
Burky, come on....this program was a mess under Alford. I'm not saying Lick will make it better, but the Alford experiment was not a success.
Burky, come on....this program was a mess under Alford. I'm not saying Lick will make it better, but the Alford experiment was not a success.

I'm not saying things were good under Alford. I'm saying blaming him for our problems in year 3 under TL is ridiculous. Especially when things were never even close to this bad under Alford.

Alford didn't leave us under probation with lost scholarships. That would have been the only way you could realistically still be blaming him this far into Lick's tenure. He also didn't leave with completely empty arenas. He didn't leave with multiple consecutive losing seasons. He didn't build the crappy facilities that we have. He didn't throw eggs at your house or crap on your lawn.

Alford didn't destroy our basketball program. It declined under his watch, no doubt. But he didn't leave it a complete wreck for TL. Other coaches have come into much worse conditions and improved programs in less time.

One other thing, TL knew the situation when he got here. He's being paid a ton of money and having far less results than the previous administration. Three consecutive losing seasons wouldn't have happened under Alford had he not bolted for New Mexico. Probably no NCAA tourneys would have happened either. But we wouldn't be watching something this pathetic.
The Lickliter experiment has not been a success. I think most will agree that he should be gone at the end of the season. It is too late for replacing assistants to dig Lick out of the hole he has dug. He should have hired a more experienced staff in the beginning and he probably wouldn't be in this postion now.

A new coach will inherit a nice recruitng class that I think will come to Iowa regardless of whether or not Lick is the coach, plus a new basketball facility. I think most of the current players would welcome a new coaching staff too.
I don't know why we have to continually rehash the same topics thread after thread after thread after thread.

I believe Lick will get it turned around and it starts with next year's class. No, I don't think those 4 freshman alone will turn the program around. But bringing in those four, improvement out of the existing team, the hopeful return of Tucker(this year) and the addition of Archie will only help!

We can talk about all the transfers until we are blue in the face, we have no idea exactly why each one left. The fact is they are not here and it set the program back, especially this year after losing Kelly and Peterson.

I have said all along that I think any coach should get at least 5 years to turn a program around. This gives them a chance to redshirt some players etc....I still think Lick should get 5 years. I frimly believe that Iowa needs to make the NCAA tournament at the end of that 5th year as well. That really should not be too much to ask out of Hawk fans, especially considering where the program stands now.

I think if you fired Lickliter at the end of this year, there would be no chance at all to make the tournament in two more years. With Lick, I believe there is a chance.

Now, the only part that I have waivered on recently would be transfers at the end of this year. And I am not talking a Brommer or Archie or even Tucker, because I think we can all see reasons why they might transfer. I am talking about a Gatens, Payne, May, Fuller, Cougill, Cole. If even one of those players transfer, then I think Barta would have to seriously look at letting Lick go. I then would firmly believe there are some personality conflicts that can't be fixed.

That aside, I am set to give Lick two more years and root for these Hawks even though the product on the court is not very good right now! I would like to see the Hawks win at least 15 games next year and I don't think that is outside the realm of possibility. I could care less about a win/loss record this year and I would suggest each and every one of you do the same!
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We need a top flight PG immediately, get one and see who starts, and I bet it wouldnt be Payne. While I think Payne is a fine player and will work hard to improve, he doesnt appear to be the team general that is needed.

As for what Lickliter did at Butler, one thing he didnt do is BUILD the program, and it shows with what he is doing at IOWA. He benefitted from Matta's four previous years of recruiting, and the experienced and connected assistants he had his first few years as HC at Butler ( like Jeff Meyer, former HC at Liberty, who built Liberty and took it to D I BB ). Thats a big head start, but also the fact he brought assistants with little experience and few connections with him to IOWA is interesting. Could it be a massive underestimation of the task ahead? Could it be telling of not having experience in building a program himself and we are seeing the OJT?( and its not taking ) Hmmm...
As for what Lickliter did at Butler, one thing he didnt do is BUILD the program, and it shows with what he is doing at IOWA. He benefitted from Matta's four previous years of recruiting, and the experienced and connected assistants he had his first few years as HC at Butler ( like Jeff Meyer, former HC at Liberty, who built Liberty and took it to D I BB ).
Just curious, was Matta the main recruiter for Collier, since Thad only served as head coach at Butler for one year?
Matta was the top assistant at Butler for the three years previous to becoming HC, he was THE recruiter at Butler while assistant coach and he was very highly regarded as a recruiter( and we all can see how that ability has helped his success at OSU ). So, as I said, Matta's four years of recruiting gave Lickliter a hell of a head start, and from what I see with Lickliter at IOWA, he needed that help to succeed, as he desperately needs it now.
Totally agree on the big.
We need a tree BADLY.

I think we are ok at PG. CPayne is going to be a good PG in the Big Ten and Brust will be just fine, as well.

I've been saying this for 3 years. Lick was very unprepared coming to Iowa and the Big Ten. He has ignored recruiting a BIG. That my friend is going to be costly. 3 classes in the books and no big. BIG MISTAKE!!!
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Ignorance is bliss my friend. To say that Lick has no clue what he is doing is laughable and shows your knowledge for the game. Lick wasn't the coach who left 3 yrs ago leaving the program in shambles....but common sense is tough when you don't have any.

WEAK EXCUSE!!! Alford is gone and been gone. 3 years removed and still fall back on Alford. Sorry not buying it... Alford left on 3-23-2007, 34 Months ago... Give it a rest...

Tell you what I'm in sales and if I took over a struggling territory and my sales were still declining 34 months later after replacing the previous rep. I would probably have been shown the door.

I agree with one point Cibula, to say Lick doesn't have a clue is laughable. That said Lick is certainly struggling and it shows. Let's also not forget that Lick inherited a sold Butler program.

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