Lack of Athletes really shows

Iowa's lack of athleticism isn't automatically their downfall.

What costs Iowa more is that they give away way too many possessions - sloppy ball handling, lazy/dumb passes, failure to box out when rebounding, etc.

Mr. Davis would have won more games with this roster. They wouldn't have played man against faster teams and they'd have rebounded a whole lot better.
Cook had the skill set to be all world, but I think he thinks he does not need to do the "dirty work"; rebounding and defense. I will just dunk and that will get me to the next level.
Well, considering the clown show the NBA has become, that might be enough.
Pemsl was a beast at times against the Clowns and certainly influenced that game. Would he have made a difference today?
Iowa's lack of athleticism isn't automatically their downfall.

What costs Iowa more is that they give away way too many possessions - sloppy ball handling, lazy/dumb passes, failure to box out when rebounding, etc.

Mr. Davis would have won more games with this roster. They wouldn't have played man against faster teams and they'd have rebounded a whole lot better.

Nope. Mr. Davis would have given you the same results. 23-12, they smash Cinncinnati and get throttled by tennessee. Different path same results. If Dr.Tom was the coach we are complaining about how easy it is for Tennessee to throw over the top of the press for easy buckets. Most people would still be complaining about the lack of athleticism.
then explain Cook. He can jump through the ceiling, but has major coordination issues.
His Achilles’ tendon is superior to some other players which allows him to have a decent vertical . He really isn’t that athletic. Agility determines athleticism. He looks more like a wrestler or football player out there. But he doesn’t have the athleticism to make the NFL either. He would look slow on a football field with top notch athletes
No they don’t. Athleticism is body control.
Plus agility is the key component for athleticism. Cook doesn’t have it. You can train to control your agility better but you really can’t make yourself more agile. Garza is like a bull in a china shop too . Him and Cook would trip the first alarm in a foot drill
We need to figure out why we lost an overtime game to one of the best teams in the nation. Let's go with no athleticism. If only our guys we athletic enough to make one more free throw.
We need to figure out why we lost an overtime game to one of the best teams in the nation. Let's go with no athleticism. If only our guys we athletic enough to make one more free throw.
A "more athletic" team would not have allowed Tennessee to run all over us like the NBA playing junior varsity in the first half. We dug ourselves a huge hole out of which we could not climb.
A "more athletic" team would not have allowed Tennessee to run all over us like the NBA playing junior varsity in the first half. We dug ourselves a huge hole out of which we could not climb.

So does that mean 2nd halfs are for the non athletic teams to run all over the athletes? Do you think Kansas isn't an athletic team? Auburn ran all over them.
Iowa lacks a couple players who can get their own shots. Next year should be better with Joe having year under his belt, I think he will be able to create his own offense. I think maybe next year is the year that Moss is finally consistent. He can create his own offense, but he need to value the ball more, improve his handles, and then he will start creating more as well. We need to start bringing in guards who can do this from jump street, not need 3-4 years to get there.
Iowa lacks a couple players who can get their own shots. Next year should be better with Joe having year under his belt, I think he will be able to create his own offense. I think maybe next year is the year that Moss is finally consistent. He can create his own offense, but he need to value the ball more, improve his handles, and then he will start creating more as well. We need to start bringing in guards who can do this from jump street, not need 3-4 years to get there.

If Moss was an average ball handler he would be at 14-15 ppg. Ball handling should be his main focus this off season.
Great moral victory. Its his 9th friggin year here. Recruiting sucks plain and simple. Never going to win big games with this level of recruiting, and guards that wouldn't see the floor anywhere else. Yet a top 30 player living 45 minutes from Iowa City is going to OSU. Hey we have both of Fran's kids here though.

It stinks at one position: PG. We have a solid front court and we have plenty of 2's but not one legit PG on this roster. 9 years and we haven't had one PG on this team who can run the show on offense, drive to the basket, or serve as a catalyst on defense. I hope Touissant is that guy but given Fran's track record of recruiting at the position I'm not holding my breath.
COOK has killed Iowa the second half of the season especially I’ve never seen an Iowa team give up so many offensive rebounds. Sadly That’s on Cook!!! I’m telling you this that if Mr. Davis was the coach Cook would be a reserve no question with his effort on the defensive boards.

Wow and wrong.

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