KU dominating Sparty!

  • Thread starter Ian Pike Hammer
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Duke is going to go 35-0 this year and show every NCAA fan why the 1 and done rule is shit and needs to go away.

I see no reason why these kids shouldn't be allowed to go straight to the NBA. If the teams are willing to draft and pay them, why shouldn't these kids be able to capitalize.

But selfishly because I watch more college basketball than NBA, I enjoy watching these kids, even if it's only for a year.
Then the Dukies took the court. ;)

Didn't see the game. Anyone know if Zion Williamson is the offspring of former Arkansas star Corliss Williamson?

Not certain if they are related, but it seems like a possibility.....

I do remember when the Hawkeyes played #3 Arkansas in the Rainbow Classic in Hawaii and lost 101-92, a well-played game for the Hawks. Jess Settles played his heart out and was getting frustrated because he couldn't dominate against Corliss and his teammates.....

In the second half, he was expressing his frustration and Corliss coma over, put his arm around him and calmed him down. It was a classy thing to do.....

That 40 minutes of hell defense that Nolan Richardson implemented was something else. West Virginia comes close these days. We handled it playing Arkansas in the second round, Dr. Toms last victory at Iowa. It was a very intense game and Dean Oliver did a man's job bringing the ball downcourt.....

In all seriousness though,

1) It's not going to last. The NCAA will cave.

2) Can't blame Krzyecsztwczteyzwski or Calipari. They are gaming the rule and we would too if we could get kids from outside the Quad Cities to play here.

It's an NBA rule not a college rule. But beginning with the 2021 NBA draft the rule will change to let high school graduates enter the NBA draft. There will still be 1 and done players every year though since realistically only 9 or 10 high school kids would enter the draft each year. Most years it will be less. NBA teams put a higher value on a 1 or 2 year college players. All this means is that bigger schools will drag along lesser recruits as backup plans for if their big name recruit turns pro. Kids don't want to stay in school and make no money for 3 or 4 years if they can make money overseas or in the NBA. If I knew before college or after my first year that I could drop out and make a few hundred thousand dollars per year, I'd have done it in a heartbeat. They can always go back to school for their degree after their playing career ends.

This cycle will only change when or if colleges start LEGALLY paying athletes.
It's an NBA rule not a college rule.
Wrong. It's a rule solely put in place because the NCAA wanted it. To think the NBA would voluntarily put that rule in place is obtuse.

No one in the NBA wanted anything to do with it because without it you had guys like Kobe and LeBron.

They caved to the NCAA and now it's backfiring.
Wrong. It's a rule solely put in place because the NCAA wanted it. To think the NBA would voluntarily put that rule in place is obtuse.

No one in the NBA wanted anything to do with it because without it you had guys like Kobe and LeBron.

They caved to the NCAA and now it's backfiring.

Honest question... Why in the world did the NBA cave in the first place? What leverage did the NCAA have?
Did the NBA think it would improve the interest of college fans by having these guys play a year?
Also wrong. The cycle will completely disappear as soon as the one and done rule goes away. Period.
So your saying that we won't see one and done players anymore when the rule change goes into effect?

The Blue bloods will still be the blue bloods even if 9 or 10 players each year skip college. We won't have 4 one and done players on one team. But there will still be one and done players. The NBA doesn't give a crap about the NCAA. The problem before the rule change was that too many high school draft busts were happening in the NBA. N.a. I think the NBA realizes that there will always be busts and they also have the G League to develop some players that need it.
Well boys, I am 48 years old and cannot recall two basketball games back to back like the ones I saw last night. They will only get better as the season goes on. It's a two horse race for the national championship barring a sh!t ton of injuries. Holy cow, these guys would beat us by 40 at least.

In the first half or the second half?
Not certain if they are related, but it seems like a possibility.....

I do remember when the Hawkeyes played #3 Arkansas in the Rainbow Classic in Hawaii and lost 101-92, a well-played game for the Hawks. Jess Settles played his heart out and was getting frustrated because he couldn't dominate against Corliss and his teammates.....

In the second half, he was expressing his frustration and Corliss coma over, put his arm around him and calmed him down. It was a classy thing to do.....

That 40 minutes of hell defense that Nolan Richardson implemented was something else. West Virginia comes close these days. We handled it playing Arkansas in the second round, Dr. Toms last victory at Iowa. It was a very intense game and Dean Oliver did a man's job bringing the ball downcourt.....

Iowa beat Duke (in a down year for them, K would eventually leave the bench for back surgery) the night before they played Arkansas.

The next year in the Great Alaska Shootout they would knock of UConn in the semis and had Duke down 8 at the under eight timeout in the Championship. Duke managed to come back and win. We have played them only once since, in the Alford era.
So your saying that we won't see one and done players anymore when the rule change goes into effect?
That's exactly what I'm saying.

The Blue bloods will still be the blue bloods even if 9 or 10 players each year skip college.We won't have 4 one and done players on one team. But there will still be one and done players. The NBA doesn't give a crap about the NCAA.
Do you watch sports? Honest question.

The problem with the one and done rule isn't tmess1989's satisfaction with the product on the floor. The problem is not the fact that you're mad about players leaving early. The problem is corruption in college basketball, i.e. scum bags like Pitino and Calapari paying players to come to their schools for a year. Pay college players, you say? That won't to a goddamned thing but make the corruption involve more money. Take away the one and done rule, and you won't have the scumbag coaches paying players anymore because the ones good enough to command under the table payments will be gone to either the NBA or G-League. It takes away the demand.

The problem before the rule change was that too many high school draft busts were happening in the NBA.
Lol. The problem before was David Stern being in the back pocket of Myles Brand. No players, coaches, or owners of any NBA teams supported the one and done rule. It had no benefit to them. Myles Brand waxed eloquent over and over about how the one and done should be in place because education was so important but he apparently only thought the first year of school counted. I don't remember him ever saying the rule should be 4 years removed from high school. He wanted the increased draw to NCAA games (money) that resulted from star players. He knew that all they had to do was have them one year at a time because there are always plenty more coming behind them (exactly what we have today).
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My understanding was always that it was an NBA rule put in place to protect themselves from drafting busts out of high school. If you look at the 2000's, suddenly NBA teams were drafting a lot of kids out of high school and paying them crazy amounts of money when they still needed development time. So the owners thought they'd just protect themselves by creating the one and done rule...that way the colleges had to worry about developing them first and the NBA scouts could see how the kids did against college level competition.

Now that the G-league exists and has been expanding...the NBA will probably start allowing kids to be drafted directly into that league.
I can just hear all the ESPN pundits talking about what a great coach Coach K is. I have to tell you...you put me on the Duke bench and I get to the final four. Zion just made a cross over move at 285 that just schooled a Kentucky player...it was crazy...with a dunk finish. Umm..yes please.
That's exactly what I'm saying.

Do you watch sports? Honest question.

The problem with the one and done rule isn't tmess1989's satisfaction with the product on the floor. The problem is not the fact that you're mad about players leaving early. The problem is corruption in college basketball, i.e. scum bags like Pitino and Calapari paying players to come to their schools for a year. Pay college players, you say? That won't to a goddamned thing but make the corruption involve more money. Take away the one and done rule, and you won't have the scumbag coaches paying players anymore because the ones good enough to command under the table payments will be gone to either the NBA or G-League. It takes away the demand.

Lol. The problem before was David Stern being in the back pocket of Myles Brand. No players, coaches, or owners of any NBA teams supported the one and done rule. It had no benefit to them. Myles Brand waxed eloquent over and over about how the one and done should be in place because education was so important but he apparently only thought the first year of school counted. I don't remember him ever saying the rule should be 4 years removed from high school. He wanted the increased draw to NCAA games (money) that resulted from star players. He knew that all they had to do was have them one year at a time because there are always plenty more coming behind them (exactly what we have today).

I'm not sure how you got the idea that I'm happy with the product. My point is that the product on the court will change very little whether 9 or 10 top end recruits go to college for one year or not. The Blue bloods are still going to get the best available players whether that's the kids ranked 1-10 or 20-30.

I'm also not at all mad about players leaving early. I think they should get paid what they are worth and if they can't get it in college then go to the NBA, the G League, or overseas. As I said before, if I had the opportunity to skip college and make a few hundred thousand per year I wouldn't think twice, I'd go for it. If they are a bust they can always go back and get a degree and pursue a different career.

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