

Its time for him to go. His style of basketball is unbearable to watch. It is impossible to recruit good players to a system that is designed to shorten the game and then heave a terrible shot at the basket. Players actually like to shoot when they play. Playing defense is a necessary evil to be on the floor so you can shoot.
Its time for him to go. His style of basketball is unbearable to watch. It is impossible to recruit good players to a system that is designed to shorten the game and then heave a terrible shot at the basket. Players actually like to shoot when they play. Playing defense is a necessary evil to be on the floor so you can shoot.

How is it impossible to recruit good players?

The 4 coming in for the 2010 class are all ranked in the Top 175. And Iowa has a Top 30 class.

Those are good players coming in.

If you don't like the style, that's fine, but Todd has picked up recruiting... at least for one class.
You kinda lose credibility when you say the offence is designed to get bad shots. You can debate whether or not you like his system, or if some kids find it too restrictive, but to say it's actually designed to fail is pretty stupid.
I do not think that freshman will save this team in their first year, HOWEVER, they will dramatically help next year and start to make the way to getting this program back on their feet.
I do not think that freshman will save this team in their first year, HOWEVER, they will dramatically help next year and start to make the way to getting this program back on their feet.
I agree.
It's a building block type of class. Sucks that it's going to be in Year FOUR, but it's finally there, so that's the good news.
The practice facility will be done in a couple years too, so that can only help the team and recruiting.

Things will get turned around, but it's tough right now.
Totally agree on the big.
We need a tree BADLY.

I think we are ok at PG. CPayne is going to be a good PG in the Big Ten and Brust will be just fine, as well.

I hope you are right!

Brust better be able to put the ball on the floor going RIGHT & LEFT and beat the Al Nolens of the world. Cully Payne can not do this, Matt Gatens can not do this, Eric May can not do this, John Lickliter can not do this, Tucker could not do this, hence the reason the offense looks so putrid......

With this offense where basically 4 guys are supposed to be able to handle the ball you better have at least 1 player who can put the ball on the floor>

Marble or Brust better be able to put the ball on the floor or Iowa is in the exact same boat next year.
Things are so far from getting turned around. Just wait until the end of the season. Some of you are going to be sick.
Totally agree on the big.
We need a tree BADLY.

I think we are ok at PG. CPayne is going to be a good PG in the Big Ten and Brust will be just fine, as well.

This is where we disagree. Not about Cully because I like him. I just don't think counting on Brust, a combo at best, is a recipe for success. We need a PG that can run this offense the minute he steps on campus. Let Cully come off the bench and keep getting better and by his junior year be ready to play more minutes and run the team his senior year.

Kaylon Williams.
DaisyAnn live
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It's year 3 of the Lick era and we are seeing no improvement. I am all for being patient but we are not even moving in the right direction. I don't expect Big 10 titles and final four appearances every year, but I don't expect to be the conference doormat either. Licks "system" appears to be ineffective in the Big 10. I am hoping for the best but expecting the worst. Problem is he has a 7 year deal instead of a 5, and while I don't agree with getting rid of him now, or even next year, I think if he hasn't produced by year 5 then it's time for him to go. That still leaves us with a 2 year buyout, and unless I'm wrong another 2 years of miserable basketball.
AZMess is correct

...I have nothing against Cully Payne but at this stage in his career he can't be the sole PG. It is pretty simple to me. If Payne and Lickliter are averaging >25 minutes a game between them then we will not have a winning record next year either.

Stormin I love your optimism but I don't see how you can say that the PG position is ok as is. It is a struggle to even get into the offense, there is very little penetration and both of these guys are getting just beat down on defense (worse in transition defense). Even if both improve some these problems will still be there. I don't think any of the incoming recruits will provide much help either. Based on the UNI game Tucker is not the solution either at PG. Payne and Lick need help.
Why is there no security for being a coach? For the love of God his first recruiting class are just sophmores, he should atleast have a chance to see them graduate then see where the program is at. He is starting to get players he wants and fit and the team and him as a coach as shown glimpses of a bright future (Purdue and Texas). It drives me crazy when people say he's a bad coach, his situation is along the lines of RichRod at Michigan I mean come on people give the man time. A few years of losing occurs happens with every program in all sports. Besides if we switched coaches it'd be an extra 2 or 3 years untill that coach would be able to get the recruits he wants and to get their system to the point they want. So that means more losing seasons, everyone is being irrational. Thadd Matta runs this type of system and Lick has had success with the system before, he has won a COTY so just relax.
"A few years of losing," is an understatement. Iowa is having the worst 3 years in the history of their program and Lickliter is the worst coach since a coach in 1931. Think about that.

Lickliter had no colue what he was going to do when he came to Iowa; he has no clue what he is doing now. It isn't just Iowa fans saying this. It is outside observers talking about the level of talent he now has on the floor or the absence of talent he now has on the floor I should say. Iowa is the joke of the country.

Does a "few years of losing" to you mean 1-15 in the Big 10 this year and last in the Big 10? or maybe evevn 0-16? and maybe 3-13 next year? or maybe 4-12 next year?

Oh wait, our class of saviors is coming next point guard and no big man so we basically will have the same problems as this year but we have that foundation so that in 3 years from now we MIGHT make the NIT huh IF some of the guys don't transfer? But in the meantime we have the COY from the Horizon League who doesn't have a clue what he is doing and recruiters who have never recruited before BUT all we need to do is stay patient for another 4 or 6 years for the Lickmeister to take us to the promised land....
"A few years of losing," is an understatement. Iowa is having the worst 3 years in the history of their program and Lickliter is the worst coach since a coach in 1931. Think about that.

Lickliter had no colue what he was going to do when he came to Iowa; he has no clue what he is doing now. It isn't just Iowa fans saying this. It is outside observers talking about the level of talent he now has on the floor or the absence of talent he now has on the floor I should say. Iowa is the joke of the country.

Does a "few years of losing" to you mean 1-15 in the Big 10 this year and last in the Big 10? or maybe evevn 0-16? and maybe 3-13 next year? or maybe 4-12 next year?

Oh wait, our class of saviors is coming next point guard and no big man so we basically will have the same problems as this year but we have that foundation so that in 3 years from now we MIGHT make the NIT huh IF some of the guys don't transfer? But in the meantime we have the COY from the Horizon League who doesn't have a clue what he is doing and recruiters who have never recruited before BUT all we need to do is stay patient for another 4 or 6 years for the Lickmeister to take us to the promised land....

Ignorance is bliss my friend. To say that Lick has no clue what he is doing is laughable and shows your knowledge for the game. Lick wasn't the coach who left 3 yrs ago leaving the program in shambles....but common sense is tough when you don't have any.
Ignorance is bliss my friend. To say that Lick has no clue what he is doing is laughable and shows your knowledge for the game. Lick wasn't the coach who left 3 yrs ago leaving the program in shambles....but common sense is tough when you don't have any.

I think NEWMEXHAWK makes good points at times but he can get a little carried away with overstating things.

I think Lick was prepared coming in, however I don't think he was prepared for things to be this bad (some things are his fault and some are not). I would really like to see Lick's #1 change be hiring a connected recruiter like Alford did. Alford had a poor staff assembled early in his Iowa regime and he learned and at the end had a pretty good staff with Neal being his top recruiter. It seems he has even learned more and carried it on to New Mexico.

I think people know/knew this year was going to be rough. I stated last year that Iowa did not have a creator on the team once Jake Kelly left. Lots of people told me to hold off and wait for Cully Payne. I have waited and even Lick has said he has no one on the current team who can create. It's a lesson while HOPE is a great thing as I very much look forward to next years new additions, one must realize that some of them may not be as good as we think/want them to be. We have to be prepared for that reality and see what next year brings. I think a valid point of New Mex brings up is how long will we stick with the way things are if next year is not much better than this year? I don't expect next year to be great either. Iowa is at a tough time as what do we consider progress as I don't even know if wins next year will be a good measure and how long can you guage progress without actually attaining wins.

I guess what I am saying is assuming Gatens, Cole, May, Fuller don't leave I am fine with keeping Lick around next year. I would be fine with a 5th year assuming that one of the recruits is a legit difference maker. No freshman excuse, we need either Marble or Brust to be the real deal and be able to break Al Nolen type big 10 players off the bounce.
I think NEWMEXHAWK makes good points at times but he can get a little carried away with overstating things.

I think Lick was prepared coming in, however I don't think he was prepared for things to be this bad (some things are his fault and some are not). I would really like to see Lick's #1 change be hiring a connected recruiter like Alford did. Alford had a poor staff assembled early in his Iowa regime and he learned and at the end had a pretty good staff with Neal being his top recruiter. It seems he has even learned more and carried it on to New Mexico.

I think people know/knew this year was going to be rough. I stated last year that Iowa did not have a creator on the team once Jake Kelly left. Lots of people told me to hold off and wait for Cully Payne. I have waited and even Lick has said he has no one on the current team who can create. It's a lesson while HOPE is a great thing as I very much look forward to next years new additions, one must realize that some of them may not be as good as we think/want them to be. We have to be prepared for that reality and see what next year brings. I think a valid point of New Mex brings up is how long will we stick with the way things are if next year is not much better than this year? I don't expect next year to be great either. Iowa is at a tough time as what do we consider progress as I don't even know if wins next year will be a good measure and how long can you guage progress without actually attaining wins.

I guess what I am saying is assuming Gatens, Cole, May, Fuller don't leave I am fine with keeping Lick around next year. I would be fine with a 5th year assuming that one of the recruits is a legit difference maker. No freshman excuse, we need either Marble or Brust to be the real deal and be able to break Al Nolen type big 10 players off the bounce.

Nice post...especially about the freshman excuse...the way college basketball is today the freshman you bring in need to be able to compete and be good immediately, not just play because there is no one else to play...
Ignorance is bliss my friend. To say that Lick has no clue what he is doing is laughable and shows your knowledge for the game. Lick wasn't the coach who left 3 yrs ago leaving the program in shambles....but common sense is tough when you don't have any.

Still blaming Alford, huh? You're right. Ignorance is bliss.

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