Lebron Opting Out of Contract

I think he goes back to Cleveland. I think he likes playing the role of the good guy more than the bad guy and that's the story book ending would be bringing a championship(s) back to his hometown.
I don't know why, other than just a gut feeling, but I think he's going to leave Miami. Probably to find better support than the aging DWade, because Dwade proved in the finals this year that he just doesn't have it anymore, at least when it comes to playing more than 3 games in a week. And then for some reason LeBron will get criticized for pairing up with too good of a basketball player. :confused:
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I don't know why, other than just a gut feeling, but I think he's going to leave Miami. Probably to find better support than the aging DWade, because Dwade proved in the finals this year that he just doesn't have it anymore, at least when it comes to playing more than 3 games in a week time period. And then for some reason LeBron will get criticized for pairing up with too good of a basketball player. :confused:
Who has money to pay him that is a legitimate contender? He could team up with D-Rose in Chicago, but they can't pay him. He could become a Laker, but I think they are too far away from contending with an aging Kobe.
Who has money to pay him that is a legitimate contender? He could team up with D-Rose in Chicago, but they can't pay him. He could become a Laker, but I think they are too far away from contending with an aging Kobe.

LeBron actually takes a pay cut for Miami. He's the 9th highest paid player currently. I don't think there's any reason to not believe that he wouldn't end up doing that for another team.
Who has money to pay him that is a legitimate contender? He could team up with D-Rose in Chicago, but they can't pay him. He could become a Laker, but I think they are too far away from contending with an aging Kobe.

him staying in miami would mean that they'd have to pay him more than he currently makes? wade already making $20MM - La Ron has a history of not being able to put the franchise on his shoulders - he'll go whereever he thinks the best situation is for him to win. And that is why he'll never be in the same conversation as the legends of the game.
him staying in miami would mean that they'd have to pay him more than he currently makes? wade already making $20MM - La Ron has a history of not being able to put the franchise on his shoulders - he'll go whereever he thinks the best situation is for him to win. And that is why he'll never be in the same conversation as the legends of the game.

Agreed. LeFraud will never be able to win a title. Just doesn't have the mental toughness needed.
Agreed. LeFraud will never be able to win a title. Just doesn't have the mental toughness needed.
Well obviously he has won 2 titles, but the point is, he has yet to prove that he can put the team on his shoulders and lead them to victory without 2 other top tier NBA players by his side. Can you imagine MJ in his prime getting curb stomped in the NBA Finals?
Well obviously he has won 2 titles, but the point is, he has yet to prove that he can put the team on his shoulders and lead them to victory without 2 other top tier NBA players by his side. Can you imagine MJ in his prime getting curb stomped in the NBA Finals?

My gawd. This is such a stupid argument. How many titles did MJ win without Scottie Pippen?

Scottie Pippin > DWade or Bosh all day.

LeBron had absolutely NO help whatsoever in Cleveland. He got tired of his back hurting so much from carrying that team. I don't care what anybody says, MJ couldn't have even won a title with that pathetic supporting cast. Go ahead and start listing of the best players he had helping him in Cleveland and try not to laugh.
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My gawd. This is such a stupid argument. How many titles did MJ win without Scottie Pippen?

Scottie Pippin > DWade or Bosh all day.
He was a good player, but he was a great player when he was standing next to MJ. Wade had a lot more success without Lebron than Pippen had without MJ. Plus Lebron had another hall of famer, Ray Allen that bailed them out of the series last year.

I'm just saying that an MJ led team would never get slaughtered the way the Heat did this year. They bent over and let the Spurs do whatever they wanted in that series.
Well obviously he has won 2 titles, but the point is, he has yet to prove that he can put the team on his shoulders and lead them to victory without 2 other top tier NBA players by his side. Can you imagine MJ in his prime getting curb stomped in the NBA Finals?

Does he really though? He might have rings but he's not a real champion. Everyone knows the Heat just flat out bought those titles, the NBA should have put a big asterisk next to both of those. LeFraud still hasn't proven he that he can come through when it matters.
How many titles did Pippin win without Jordan? He was a good player, but he was a great player when he was standing next to MJ.

Boom. Thread/

Without Jordan the Bulls were just a crappy 55 win team. With Jordan, they were champions. True champions not fraud champs like Miami.
him staying in miami would mean that they'd have to pay him more than he currently makes? wade already making $20MM - La Ron has a history of not being able to put the franchise on his shoulders - he'll go whereever he thinks the best situation is for him to win. And that is why he'll never be in the same conversation as the legends of the game.
If LeBron was really the best, he'd mysteriously quit in the middle of his career. That's what the greats do.
Boom. Thread/

Without Jordan the Bulls were just a crappy 55 win team. With Jordan, they won 57 games the year before. True champions not fraud champs like Miami.

2 game drop off without him. Losing fire power like him, though, really hurt them in the playoffs.
If LeBron was really the best, he'd mysteriously quit in the middle of his career. That's what the greats do.
There will always be MJ haters. Those who didn't watch him on all of the time growing up will never understand the drive he had that separated him from any basketball player I have ever seen. Does Lebron have more talent? Yes, but he is no where near as great as Jordan was, and I don't think he ever will be.
He was a good player, but he was a great player when he was standing next to MJ. Wade had a lot more success without Lebron than Pippen had without MJ. Plus Lebron had another hall of famer, Ray Allen that bailed them out of the series last year.

I'm just saying that an MJ led team would never get slaughtered the way the Heat did this year. They bent over and let the Spurs do whatever they wanted in that series.

I think you're missing the point. Even the best players need another good player beside them in order to win a title. LeBron didn't have one of those in Cleveland, at all. DWade had Shaq when he was still in his dominant phase to help him win that other title. MJ couldn't have done it without a stellar player in Pippen. Get it?
If LeBron was really the best, he'd mysteriously quit in the middle of his career. That's what the greats do.

Has anybody else heard the rumor that David Stern basically forced MJ into retirement due to his gambling problem? Essentially Stern told him to get his shiz together first then he could come back into the league. I don't know if there's any truth to that at all, but just curious if anybody else has heard that before.
If LeBron was really the best, he'd mysteriously quit in the middle of his career. That's what the greats do.

It wasn't mysterious. He had accomplish all he could and his father had just been murdered. Let's see how LeBron would act if his father was murdered...oh wait, he doesn't know who his father is, just another way Jordan was better.

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