Latest on Montell from Andy Hamilton...

My son has been doing outstanding,” he said. “Right now, he’s got about a B average, he’s keeping his nose clean and doing all the things I expect him to do.”

atleast someone has their nose out of the candy :)

i really hope he decides to stay god who knows whos calling him to transfer.
i do wonder if the current football situation will make them less likely to reinstate him w/ fear of ending up with egg on their face. that would suck .
it doesn't help thats for sure cr

Iowa needs him to have any shot at a team title in my opinion which is already a long shot. It would be nice if either him or Mark Ballweg could wrestle 149, but that is probably a stretch.
very interesting article. given his track record with the law, i would think it would be very hard to reinstate MM. As much as i would like to see it happen for the team, i have the feeling that despite what he has done to clean up his act, i don't see him back in an Iowa singlet.
i do wonder if the current football situation will make them less likely to reinstate him w/ fear of ending up with egg on their face. that would suck .
The football situation probably putt MM's future off a few days to get the decision away from the football problem. MM should be back very soon! Maybe tomorrow.
Why? He's a good kid and what he's done doesn't justify him being kicked off any more than any other player in any sport. Many have done far worse and stayed. He's had some problems - mainly with drinking and has stayed in school despite everything to try and better himself. His parents spoke after the Nationals last year at the after-party and seem like a great couple. Believe me, he's a good kid.
It looks to me that he knows what he did was wrong and is apologetic for it. I say let the kid have a shot. How many people on here have driven drunk and NOT been caught? People screw up, it's how they respond after they screw up that shows who they are.
Why? He's a good kid and what he's done doesn't justify him eing kicked off any more than any other player in any sport. Many have done far worse and stayed. He's had some problems - mainly with drinking and has stayed in school despite everything to try and better himself. His parents spoke after the Nationals last year at the after-party and seem like a great couple. Believe me, he's a good kid.

he has a string of arrests. Not one.

usually after his arrests, his dad would be all over the radio, blaming everyone and anyone except Montell for his issues. Generally dropping the race card.
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okay, lets say he gets back on the team what kind of shape is he in and would he be eligable wrestle this year? I presume that the ncaa could careless when he wrestles since this was a university suspension correct? could he take a redshirt year and keep his remaining eligability? Just some questions that i have that i don't know the answers to. One thing I do know, if he was in shape, and won a spot at either 41 or 49 it would give us a silver bullet in the middle of our line up.
okay, lets say he gets back on the team what kind of shape is he in and would he be eligable wrestle this year? I presume that the ncaa could careless when he wrestles since this was a university suspension correct? could he take a redshirt year and keep his remaining eligability? Just some questions that i have that i don't know the answers to. One thing I do know, if he was in shape, and won a spot at either 41 or 49 it would give us a silver bullet in the middle of our line up.

I think he has already used his redshirt so that isn't an option, he would be elgible as soon as he is back (if he does come back), if he is back on Monday I would think he will be at Midlands. Does anyone have any idea on what weight he plans to wrestle at, he would fill a huge void at 149.
That post said that Brands won't put him in the lineup until the end of Jan. Sounds to me like the Joey situation. Always reliable posters saying all year he would come back.

That said it's hard not to get excited for this one. Take our weakest weight and stick a returning finalist in there.

I'm sure ISU fans will come calling, 'look KJ is willing to do with long, and you guys let Marion back...' I don't care!

125 NC
133 AA
141 AA
149 AA
157 AA
165 just getting points would be our max here
171 maybe AA, at a mininmum we'll get points here
184 maybe AA, at a mininmum we'll get points here
197 maybe AA, at a mininmum we'll get points here
285 may get some points out of him

We could finish alot better than what people think....
and if we get some good draws we could do some work!
This isn't a Slaton situation. Knowing Marion, he would have transferred a long time ago if he didn't have the chance to get back on the team. Slaton couldn't get reinstated by the University because he just missed academically.
Reported word is he's going to be wrestling at 149 from someone who said Montell spoke to his buddy. He has been working out with Metcalf a lot, so i guess he's probably in somewhat decent shape would'nt you think. I can't imagine wrestling Metcalf and not being in pretty darn good shape or he'd kill you.
I second the Montell Marion being a great kid comment.

Met him last year at a tailgate in September (Arizona game, I think) Couldn't of been more humble and well spoken.

He just has some drinking issues, I don't think that defines him as a bad guy or anything. This is definitely his last stand though. Three strikes your out!
Per Andy Hamilton:

"The rumor that Montell Marion has been reinstated to the Iowa wrestling program is completely false, according to his father."

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