Latest on Montell from Andy Hamilton...

Thom, I appreciate the insight. In my opinion, I feel that the common feeling with posters on the wrestling board is that the insiders include USAFHawk, FulsaasFan, and possibly AustinMNHawk. With regards to the first two, they have stated that they doubt that MM will ever put on an Iowa singlet again. Your previous quotes would indicate the extreme opposite of what they are saying. Are you just guessing, or do you really have someone that is deep in this process? Why are your sources saying different things? I'm just wondering and I'm sure others are too.

I am not guessing. I have been close to the story from the get go. I have info that few others have. That said, I am not going to say more about that. I will repeat that MM is doing a great job of getting it together and we shall(hopefully) see him back in uniform shortly.
I was also one of the VERY FEW that had as solid information you could get with regards to the whole Slaton situation and I said from the very early stages that Joe was not going to be reinstated. Like I said before if it was only up to Barta/Mims/Brands MM would be a go, but there are a few individuals who actually give the okay to the Athletic Dept. to reinstate that feel that MM has used up his chances. This is not a formality that I can guarantee, but I do know that they are very willing to listen to the Athletic Dept.'s appeal. I'm not here to get into a ******* match of who has the better sources and whatnot, but I trust mine and I do hope MM gets reinstated if that is what is best regardless if I agree with it or not.
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I'm thankful this will be over way or another. We should have an answer in early January at the latest and then this whole matter can go away. Iowa will do their best with whoever is in the room.

Merry Christmas everyone!
I think some need to know when talking about sources there are those that have very good ins with the staff. They are always going to have an attitude of take care of business you can take care of. Work hard and keep working hard and everything else will take care of itself. That is how those guys live their lives and why they are successful. IMO though, it leads to a false sense of hope in others who talk to them.

Just my $.02 on why some are more optimistic than others and why some were sure Joe Slaton would be back last year and others weren't.

Let's just all hope the appeal goes well. I've also heard, from outside of USAF and FF, that this will go higher than the Athletic Dept. for last say so I'm not seeing it as a formality either.
Nothing official, but MM is back. There may not be any official announcement, but he is to begin practice with the team.
Will the UI get a call from Obama like the Eagles did? Will they get a pat on the back for giving someone a 2nd (3rd, 4th ... ) chance?

If sports is the motivating factor to change someone's life for the better, that is great. If changing someone's life is a cover to play sports, not so great.
The saddest part of it all is that if he lost to Leclare in wrestle-offs last year we wouldn't care and anyone who says otherwise is a liar.
take it for what its worth...word is he is back with the team and will be able to compete on jan 30th
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Thom, I appreciate the insight. In my opinion, I feel that the common feeling with posters on the wrestling board is that the insiders include USAFHawk, FulsaasFan, and possibly AustinMNHawk. With regards to the first two, they have stated that they doubt that MM will ever put on an Iowa singlet again. Your previous quotes would indicate the extreme opposite of what they are saying. Are you just guessing, or do you really have someone that is deep in this process? Why are your sources saying different things? I'm just wondering and I'm sure others are too.

Not my feeling. I hate it when people speak on behalf of "all posters" with "the common feeling with posters" crap.

Thom is about as reliable as they come and if those other guys are saying they know 'with absolute certainly' that Marion isn't ever going to put on an Iowa singlet again, then I am disappointed they would post such things.
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Not my feeling. I hate it when people speak on behalf of "all posters" with "the common feeling with posters" crap.

Thom is about as reliable as they come and if those other guys are saying they know 'with absolute certainly' that Marion isn't ever going to put on an Iowa singlet again, then I am disappointed they would post such things.

It's a good thing you corrected me; now I know I don't speak for you even though I had you in mind when I made the post. I apologize that your feelings were hurt, but if you ask most posters, AFHawk and FulsaasFan are the insiders considering they were the ones picked by Jon. As for Thom being as reliable as they come, he was way off on Slaton when others said he was done. Which was why I was questioning everyone's comments. Everyone has a reliable source but doesn't want to reveal who it is and apparently they're not on the inside as they think. Which is why I never understood the secrecy. Coach Brands never seems to keep secrets. When asked about Nat. Duals, he explained they weren't ready. When asked about Keddy last year, he said he was hurt.
It's a good thing you corrected me; now I know I don't speak for you even though I had you in mind when I made the post. I apologize that your feelings were hurt, but if you ask most posters, AFHawk and FulsaasFan are the insiders considering they were the ones picked by Jon. As for Thom being as reliable as they come, he was way off on Slaton when others said he was done. Which was why I was questioning everyone's comments. Everyone has a reliable source but doesn't want to reveal who it is and apparently they're not on the inside as they think. Which is why I never understood the secrecy. Coach Brands never seems to keep secrets. When asked about Nat. Duals, he explained they weren't ready. When asked about Keddy last year, he said he was hurt.

Not sure what your deal is, but whatever. If you want to use Slaton against him, so-be-it. Everyone around the situation seemed fairly confident he'd get reinstated, but unfortunately, Slaton didn't seal the deal.

We'll see soon enough on Marion.
yea my knowledge is internet gossip bout him being back on the 30th but i felt i had to atleast acknowledge never know!
If thats what I meant, thats what I would have wrote. I meant we would not care, period.
Well then, I disagree with you and I'm not a liar. I care because the team is better when we have more quality wrestlers in the room. I care that Krutsinger and Baldosaro left even though neither was a starter. Injuries happen and it's always good to have solid backups to fill in. The Hawks wouldn't have kept the dual streak alive last season if not for solid backups. That is something we're lacking this year with several of our best prospects being freshmen. There's no need to be so cynical. And OBTW, I'm not holding out hope for Marion. If Brands/Iowa decides he can compete, so be it. Otherwise I'll continue cheering for Ballweg.

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