KOK's contract @ $540k for 3 years

Sounds like every generation before them, nothing new

Yes . . . and no.

Their weaknesses and shortcomings are not new.

But did everyone get a trophy when you were young? Speaking for myself the answer is no.
Did the vast majority of kids you grew up with come from "non-traditional" families? Speaking for myself, the answer is no.
When you were a kid did adults act less mature than kids, or more mature?
When I was a kid 12yr olds couldn't legally emancipate themselves from their parents.
When you were a kid could children choose bathrooms based on what gender they felt like on any given day?


Below you'll see two quotes from a legendary coach. Feel free to guess which coach.

"You can't have progress without change, but not all change is progress."

"Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation. Your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are."
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Yes and No. As with many things...it's on a larger scale and happens faster.
Of course it is because everything has to be so much more dramatic. Funny how everyone in our generation (the 40-60 crowd) wants to crap on the millennials yet we are the ones raising them. Perhaps we should start pointing the finger where it deserves to be pointed--the parents and grandparents responsible. I think the saying is when you point the finger at someone else there are four pointing back.
Of course it is because everything has to be so much more dramatic. Funny how everyone in our generation (the 40-60 crowd) wants to crap on the millennials yet we are the ones raising them. Perhaps we should start pointing the finger where it deserves to be pointed--the parents and grandparents responsible. I think the saying is when you point the finger at someone else there are four pointing back.
But don't let me disrupt your narratives.

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