KOK interested in the Indiana job?!

KOK mentioned in the article that KF had a plan and they are sticking to the plan...... That to me sounds like a guy that is kind of saying it isn't me, it is the head coach.... Don't you think???

The HC develops the system - the plan. The system, or plan, works just fine if it is executed right. Look at Wisconsin. KOK hasn't been able to execute the plan well enough to put production on the field.
Wasn't there a story a few years ago, that before he came to Iowa, KOK coached a pretty wide open offense? He did have a pretty good record. maybe his hands are being tied.

Spread Attack style offense, with a Division III national title to boot.
Wasn't there a story a few years ago, that before he came to Iowa, KOK coached a pretty wide open offense? He did have a pretty good record. maybe his hands are being tied.

Or he just isn't any good at coaching this style of offense. So time to reunite him with the style of Offense he coaches best - somewhere else.
KOK going to IU isn't going to solve the issues most of us have with the Iowa offense. Furthermore it would cause thousands of heads to explode across the state when Lester Erb is promoted to OC.

How do you know!? When the hell was the last time it was someone different than KOK....12 years ago you fool.
Careful what you wish for. I believe most of our offensive problems this year were from execution. Missed assignments, bad blocking, Stanzi missing wide open receivers or being too hesitant to make a throw.

Would I like to see a more wide open offense? Of course - but only if we have the talent to execute it.
People that bring up the KF has 4 8 win seasons crap need to realize that the SAME coordinators have been with him those 4 seasons, and not just the bad ones.
I agree with this assessment. Indiana needs to make a bigger splash then KOK.

Already received half my Christmas present "Adam Dunn". Now I need Paulie to resign and my Christmas is complete.

Sox in 2011!!


what if, and i mean a really big what if, KOK is a lot more imaginative than we give him credit for, and its Kirk who keeps him as conservative as we are?
the only way we'll ever know is if they ever get seperated, and i don't really see that coming.
You guys need to get some perspective - for one, you do realize this is for the HC, not the OC job, right?

Second, KOK has some pretty good HC cred - granted at a lower level of ball, but he has a career 83-17-1 record, including a DIII national title.

Just throwing it out there. I have not been thrilled w/our offensive performance at times too, but I think KOK has been vilified by the Iowa fanbase for so long, there's this impression around that he is a slobbering neanderthal that knows nothing about coaching. I would venture a guess he knows more about football & coaching than any 10 HN posters put together. Just sayin'.

too logical for this website.
At first glance KOK to Indiana seems great. However Iowa already has enough problems with Indiana. The last thing I want to see is Iowa playing Indiana with an insider as their head coach. Seeing the Hawks get beat every year by a KOK as head coach would be more than my fragile Iowa brain could handle.

Plus even though KOK is somewhat of a pariah, he still is an OC at a high level program. He obviously knows offense,s even ones he doesn't run. I'm sure he knows the ins and outs of a spread offense and could install it without problems. So without the influence of Ferentz, who knows what he would do.
what if, and i mean a really big what if, KOK is a lot more imaginative than we give him credit for, and its Kirk who keeps him as conservative as we are?
the only way we'll ever know is if they ever get seperated, and i don't really see that coming.

lol, I thought of that as well.

First off, he's not leaving. But I thought how ironic it would be if he went there and ran some exotic spread gadget offense..:)
Careful what you wish for. I believe most of our offensive problems this year were from execution. Missed assignments, bad blocking, Stanzi missing wide open receivers or being too hesitant to make a throw.

Would I like to see a more wide open offense? Of course - but only if we have the talent to execute it.

Oh God. Not this word again. MY head is going to explode.

Our biggest problem in the last half of the season was EMOTION (Lack of it) and BAD COACHING.

Happy Holidays. (Just so it wasn't an entirely negative post).;)