Leistikow: What was Barta thinking?

My love for Iowa basketball and other Iowa sports is greater than my love for any coach. You on the other hand are the polar opposite. You apparently weren't on HN during the Lick days, but I bet you were saying he should have more time to turn it around.

No, I was here during the Lick years. Can't remember what my handle was then but I was here. I was ready for Lick to be gone after the third year because he had three years and was obviously not up to the job.

That's the thing. I've criticized Fran and Kirk at times and it's OK to do so. I just won't constantly do it, being snarky and sarcastic, refusing to put things in context or allowing for the fact that not everything is black and white.
No, I was here during the Lick years. Can't remember what my handle was then but I was here. I was ready for Lick to be gone after the third year because he had three years and was obviously not up to the job.

That's the thing. I've criticized Fran and Kirk at times and it's OK to do so. I just won't constantly do it, being snarky and sarcastic, refusing to put things in context or allowing for the fact that not everything is black and white.
Why did you lose your handle?
Why did you lose your handle?

Who wouldn't want to be Steve Garvey? :)

This is flat out wrong or a lie. There absolutely were posters on here arguing to give Lickliter more time. I was here. I saw it first hand!
There were people on this board two months ago saying that this team would have trouble stopping Lickliter's teams and that Gatens would go off and stuff like that.

Gatens may have gotten his, but Lick's teams wouldn't have had a prayer in the paint. Brommer? Archie? Cougill? Jarryd Cole would have given you his best effort but Tyler Cook would have abused him down low.

If last year's team plays Lickliter's best team ten times last year's team wins seven or eight.

And to come back to post, absolutely there were people pining for Lickliter to get another chance, mostly citing his incoming recruiting class that Fran inherited.
There were people on this board two months ago saying that this team would have trouble stopping Lickliter's teams and that Gatens would go off and stuff like that.

Gatens may have gotten his, but Lick's teams wouldn't have had a prayer in the paint. Brommer? Archie? Cougill? Jarryd Cole would have given you his best effort but Tyler Cook would have abused him down low.

If last year's team plays Lickliter's best team ten times last year's team wins seven or eight.

And to come back to post, absolutely there were people pining for Lickliter to get another chance, mostly citing his incoming recruiting class that Fran inherited.
I was one of those people! I'd take Lick's 2nd team over last year's team. All day.
If social media had been around when Steve Garvey played he would have been a dead duck.

He would have Larry Eustachyied himself about a thousand times over.
Was living in Los Angeles during Garvey era ect.Quite the multiple ladies guy.Lots of alimony.Huge self promoter.Good player not special.His speciality "Sincerity"
I was one of those people! I'd take Lick's 2nd team over last year's team. All day.
The second team was clearly his best and he had something going and Jake Kelly was even turning into somewhat of a clutch player. Then he lost all those transfers and had the off the court Anthony Tucker issues. If you want to state a case for that team I will respect that. It fell apart the third year and that's unfortunate the one that sticks out in my memory but you got me on that second team. Well never know what that team would have accomplished had we not lost all those damn transfers. So good catch there. At least that team had a point guard.

EDIT: I just looked up the rosters. Cougill and Archie weren't even on that second team. Cyrus Tate, Kurt Looby, and David Porter were. Tyler Cook still would have had his moments but wouldn't have abused them inside as easily as the aforementioned.

We will never what Lickliter would have done with his incoming class, which would have included Ben Brust, because he never got the chance to coach them. And based off season three he didn't deserve the chance. That I will stand by.
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Was living in Los Angeles during Garvey era ect.Quite the multiple ladies guy.Lots of alimony.Huge self promoter.Good player not special.His speciality "Sincerity"
You nailed it. Self promotor. And that was a bigger deal then when baseball was more of a game than a business. He was not a popular player amongst his peers or in that Dodger clubhouse.
Sure you did...


You are the clever one aren't you. Perhaps if you knew my handle you would have gone back into the archives to see if I backed the firing of Lick. I don't think I was on the front lines with the "FIRE LICK!" crowd but I was ready to see him go.
It's too bad there isn't video, but this story documents one of the better inside clubhouse fights (Steve Garvey vs Don Sutton) from back in 1978. Those were the days.

Remember it like it was yesterday. Garvey was similar to Reggie Jackson. Here is the key to understanding this. Nowadays a self promotor the likes of Jackson or Garvey wouldn't get a second thought. But the late seventies we're a different time. Free agency was brand new and was just beginning to change the game. Veterans demanded respect from the younger players because they were the ones who "blazed the trail". Certain players in their late twenties, like Reggie and Garvey, were at the perfect age to cash in without paying as many of the requisite dues. Older players, like Sutton, were still stuck in their old contracts. It took about five years for everything to balance out and some veterans never got the chance to cash in. It created a terrible atmosphere and recipe for jealousy until some veterans could get out of their contracts and cash in themselves.
You want McCaffery gone? Then give some names that have the ability to turn this BB program into a BIG contender which would put Iowa in the NCAA Tourney on a yearly basis. Don't lay a bunch of mid major coaches that have had some success in the Horizon league or some other middle of the road conference on me. We have been down that road for the last 15 years. You want a big time coach? Then you gotta pay big time. IMO, there are about 10 to 12 coaches in the country that could come into Iowa and have an immediate affect on the recruiting and get the players needed to put Iowa in the top 20 year in and year out. None of which would consider Iowa as a future building program. Besides the fact that Iowa does not even come close to having the financial ability to compete with the schools they need to beat to obtain a coach of that stature.

I am not saying Fran is the answer, I just want to know how come people think another mid major coach would make any difference. Want an example of how it can fail. Indiana a school in the middle of the BB hotbed of recruiting with BB tradition like few others. How have their mid major coaching stars worked out in the last 20 years? How much money have they spent on their venture into hiring a shooting star coach?

You say I'm accepting mediocracy, I say I'm accepting reality. Playing in the BIG, Iowa has a tough road to get enough wins to qualify for the NCAA year in and year out. So a coach that has won a conference championship in the Mid America a few years and taken a team to the NCAA can repeat that feat year in and year out in a power five conference is a roll of the dice. You might roll a seven but the odds say you won't. With Lick Iowa rolled snake eyes. With Alford it looked good at first but ended up we sevened out. At least with Fran we still have a chance to roll the point.

I'm not ready to give up on Fran yet. The reason being, I think Fran is where he wants to be. I don't think he is looking to gain a higher altitude in coaching. He's happy coaching at Iowa and I also think he wants to see Iowa become a viable program. If he can do that he will be a happy coach. Fran is a good man and will put his heart and soul into it. Just speaking for myself I wouldn't ask for more from any coach.

And you know I think Barta sees the those same attributes.

And to really PO some posters on here. That goes for KF too.

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You want McCaffery gone? Then give some names that have the ability to turn this BB program into a BIG contender which would put Iowa in the NCAA Tourney on a yearly basis. Don't lay a bunch of mid major coaches that have had some success in the Horizon league or some other middle of the road conference on me. We have been down that road for the last 15 years. You want a big time coach? Then you gotta pay big time. IMO, there are about 10 to 12 coaches in the country that could come into Iowa and have an immediate affect on the recruiting and get the players needed to put Iowa in the top 20 year in and year out. None of which would consider Iowa as a future building program. Besides the fact that Iowa does not even come close to having the financial ability to compete with the schools they need to beat to obtain a coach of that stature.

I am not saying Fran is the answer, I just want to know how come people think another mid major coach would make any difference. Want an example of how it can fail. Indiana a school in the middle of the BB hotbed of recruiting with BB tradition like few others. How have their mid major coaching stars worked out in the last 20 years? How much money have they spent on their venture into hiring a shooting star coach?

You say I'm accepting mediocracy, I say I'm accepting reality. Playing in the BIG, Iowa has a tough road to get enough wins to qualify for the NCAA year in and year out. So a coach that has won a conference championship in the Mid America a few years and taken a team to the NCAA can repeat that feat year in and year out in a power five conference is a roll of the dice. You might roll a seven but the odds say you won't. With Lick Iowa rolled snake eyes. With Alford it looked good at first but ended up we sevened out. At least with Fran we still have a chance to roll the point.

I'm not ready to give up on Fran yet. The reason being, I think Fran is where he wants to be. I don't think he is looking to gain a higher altitude in coaching. He's happy coaching at Iowa and I also think he wants to see Iowa become a viable program. If he can do that he will be a happy coach. Fran is a good man and will put his heart and soul into it. Just speaking for myself I wouldn't ask for more from any coach.

And you know I think Barta sees the those same attributes.

And to really PO some posters on here. That goes for KF too.

You are not accepting mediocrity. You are as frustrated as the rest of us. Let's take this step by step.

Some have mentioned Eric Musselman's name. That's not happening, but his pedigree is not all mid major. He's a former NBA coach. He's a coaches son who has been around the game at all levels, NBA, CBA, juco, NCAA, all of it. And he's still fairly young. He has embraced three modern trends-signing transfers, playing multiple position players, and shortening the bench. Next to Loyola (who beat Nevada) Musselman's Wolfpack may have been one of the biggest stories of the tournament. He just cashed in and it's still less that what Fran is making. But we would have zero chance of landing him even if he approached Gary Barta with a blank check.

How has Indiana done in the last twenty years? Better than you think. Definitely better than Bobby Knight's last eight or nine. They have, in that twenty year period, a national title appearance, at least one BIG title, and I beileve two Sweet sixteen appearances. And that's dragging the years 2008-2012 through the mud.

The BIG is a tough road, but it is not insurmountable. We made the dance with regularity from 1979-1999. We've made it four times since. And the BIG in many of those years was a lot stronger than it is now because kids from Chicago, Detroit, Peoria, Milwaukee, and Flint were staying home and playing in it. (Actually, Izzo does kind of have Flint locked down, the way Lou Henson once had Chicago Simeon locked down).

Barta does see Fran's positives (and he has positives) .In fact he see them too well. He just extended him to the moon. And that's my biggest contention. Not the extension, but the length, the buyout, and most all the timing. The last three of those four were preposterous.

I just mentioned this elsewhere. We have six months to see if this is an aberration. And that's the toughest part. By the time September rolls around you would have thought that we went about 6-25 last year and played convicted felons at every position. Because perception is only going to fester and grow. It's human nature.

Fran will do better next year. But don't be surprised if we fall short the dance again. Some of the stiffest second and third tier competition in the conference are thinking progressively when it comes to improving. By comparison it feels like we're stuck in the nineties.
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You want McCaffery gone? Then give some names that have the ability to turn this BB program into a BIG contender which would put Iowa in the NCAA Tourney on a yearly basis. Don't lay a bunch of mid major coaches that have had some success in the Horizon league or some other middle of the road conference on me. We have been down that road for the last 15 years. You want a big time coach? Then you gotta pay big time. IMO, there are about 10 to 12 coaches in the country that could come into Iowa and have an immediate affect on the recruiting and get the players needed to put Iowa in the top 20 year in and year out. None of which would consider Iowa as a future building program. Besides the fact that Iowa does not even come close to having the financial ability to compete with the schools they need to beat to obtain a coach of that stature.

I am not saying Fran is the answer, I just want to know how come people think another mid major coach would make any difference. Want an example of how it can fail. Indiana a school in the middle of the BB hotbed of recruiting with BB tradition like few others. How have their mid major coaching stars worked out in the last 20 years? How much money have they spent on their venture into hiring a shooting star coach?

You say I'm accepting mediocracy, I say I'm accepting reality. Playing in the BIG, Iowa has a tough road to get enough wins to qualify for the NCAA year in and year out. So a coach that has won a conference championship in the Mid America a few years and taken a team to the NCAA can repeat that feat year in and year out in a power five conference is a roll of the dice. You might roll a seven but the odds say you won't. With Lick Iowa rolled snake eyes. With Alford it looked good at first but ended up we sevened out. At least with Fran we still have a chance to roll the point.

I'm not ready to give up on Fran yet. The reason being, I think Fran is where he wants to be. I don't think he is looking to gain a higher altitude in coaching. He's happy coaching at Iowa and I also think he wants to see Iowa become a viable program. If he can do that he will be a happy coach. Fran is a good man and will put his heart and soul into it. Just speaking for myself I wouldn't ask for more from any coach.

And you know I think Barta sees the those same attributes.

And to really PO some posters on here. That goes for KF too.

You don't know what you're talking about if you think Iowa can't afford to pay for a top coach. Zero clue.