a nice life in the Eastern Iowa area.

Jake Kelly-well unfortunately Jake has endured some injury problems. I really like Jake and hope his reasons for leaving were legitimate. I still can not help myself for questioning motives though.

Anthony Tucker-well what do you say, sorry kid I hope you have grown up, be a positive influence to the Winona, Mn area. What a great town and campus.

Originally, I was very upset at these departures. However if everyone stays and plays to their potential we do not have Fran now. Go Fran, Go Hawks.
Not to mention Aaron Fuller, who could have really been a help this year. Yes, Coach Lickliter definitely had some retention issues. Water over the dam now.
Fuller, oops huge oversight. Thanks for the Peterson info, do not know how I missed that one. I wish Jeff well I think he is a good kid. Wow this would have been a competitive team.
Jake Kelly-well unfortunately Jake has endured some injury problems. I really like Jake and hope his reasons for leaving were legitimate. I still can not help myself for questioning motives though.

I really hope your kidding about Jake, his mom was killed in an airplane crash so he moved back to Indiana to be closer to his family and you hope his reasons for leaving were legit and still question his motive? Do you have a heart or had any close family member pass away unexpectedly?
How rude is it to attack a poster about his opinion on family deaths? LOTS OF ADULTS DON'T MOVE BACK HOME WHEN A PARENT DIES! I would bet a very small percentage of people over the age 18 move back home when a parent dies.

The poster was not being rude when asking about the motives... having a parent die is horrific. But going back home isn't going to bring her back to life. Sometimes continuing to do what you loved doing and that the deceased would have been proud of is the best thing.

IF he moved back to Indiana to be with family, it is because he didn't feel he had "family" here... and probably wasn't loving the situation he had playing under Lickliter... hence THE MOTIVES the post was mentioning.

Now crack a bottle and settle down Moses.
Wow, definately not attacking his famly situation. Did not mention it. Definately a tragedy. His mother was taken from him way too early. Sorry for the motives comment if it is rude to speculate I apologize. I think he wanted a little more up and down game, definately suits his game, that was all. I apologize to HN. Thanks Gregg
How rude is it to attack a poster about his opinion on family deaths? LOTS OF ADULTS DON'T MOVE BACK HOME WHEN A PARENT DIES! I would bet a very small percentage of people over the age 18 move back home when a parent dies.

The poster was not being rude when asking about the motives... having a parent die is horrific. But going back home isn't going to bring her back to life. Sometimes continuing to do what you loved doing and that the deceased would have been proud of is the best thing.

IF he moved back to Indiana to be with family, it is because he didn't feel he had "family" here... and probably wasn't loving the situation he had playing under Lickliter... hence THE MOTIVES the post was mentioning.

Now crack a bottle and settle down Moses.

Lots of adults are past 30 when a parent dies also and not 19 or 20 year old college students, if he didn't feel like he had any family here, well he DIDN'T.

Also he didn't move "back home" but moved closer to home, big difference as well.

You guys are heartless bastards if you question a 20 year olds motives to move back "home" to be closer to his immediate family members after the horrific and unexpected death of his mother.
I really hope your kidding about Jake, his mom was killed in an airplane crash so he moved back to Indiana to be closer to his family and you hope his reasons for leaving were legit and still question his motive? Do you have a heart or had any close family member pass away unexpectedly?

I'm definitely not saying Jake was just making an excuse here. IIRC, his mom was killed in the spring or over the summer before his sophomore year? Whenever it was, he almost left then. But he stuck out his sophomore year and then left. Not saying he was just making an excuse, but I could see why someone might feel it's a possibility.
I'm definitely not saying Jake was just making an excuse here. IIRC, his mom was killed in the spring or over the summer before his sophomore year? Whenever it was, he almost left then. But he stuck out his sophomore year and then left. Not saying he was just making an excuse, but I could see why someone might feel it's a possibility.

That's what I thought too, that Kelly played another year with us after the tragedy and THEN left the program. That does tend to make me suspect that there may have been other reasons for him to leave the program other than just family reasons, especially considering he waited a year to leave, although that's no more than speculation.
kelly's dad lives in terre haute. he certainly moved "home". i used to think that Kelly moved for reasons beyond his mother's death, but now i believe that he made an emotional decision that he has probably second-guessed many times.
If you don't claim you are leaving because you need to be closer to your family after a tragedy, you don't get a hardship exemption to play right away. Just saying.
kelly's dad lives in terre haute. he certainly moved "home". i used to think that Kelly moved for reasons beyond his mother's death, but now i believe that he made an emotional decision that he has probably second-guessed many times.

You guy's aren't thinking this through, when he came to Iowa City his mom moved here with him and lived in Vinton (I believe) or somewhere around that area. Anyway she was at every home game for 2 years and in his life a lot while he was attending the University of Iowa. You can call him a momma's boy or whatever, but he had a very close relationship with his mom and one I don't think most people realize just how close the 2 really were even as mother/son.

After her death he gave it a try to stay and work things out here without her around anymore and after at least trying to stick it out here at Iowa he couldn't do it. He had an excellent relationship with Lick so it wasn't his system or coaching that made him move, it was the personal tragedy he endured that made him go "home" after at least giving it a shot to stay at Iowa.
You guy's aren't thinking this through, when he came to Iowa City his mom moved here with him and lived in Vinton (I believe) or somewhere around that area. Anyway she was at every home game for 2 years and in his life a lot while he was attending the University of Iowa. You can call him a momma's boy or whatever, but he had a very close relationship with his mom and one I don't think most people realize just how close the 2 really were even as mother/son.

After her death he gave it a try to stay and work things out here without her around anymore and after at least trying to stick it out here at Iowa he couldn't do it. He had an excellent relationship with Lick so it wasn't his system or coaching that made him move, it was the personal tragedy he endured that made him go "home" after at least giving it a shot to stay at Iowa.

i agree with what you said. how am I not thinking it through?
i agree with what you said. how am I not thinking it through?

kelly's dad lives in terre haute. he certainly moved "home". i used to think that Kelly moved for reasons beyond his mother's death, but now i believe that he made an emotional decision that he has probably second-guessed many times.

Nevermind, I read it wrong, I thought you said that you thought he moved and not used to to think he moved for reasons beyond his mother's death.

But to the others that question his motives, my point is still the same, it wasn't because of Lick but because of what he was going through personally as a 20 year old college student and the death of not only his best friend but his mother.

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