Lickliter looks ridiculous....

Iowa needs to have open tryouts right now. There is no excuse for his son to be playing. I would wax the floor with him. And I was no D1 player, that's for sure.

You can't tell me in a university as big as Iowa that there aren't some ballers who can contribute some better minutes than we are getting from Lil lick. I just don't buy it.
Iowa needs to have open tryouts right now. There is no excuse for his son to be playing. I would wax the floor with him. And I was no D1 player, that's for sure.

You can't tell me in a university as big as Iowa that there aren't some ballers who can contribute some better minutes than we are getting from Lil lick. I just don't buy it.

At 21 I was probably as good as Lil Lick - seriously. We are about the same height and the same quickness. I am build stronger than he with better ups. I didn't play college hoops at all, nor should I have. It is a disgrace to see him on the floor.
Jeez, quit being so hard on the kid. It's not his fault the team is in dire need of someone to play some minutes. Give the kid some credit. He's not that terrible. Like iahawk said, tonight isn't a good matchup. He probably has more basketball smarts than all you guys ripping on him combined. He plays hard everytime he gets in there. Give the kid a break.
Iowa needs to have open tryouts right now. There is no excuse for his son to be playing. I would wax the floor with him. And I was no D1 player, that's for sure.

You can't tell me in a university as big as Iowa that there aren't some ballers who can contribute some better minutes than we are getting from Lil lick. I just don't buy it.

First of all, given who's actually on the team right now, Lick has no choice but to put junior in there. Payne has to get some rest, and we don't have another guard on the team.

Let me say that again, and let it sink in: We don't have another guard on the team.

So, Lick is compelled to play his son, who at least in the very broad sense of the term is a true guard, but the circumstances that require him to do so reflect a monumental recruiting failure--even if you throw Tucker into the mix.

Now let me offer a small bit of inside information that came to me one step removed from the source, which isn't bad as such things go. There is (or was) at least one kid on campus--A GUARD--who is good enough that the assistants had watched him play and went to Lick and recommended that he be added to the team as a walkon. Lick declined without looking at the kid. Maybe Lick felt it would be unfair to other current players, maybe he didn't want to try to teach "the system" to someone coming in midstream (though I understand this occurred before the season started).

There may actually have been two players--brothers, I believe--involved in this, but I'd have to check with my source again to verify that. Both are from NE Iowa. It's been awhile since I was told about this, and at the time it didn't register much with me because Tucker was still around and I was still operating under the delusion that he could be a Big Ten point guard (as well as the delusion that he had enough brains and character not to let down everyone in the program again).

I don't come across relevant nonpublic information very often and I post it even less often. However, I believe this report to be accurate. If my recollection as to the brothers is correct, someone who knows NE Iowa hoops better may even be able to identify the players involved.
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Funny thing is haydenshawk couldn't hold Little Lick's jock in the gym. Show some support instaed of trying to bring the player down to your level where you feel comfortable to say negative things.
I will agree with you if you can name me another player who should be taking those minutes.......yep, no other options
Not the best player on the floor... but leave the kid alone. He's playing hard, not throwing the ball away, and he's playing hard! That's what you have to ask for from a team like this...
I'm aware we don't have another guard and that's why he's playing. And I'm not faulting him at all. I just think there are probably better players than him that could walk on and contribute higher quality minutes.
The OP looks ridiculous for not understanding why Lickliter needs to play. If Tucker would not have screwed up, John Lickliter would not be playing!
The OP looks ridiculous for not understanding why Lickliter needs to play. If Tucker would not have screwed up, John Lickliter would not be playing!

He actually runs the point a little better than Cully. He's not nearly as talented as Cully, but sometimes he just does too much.
I thought Lil' lick played well, and had a heck of a hesitation play on Lucas, and a great steal, which would have been even better had he nailed that three.

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