
yeah the minute something goes wrong I immediately am the "Here we go again, JFC - why is it always this fing way? F, fire this shit, I'm through with it....F this team and sport" .... 10 minutes later Iowa takes the lead "Ya know this team is probably final 4 worthy"

I literally cant be around people during games I'm so embarrassing. I'm nervous about watching the game tomorrow since I'm on family vacation.
Paid his bet. I also wanted to say that the second he did, it immediately made him a real person to me (cause I know who he is now). We've had some great debates over the years and we've got at each others throats more than I can count. We're on two opposite sides of the spectrum when it comes to our views on Iowa sports. But again, after finding out who he was, it immediately made him human to me instead of just some guy I was fighting with on the internet. He blocked me for a long while cause I was being an a hole. I deserved it. I said I was sorry and I am. I've been a jerk to him and he to me over our views of Iowa sports for years. I shit on his opinion and he shits on mine. That's dumb. I just wanted to say that he earned a lot respect from me and to be honest it's not at all the feeling I thought I would have. I thought I would be gloating - I thought I would be putting up memes with dollar signs and trolling him hard. That's not at all how I feel, I considering denying the payment. I am sorry to anyone I've conflicted with on here, ya'll some of my favorite Hawks.

and Lightning1


That's big of ya!!

Last off season he said Iowa had a 0% chance to dance and he and I made a $50 bet and also the other user had to have an autosig of something along the lines of " "I go to InGoodCo for all of my basketball knowledge" for a year. I was not surprised he paid at all, but at the time I just wanted him to cool it so we put money on the line. We've disagreed, he's called me dense and stupid (sometimes I really am & I am ok with it) - I think that it's all water under the bridge now and in fact, I kind of thought that before he even paid. He does have a lot of good takes but I always focused on his negative ones. I hate being an a hole to anyone and for that I am sorry.

I think you have the right to make him use the autosig. That's just bustin your chops kind of fun stuff.
The difference between the extreme negative posters and the extreme positive ones is probably pretty small in real life. I used to be a middle of the road poster as far as positive/negative goes. I've slowly gravitated towards to positive side more over the years to where I am now. I think the over the top negative posts stood out to me more so those were the ones I responded to and it morphed me into the positive poster I am today. The funny thing is it didn't change my opinions in real life one bit. People would probably be shocked here if they heard me on game day and how negative I can be.

On the flip side, at the Rose Bowl a few years ago I met a guy who is considered one of the most negative guys on here. He was just a normal, cool dude who didn't come off as negative at all in real life. He even told me that the negative things are just what chose to discuss. We were just 2 huge Hawk fans at the biggest game in our lives and you couldn't tell the difference between us at all, yet one guy was an overly positive message board poster and one was an overly negative one.

There is a learning curve on fan boards, indeed. I am sure most can relate. Remember when first starting how thin skinned one can be, even as benign as someone disagreeing with a thought or theory.

I clearly remember my first berate of a poster. I think he disagreed with me and said what I put was stupid or something. I was new and it hit my nerve. I went all "Fran McCaffery postgame ref" on he guy commenting how he needs to get out of his mother's basement and get some sun on is pale ass skin, etc. etc.. Now just take it more in stride and realize most on here are just commenting to bust on another's chops. Nothing more.

It's that junior high male relationship phase again.
That's kind of me too - I am super negative during games - I feel like being a Hawkeye fan is just automatically set up for heartbreak. I get pissed. I say horrible things. I get sick and tired of it. I want championships. I don't settle for mediocre sports, I have nothing to do with it. My contributions mean virtually nothing to the U of I. I have no say in how things are ran. But, I end up hating when people tell me that I'm the problem just cause I still support the team. There's a part of me that isn't that over the top and I find myself compelled to stick up for the team and coaches at the school I cheer for.
You’re a great Hawk fan Co.

I apologize for not buying you a beer in Chicago — the trip became hazy!

By the way, when the Hawks are on the tube, my dog looks at me like I have a pitchfork and bifurcated tail!
You’re a great Hawk fan Co.

I apologize for not buying you a beer in Chicago — the trip became hazy!

By the way, when the Hawks are on the tube, my dog looks at me like I have a pitchfork and bifurcated tail!

Sid - it was great to meet you and the fam.... I gotta be honest, the first day was extremely HAZY for me, we were having a real great time. The booze was flowing haha. When we came back on Friday, there just wasn't room so we went to another bar. My dog is afraid of me during games too, starts howling if I get too worked up.
Paid his bet. I also wanted to say that the second he did, it immediately made him a real person to me (cause I know who he is now). We've had some great debates over the years and we've got at each others throats more than I can count. We're on two opposite sides of the spectrum when it comes to our views on Iowa sports. But again, after finding out who he was, it immediately made him human to me instead of just some guy I was fighting with on the internet. He blocked me for a long while cause I was being an a hole. I deserved it. I said I was sorry and I am. I've been a jerk to him and he to me over our views of Iowa sports for years. I shit on his opinion and he shits on mine. That's dumb. I just wanted to say that he earned a lot respect from me and to be honest it's not at all the feeling I thought I would have. I thought I would be gloating - I thought I would be putting up memes with dollar signs and trolling him hard. That's not at all how I feel, I considering denying the payment. I am sorry to anyone I've conflicted with on here, ya'll some of my favorite Hawks.

and Lightning1

Totally off topic, but I’ve always thought gambling would be a huge, awesome and legal thing on here if we always paid winnings to the Children’s Hospital. Like, $10 on (insert dumb bet here), loser pays the hospital. Then no one has to give up anonymity if the don’t want to, but they can still prove they paid. Kids benefit, and we all get a chuckle.

The donation website is ridiculously simple to use.
Totally off topic, but I’ve always thought gambling would be a huge, awesome and legal thing on here if we always paid winnings to the Children’s Hospital. Like, $10 on (insert dumb bet here), loser pays the hospital. Then no one has to give up anonymity if the don’t want to, but they can still prove they paid. Kids benefit, and we all get a chuckle.

The donation website is ridiculously simple to use.

That's a great idea. I am going to use that $50 towards advertisement of a gig we're playing in Omaha on May 10th at The Waiting Room here in Omaha that is for flood relief in Nebraska.
That's a great idea. I am going to use that $50 towards advertisement of a gig we're playing in Omaha on May 10th at The Waiting Room here in Omaha that is for flood relief in Nebraska.
We dodged a major bullet up here. When that warm rain hit we still had 5 1/2' of frost so it was a huge mess for about three days. The ground was like concrete and the water just flew on down your way where it could sink in and raise hell. I went from a dry sump hole, to a full one, and back to dry in three days.

Might be a different story for us in April but we're good to go right now.
I've personally been unaffected by the floods - even tho 5 miles in every direction from me the same can't be said. A lot of friends and family have been. Our lead singer in my act, Billie, had to evacuate their farm but ultimately they are going to be ok, but tons of damage to their land. I'm part of two fundraising shows over the next few months - I donated my time on Sunday helping them drive trucks and tractors to safer ground and I'll donate dough at both of the shows we play. It's been pretty incredible, the power of water is amazing.
I literally cant be around people during games I'm so embarrassing. I'm nervous about watching the game tomorrow since I'm on family vacation.

Our local Orlando-area Hawkeye club is on our 10th or 12th game watch location since the "original" watch in 1987. The one thing we ALWAYS tell prospective bars is: "Some of us can be loud, rude and obnoxious. When it becomes a problem, PLEASE don't be timid about letting us know, especially when we cross that 'hard' line of f-bombs when kids are around"

I can literally can run the gamut from ultra-pumped to "Kill Player X! Fire Coach Y!", then back again. Capital One Bowl was great day, but it also featured some of the worst 3 minutes of my life!
Sid - it was great to meet you and the fam.... I gotta be honest, the first day was extremely HAZY for me, we were having a real great time. The booze was flowing haha. When we came back on Friday, there just wasn't room so we went to another bar. My dog is afraid of me during games too, starts howling if I get too worked up.

My dog may never recover from the 2017 O$U football game!