Latest on Montell from Andy Hamilton...

ive looked all over the net and there are a lot of ppl saying he'll be announced on team soon but i still don't believe it
I won't believe it until it's announced in an official capacity or reported by Andy Hamilton.

I'm thankful for the depth of the Hawkeye squad and the great performances Mark Ballweg has put forth thus far. With or without Marion we'll have a solid team this year despite its youth. I'm really looking forward to seeing results from Midlands and hoping Matt Ballweg's cut/results go well.
Gotta wish him luck. I think the DJK incedent really hurt him but the fact that he refused to run from it and instead took responsibility is very impressive. And sadly the sports community will forgive him not for his integrity but for the second he starts winning (exhibit A: Michael Vick) again.

Also the picture is of the quarters, not the semis. So it would be Lindsay and not Nauman.
Gotta wish him luck. I think the DJK incedent really hurt him but the fact that he refused to run from it and instead took responsibility is very impressive. And sadly the sports community will forgive him not for his integrity but for the second he starts winning (exhibit A: Michael Vick) again.

Also the picture is of the quarters, not the semis. So it would be Lindsay and not Nauman.

The DJK thing has nothing to do with this and will have no bearing on the ultimate outcome.
I beg to differ. They have everything to do with each other. I really hope marion returns but I don't see it as a realistic possibility. The DJK incedent is being painted (by some) as a result of the university doing nothing and lacking discipline. By reinstating Marion (who was permanently suspended) they are only furthering this idea in the minds of those who believe that Iowa lacks discipline. The media will certainly connect the two instead of seperating them. While DJK and Marion may not know each other and have certainly committed very different acts, they both are students-athletes at Iowa, they both broke the law. In that respect they are lumped together and will be viewed together in terms of how the university disciplines its student-athletes.

That said I admire Marions refusal to run from the problem and to stay and make it right, It's the epitome of the Iowa style. Don't run or step back, move forward, work on your weaknesses. I think it shows that he has learned more then just wrestling in his time at Iowa. And isn't that what the university and the team is trying to do? Mold respectable adults from impressionable kids?
I beg to differ. They have everything to do with each other. I really hope marion returns but I don't see it as a realistic possibility. The DJK incedent is being painted (by some) as a result of the university doing nothing and lacking discipline. By reinstating Marion (who was permanently suspended) they are only furthering this idea in the minds of those who believe that Iowa lacks discipline. The media will certainly connect the two instead of seperating them. While DJK and Marion may not know each other and have certainly committed very different acts, they both are students-athletes at Iowa, they both broke the law. In that respect they are lumped together and will be viewed together in terms of how the university disciplines its student-athletes.

That said I admire Marions refusal to run from the problem and to stay and make it right, It's the epitome of the Iowa style. Don't run or step back, move forward, work on your weaknesses. I think it shows that he has learned more then just wrestling in his time at Iowa. And isn't that what the university and the team is trying to do? Mold respectable adults from impressionable kids?

While I think at the heart of the matter you are right, possibly Marion might get one more shot. WHY? Because in the big scheme of things, unfortunately a very small number of people pay attention to wrestling. Like you said, he handled things now, the right way, and I have a feeling he might get another shot.

I think that Brands is man enough that if he had no shot, he would have told him not to waste his time.
I'm a big fan of Montell's. I really hope they bring him back. He would be a big help to this team...again!
I don't think we will see Montell in a Hawkeye singlet ever again. If this was only up to the Athletic Dept. then I would be more encouraged, but he has to jump a few hoops outside of Mims and Brands. The people that are making decisions believe he has had his fair share of chances. Let's face it, if he was a member of the football team and had the same transgressions KF would have set him packing long ago.
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I don't think we will see Montell in a Hawkeye singlet ever again. If this was only up to the Athletic Dept. then I would be more encouraged, but he has to jump a few hoops outside of Mims and Brands. The people that are making decisions believe he has had his fair share of chances. Let's face it, if he was a member of the football team and had the same transgressions KF would have set him packing long ago.

Well, Montell is not a football player, so it really doesn't matter what KF would or would'nt do. What matters is what Brands would do. Would Brands tell Montell, no chance you'll ever be back on the team so you better look around somewhere else? Would Montell hang around Iowa if he didn't think he had a chance to be back on the team sometime? I would think he would have explored that possibility with Brands and been satisfied with the answer or I would think he would have left already if he didn't like the answer he got. Guessing UNI might look attractive to him if he didn't expect at least a chance of coming back if he kept his nose clean. I just don't think he would stay at Iowa just for an education. Just a WAG, but i think Montell probably still wants to wrestle. I would think many other schools would take his transfer happily enough.
Does anyone remember the old days and the amount of trouble some wrestlers got into in the 1980's-90's? How many of them were kicked off the team? If I remember correctly Penrith was even sent to treatment for his problem with alcohol and was able to rejoin the team. Do I agree with what Montell did, no, but if he has done enough to show the university and Brands that he has changed his ways then I say he deserves a chance to continue to prove he has changed as a member of the team. Which one of us would not want another chance to prove we can and have made changes in our lives after a screw up? People can and do make changes for the better. Not to mention, if he is allowed to come back, there is no guarantee that he can make it into the lineup. I think both Ballwegs will have something to say about that.
I've never understood all the secrecy when it comes to our so called insiders. If you are in with the program than spill the beans so we can all move on. What other hoops does a guy need to go thru if we're talking about a suspension from the athletic department. All we ever get is one's source against another. I realize you guys do this for love of the sport and team, but I'm sure you've got reliable information. What's the big secret?
MM has Brands full support. The application for reinstatement is a formality. It could only be done after the semester. MM has been assured that it will proceed in his behave. Assumming that to be true, he will be at practice next Monday. If he is at practice monday, he has been reinstated to the team. Then, it is up to Brands when MM actually gets to be in matches. That would depend what shape he is in and if Tom feels he is ready. Tom may take his time letting him on the mat. If for some reason Barta/Mimms do not reinstate him, he will be wrestling for UNI/ISU next semester.
There will be some mixed thoughts on this if he indeed is allowed to return to the team. For some, the question will be: Well, if he was a so-so wrestler would this even be a topic for consideration?

I guess what impresses me is he stayed in school and seems very committed to graduate and do things the right way. It is easy to say "throw away the key" and not give him another chance, but in life, we all make mistakes. We make mistakes when we are 20, 34, 55, etc. Marion has had a few hiccups along the way so that is what will catch some people up; that he has already been given more than one chance.

I guess I am sort of split on his possible return. Would he be a nice addition to the roster? Absolutely. Will it send the wrong message because he is possibly being given chances that a "so-so" athlete may not have been given? I think so.

If he is allowed to come back, I would say I have to support him until he shows me otherwise. With some kids, it takes a few times to get things right. I know when I was 20, 21, 22 years of age I could have used a few do-overs. :)
MM has Brands full support. The application for reinstatement is a formality. It could only be done after the semester. MM has been assured that it will proceed in his behave. Assumming that to be true, he will be at practice next Monday. If he is at practice monday, he has been reinstated to the team. Then, it is up to Brands when MM actually gets to be in matches. That would depend what shape he is in and if Tom feels he is ready. Tom may take his time letting him on the mat. If for some reason Barta/Mimms do not reinstate him, he will be wrestling for UNI/ISU next semester.

Thom, I appreciate the insight. In my opinion, I feel that the common feeling with posters on the wrestling board is that the insiders include USAFHawk, FulsaasFan, and possibly AustinMNHawk. With regards to the first two, they have stated that they doubt that MM will ever put on an Iowa singlet again. Your previous quotes would indicate the extreme opposite of what they are saying. Are you just guessing, or do you really have someone that is deep in this process? Why are your sources saying different things? I'm just wondering and I'm sure others are too.
I have been one of Montell's biggest critics since he was wrestling middle school....and I will never forget the only time I have EVER heard a state champion universally booed at Vets/Wells.

However, by all accounts it seems that he has finally 'manned up' by taking responsibility and working hard to make things right. THIS is what I and many others have been asking of him (and Del) for the past decade, instead of running to yet another program at the first sign of trouble.

I offer my hand out, a pat on the back, and say welcome back young man. Good job.

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