Let’s Talk Corso



It’s gotten to the point where Corso is just saying random words and not making anything resembling coherent statements, ALL of the other hosts are visibly cringing when he “talks,” and Corso himself constantly has the 1,000 foot stare where he looks around like he doesn’t have a clue where he’s at or what he’s supposed to be doing. He just called Auburn Alabama, and started talking about Tennessee and Herbstreit had to stop him and tell him Notre Dame is the other team. Luckily, Rece Davis cut him off and changed the subject as a coup de gras.

None of what I just wrote is an exaggeration. He’s very clearly in the throes of advancing dementia. At what point do these fucks at ESPN stop parading this guy around like a show pony?

He can’t even finish a sentence or thought. And we all know he’s just trying to read some random stats that a staffer put on paper for him but he can’t even speak English. It’s the absolute most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen.

If you want the fuckin guy on your show let him stay home and cut to a 10 second segment in his living room where he can just put one of his stupid goddamn hats on for the zoo patrons.
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He's had a great career. He's 85 and he's had a stroke. He needs to find something else that excites him.

It’s gotten to the point where Corso is just saying random words and not making anything resembling coherent statements, ALL of the other hosts are visibly cringing when he “talks,” and Corso himself constantly has the 1,000 foot stare where he looks around like he doesn’t have a clue where he’s at or what he’s supposed to be doing. He just called Auburn Alabama, and started talking about Tennessee and Herbstreit had to stophim and tell him Notre Dame is the other team. Luckily, Rece Davis cut him off and changed the subject like a coup de gras.

None of what I just wrote is an exaggeration. He’s very clearly in the throes of advancing dementia. At what point do these fucks at ESPN stop parading this guy around like a show pony?

He can’t even finish a sentence or thought. And we all know he’s just trying to read some random stats that a staffer put on paper for him but he can’t even speak English. It’s the absolute most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen.

If you want the fuckin guy on your show let him stay home and cut to a 10 second segment in his living room where he can just put one of his stupid goddamn hats on for the zoo patrons.
That's actually a good idea. They can even pre-record it so he presents himself well.
I'm glad I don't watch much anymore. And usually turn it when he starts in. Please LC, you had a great run. Great ambassador for the sport. Go home and enjoy the time you have left.
Maybe this is all he has left? Maybe it isn’t ESPN parading him around like a show pony, maybe it is Corso that’s wants to continue, and, out of respect to Corso, they keep him on the show.
I get it, he had a great career and it is over, but if ESPN is LETTING him continue, I have much respect for ESPN for letting the guy continue to live his dream.
I'm glad I don't watch much anymore. And usually turn it when he starts in. Please LC, you had a great run. Great ambassador for the sport. Go home and enjoy the time you have left.

Do you look away from car wrecks too?
Maybe this is all he has left? Maybe it isn’t ESPN parading him around like a show pony, maybe it is Corso that’s wants to continue, and, out of respect to Corso, they keep him on the show.
I get it, he had a great career and it is over, but if ESPN is LETTING him continue, I have much respect for ESPN for letting the guy continue to live his dream.
Showing respect to Corso would be sitting him down, telling him they want to move on but that he can stay a part of the show with weekly picks if he wants.

Here’s what I’d ask you...

If Corso was your father, would you feel the same way about him being out there embarrassing himself, especially if he wasn’t aware of his own incoherence?

Aside from all that, if they keep him going on the show, eventually Corso will without a doubt eventually have a complete malfunction on live TV. It’s unavoidable.

My dad had a stroke at 37, and another at 44. I was sitting alone with him in our living room at the time of the second one when he started crying uncontrollably for no reason, and this was a guy who is never seen so much as get sad visibly. I lived with his issues and went to every doctor appointment from the time it started in 1987 until he died in 07; I say that not for sympathy, but for the fact that I know firsthand what dementia and stroke damage does, and that it’s progressive after a certain age. Corso is eventually going to tilt like a pinball machine on live TV and ESPN is going to wish it had done something sooner.

Would you want your dad out there when the time finally comes that he can’t talk or starts having a mental breakdown? It’s gonna happen, man.
Dick Vitale is pretty close behind. I am not sure how you gently push these guys out the door. Give them a small role in the studio, does that appease everyone?
Dick Vitale is pretty close behind. I am not sure how you gently push these guys out the door. Give them a small role in the studio, does that appease everyone?
I think it’d be great if Corso could do short pick segments from his house, even with the goofy hats if he wants.

That way 1) it’s not live in case something happens (he’s already dropped F bombs, no impulse control), and 2) he can do multiple takes if needed.

Win/win for everyone. He’s just fucking sad right now out there.

We wouldn’t want someone out there struggling to walk with a grotesquely broken ankle because they thought they “still had it in ‘em?”

This is the same thing, only his brain is what’s broken.
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I hadn't seen ESPN Gameday in quite some time until last week. I was shocked out how out of it Corso was. Difficult to watch.
In general I don't enjoy watching them. Living in a metro area with a lot of traffic, most of the time I've found myself having to watch them so I don't become part of it.

Most people don't enjoy watching them, but most can't look away either. I don't watch game day, but if it's as bad as people say, its surprising you can bring yourself to change the channel right as the car wreck is starting. Most would have to watch it and cringe.

It’s gotten to the point where Corso is just saying random words and not making anything resembling coherent statements, ALL of the other hosts are visibly cringing when he “talks,” and Corso himself constantly has the 1,000 foot stare where he looks around like he doesn’t have a clue where he’s at or what he’s supposed to be doing. He just called Auburn Alabama, and started talking about Tennessee and Herbstreit had to stophim and tell him Notre Dame is the other team. Luckily, Rece Davis cut him off and changed the subject as a coup de gras.

None of what I just wrote is an exaggeration. He’s very clearly in the throes of advancing dementia. At what point do these fucks at ESPN stop parading this guy around like a show pony?

He can’t even finish a sentence or thought. And we all know he’s just trying to read some random stats that a staffer put on paper for him but he can’t even speak English. It’s the absolute most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen.

If you want the fuckin guy on your show let him stay home and cut to a 10 second segment in his living room where he can just put one of his stupid goddamn hats on for the zoo patrons.

Actually watch how much Herbstreit bales him out. I think they have Herby right next to him to kind of babysit him and cover for the weird crap or instances. I noticed this quite a bit yesterday.

It's almost gotten to the point where it is so pathetic that I feel sorry for him as he clearly loves it. To the point I don't even care that he's still on the show.
All they’re doing now is embarrassing him on purpose, and the only one on the planet who doesn’t get the joke is Lee Corso.

I don't think they are embarrassing him on purpose, I think the cast is just living thru it, trying to get thru a show.
Haven't watched Gameday in maybe 6 years, including last weekend. But looked up a couple clips as the LC thing has lit up social media. Wow. Its actually really sad.
Showing respect to Corso would be sitting him down, telling him they want to move on but that he can stay a part of the show with weekly picks if he wants.

Here’s what I’d ask you...

If Corso was your father, would you feel the same way about him being out there embarrassing himself, especially if he wasn’t aware of his own incoherence?

Aside from all that, if they keep him going on the show, eventually Corso will without a doubt eventually have a complete malfunction on live TV. It’s unavoidable.

My dad had a stroke at 37, and another at 44. I was sitting alone with him in our living room at the time of the second one when he started crying uncontrollably for no reason, and this was a guy who is never seen so much as get sad visibly. I lived with his issues and went to every doctor appointment from the time it started in 1987 until he died in 07; I say that not for sympathy, but for the fact that I know firsthand what dementia and stroke damage does, and that it’s progressive after a certain age. Corso is eventually going to tilt like a pinball machine on live TV and ESPN is going to wish it had done something sooner.

Would you want your dad out there when the time finally comes that he can’t talk or starts having a mental breakdown? It’s gonna happen, man.

When is he going to pull a Dolphin and say something a little "off color". That has to be something ESECPN has to worry about. He's bound to say something stupid.

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