Leistikow: What was Barta thinking?

Yes, I don't know exactly what kind of shape our athletic budget is in but rest assured they are not standing in lines at soup kitchens.

I didn't respond to that part of his post because I don't know the exact numbers but I'm sure cash is coming out of their ears.
Fox Tv $$$....
I'm cool with that.

And my post was not directed at you entirely. It was meant to be a general statement on how I felt about Fran and how I feel he is a good coach and person. A coach I would not hesitate to send a son to play for. I would not make that statement about what are considered some of the top college BB coaches in this country.

And as far as a coach succumbing to the fan and alumni pressure. I will say there are a lot of coaches that shouldn't be and shouldn't have been in the coaching business over the years then. Especially when under the shadow of multimillion dollar contract. Look at what many fans on this board say about KF and his once big contract. Kirk of course is a high integrity guy as well. Bending the rules is not in his make up either.

More opinion!
Fran is making it clear that he is sticking with these players (and assistants). OK, that's the fork in the road he has chosen. If I'm a player or assistant that resonates with me. I'm happy that my guy has my back. That is not very common anymore. But I'm also going to return the loyalty by busting my ass in the off season like it's never been busted before and making sure last season never happens again. Hopefully these players feel the same. And they're tired of having sand thrown in their face.
Fran is making it clear that he is sticking with these players (and assistants). OK, that's the fork in the road he has chosen. If I'm a player or assistant that resonates with me. I'm happy that my guy has my back. That is not very common anymore. But I'm also going to return the loyalty by busting my ass in the off season like it's never been busted before and making sure last season never happens again. Hopefully these players feel the same. And they're tired of having sand thrown in their face.
That's all well and good but it won't overcome the talent/athleticism gap. We need to seriously upgrade the talent.
That's all well and good but it won't overcome the talent/athleticism gap. We need to seriously upgrade the talent.
True but he's not pursuing that option this time around. He had his chance. He had/has the open schollies. It's up to the returning players to take a hard look inside and remind themselves that they represent a division one University. And at least play with the passion than Fran claims he coaches with. The lack of pride/passion they played with last drove me was nuts as anything else. In any case the 2019 class will be very interesting indeed and better have some of the talent/athleticism you mention.
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