Kyle Calloway Killed in Accident

Very sad to see someone so young pass away.

Never ever mess with trains on foot or in a car. This was a needless death.
wow, I assume he had earplugs in? Strange way to go.
I'm guessing you mean earbuds. This is not the first time someone has been killed while listening to music and not being able to hear their surroundings. If that is in fact the situation.
I'm guessing you mean earbuds. This is not the first time someone has been killed while listening to music and not being able to hear their surroundings. If that is in fact the situation.

I know trains can come up on you very fast. My childhood friend and I grew up hunting along the train tracks. One day were were after the crazy rabbits in the brush alongside the tracks & we could hear the eery rumbling sound as they don't typically sound their horns in the country unless at an intersection or something. We would always be sure to listen. We could tell it was coming but sometimes is difficult to know what direction is coming from.

We would keep looking behind us as well as in front of us. As we were walking we could tell it was getting closer but that is difficult to determine as well at times. We had a bend in front of us. We checked behind us & as we looked forward again it was almost on top of us coming around the bend. That fast. We darted in the brush that seemed like a maze to get thru to a fence line & let the train pass. It just happened so fast. I can understand it even more if had ear buds in. So unfortunate. The guy is out jogging taking care of himself and that happens.
I'm guessing you mean earbuds. This is not the first time someone has been killed while listening to music and not being able to hear their surroundings. If that is in fact the situation.

Here's what his dad said happened:

“The longer version is at our old house, the train on the right side of the tracks went east, and the train on the left tracks went west. Our presumption is this train was on the opposite side that he was used to so he got on to the side so the train would have been coming at him from the front. We think that he got confused because the train somehow had been slopped over and was going in a different direction that he was used to. We don’t know, we’re just assuming that’s what happened.”

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