Kirk's last answer in the on the side segment.....


Well-Known Member
I got to thinking about this answer, as far as him saying that the world isn't going to end if they lose and they aren't creating a new civilization if they win. When you move past the hyperbole, it's basically, "We're playing a football game here, it's not a big deal."

The more I think about that answer, it just pi$$es me off. You know Kirk, if it's not such a big deal, then why the heck is the U of I paying you like it IS a big deal? Why is the U of I charging me out the wazoo like it is a big deal? Why is the U of I getting paid tens of millions of dollars from networks like ESPN and BTN if it's not a big deal? If it's not a big deal, why does the U of I continue to spend millions upon millions of dollars on upgrades to Kinnick, brand spanking new football facilities, and all of the other excesses?

I'm sorry, but my passion and the passion of Hawkeye fans all across the country is the reason Hawkeye football is a big deal and is the reason why he is getting paid $4M/year to coach a game. My passion and the passion of all Hawkeye fans is the reason that the team constantly gets better bowl games than their record may indicate that he can then put on his resume and use for leverage to get a bigger contract. My passion and the passion of all Hawkeye fans is the reason we are able to keep up with the Jones' in regards to facilities.

The man was toiling in the NFL as a position coach and the U of I gives him his big break by bringing him in as the head coach of a major conference program, throws millions of dollars at him over the course of the last 14 years, guarantees him millions more over the course of the next 8 years....essentially setting up him and multiple generations of his for a long time, gives him all of the resources he needs to compete, raises ticket prices on fans in order to give him all of this and his response to negativity from fans who are unhappy with the results given all that has been given to him is to tell us, "It's just's no big deal."?

Could there be any more pompous, arrogant, condescending, ungrateful answer than that? Other than flipping us the bird and telling us to go F ourselves, probably not.
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I got to thinking about this answer, as far as him saying that the world isn't going to end if they lose and they aren't creating a new civilization if they win. When you move past the hyperbole, it's basically, "We're playing a football game here, it's not a big deal."

The more I think about that answer, it just pi$$es me off. You know Kirk, if it's not such a big deal, then why the heck is the U of I paying you like it IS a big deal? Why is the U of I charging me out the wazoo like it is a big deal? Why is the U of I getting paid tens of millions of dollars from networks like ESPN and BTN if it's not a big deal? If it's not a big deal, why does the U of I continue to spend millions upon millions of dollars on upgrades to Kinnick, brand spanking new football facilities, and all of the other excesses?

I'm sorry, but my passion and the passion of Hawkeye fans all across the country is the reason Hawkeye football is a big deal and is the reason why he is getting paid $4M/year to coach a game. My passion and the passion of all Hawkeye fans is the reason that the team constantly gets better bowl games than their record may indicate that he can then put on his resume and use for leverage to get a bigger contract. My passion and the passion of all Hawkeye fans is the reason we are able to keep up with the Jones' in regards to facilities.

The man was toiling in the NFL as a position coach and the U of I gives him his big break by bringing him in as the head coach of a major conference program, throws millions of dollars at him over the course of the last 14 years, guarantees him millions more over the course of the next 8 years....essentially setting up him and multiple generations of his for a long time, gives him all of the resources he needs to compete, raises ticket prices on fans in order to give him all of this and his response to negativity from fans who are unhappy with the results given all that has been given to him is to tell us, "It's just's no big deal."?

Could there be any more pompous, arrogant, condescending, ungrateful answer than that? Other than flipping us the bird and telling us to go F ourselves, probably not.

You shouldn't read to much into his answers to those kind of questions, I don't think. That said, if you believe that he really doesn't care and isn't trying hard enough, you should indeed not pay any $ for tickets. It would be the most rational move on your part given your perception.
You shouldn't read to much into his answers to those kind of questions, I don't think. That said, if you believe that he really doesn't care and isn't trying hard enough, you should indeed not pay any $ for tickets. It would be the most rational move on your part given your perception.

You're absolutely right, which is why this will be the last year the wife and I shell out for season tickets. So for those looking for good seats, there will be 4 opening up at the end of the year. Have at 'em.
You're absolutely right, which is why this will be the last year the wife and I shell out for season tickets. So for those looking for good seats, there will be 4 opening up at the end of the year. Have at 'em.

Have fun next year. I know I will at Kinnick.
As Mike Ditka once said after TV interruped a Bears game for news update on some crisis and fans were complaining

"It's only a damn game!!!" The fact that Kirk is earning so much money and TV paying so much money just shows you what the priorities of society may be. It goes way beyond Kirk and the U of Iowa.

Hope you enjoy watching the games on TV.
You're absolutely right, which is why this will be the last year the wife and I shell out for season tickets. So for those looking for good seats, there will be 4 opening up at the end of the year. Have at 'em.

You won't be missed - while you're gone, have a doctor check why you short-term memory loss...................KF is just trying to say...."have some PERSPECTIVE people".....
That's football.

haha. i don't think i've ever seen you post something like this before. this is absolutely hilarious. i mean if i'd seen it 300 times i don't think it would be funny, but since this is the first time its incredibly comical. thank you
You won't be missed - while you're gone, have a doctor check why you short-term memory loss...................KF is just trying to say...."have some PERSPECTIVE people".....

Which deflects criticism.

This isn't a reaction to an individual game, or even an individual season. This is a reaction to three straight years of underachieving or just not good, and six of the past eight years fitting that description, too.

Rico hit the nail on the head here. If it's so unimportant (and in the grand scheme of things, it is), then perhaps Ferentz should lead the crusade to decommercialize college football.

I don't mind being told I should have some perspective. That's good advice for a lot of us on here. But I DO have a problem with it coming from the man who's making nearly $4 million annually BECAUSE of our lack of perspective.
You won't be missed - while you're gone, have a doctor check why you short-term memory loss...................KF is just trying to say...."have some PERSPECTIVE people".....

He's telling ME I need perspective? That's priceless coming from a man who's guaranteed $21M for the next 8 years regardless of the results. That's priceless coming from a man who's making $4M/year to coach a game while 9% of the country is looking for work....some for more than a year. That's priceless coming from a man who's only claim to fame before being hired at Iowa was a losing record at Maine.

I agree, there's someone that needs some perspective here....but it ain't me.
Look the season sucks, no one is disputing that. But dude back off the ledge.

I guarantee you that Kirk cares more about wins and losses than you do, and if that isn't the case, it's because your priorities are out of whack, not his.

Sorry buddy, he's right, it is just a game. He'll be the first to tell you that this season so far is a huge disappointment. But guess what? You didn't play the game. It's not your success or failure, and if you don't win a conference championship, than everything else is just a glorified beauty contest.
He's telling ME I need perspective? That's priceless coming from a man who's guaranteed $21M for the next 8 years regardless of the results. That's priceless coming from a man who's making $4M/year to coach a game while 9% of the country is looking for work....some for more than a year. That's priceless coming from a man who's only claim to fame before being hired at Iowa was a losing record at Maine.

I agree, there's someone that needs some perspective here....but it ain't me.

I'm sorry your job sucks and that you don't make very much money. It isn't fair I agree.

But the bottom line is that if you get elevated to CEO of a multimillion dollar company, you'll get paid that way too.

Envy is a nasty color on all of you.
Which deflects criticism.

This isn't a reaction to an individual game, or even an individual season. This is a reaction to three straight years of underachieving or just not good, and six of the past eight years fitting that description, too.

Rico hit the nail on the head here. If it's so unimportant (and in the grand scheme of things, it is), then perhaps Ferentz should lead the crusade to decommercialize college football.

I don't mind being told I should have some perspective. That's good advice for a lot of us on here. But I DO have a problem with it coming from the man who's making nearly $4 million annually BECAUSE of our lack of perspective.

Well said.

To ME, yeah - it's just a game. I'm happy when the team wins, and ticked when they lose, but my life doesn't revolve around it. There are more important things in my life - my marriage, my health, my career, etc. When the Hawks lay an egg and lose, I'm pi$$ed for a half hour, then I forget about it and move on with my day.

But what I DON'T want is a coach that subscribes to the "it's just a game" mindset. Especially one that is making upwards of $4 million per year.

I don't know if KF really thinks it's just a game, or if it's simply coach speak. But with answers like that, we as fans have no way of knowing, and it certainly comes across as him not giving a rip if we win or lose. What else are we supposed to think? How do we know that he doesn't mean it when he says it's just a game? Throw us a bone here, Kirk, because your answers come across as flippant and dismissive.
Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that college football is a game, played by very young men, for the enjoyment of the fans.

If you feel the burning need to worry/stress about something, try world hunger.
Look the season sucks, no one is disputing that. But dude back off the ledge.

I guarantee you that Kirk cares more about wins and losses than you do, and if that isn't the case, it's because your priorities are out of whack, not his.

Sorry buddy, he's right, it is just a game. He'll be the first to tell you that this season so far is a huge disappointment. But guess what? You didn't play the game. It's not your success or failure, and if you don't win a conference championship, than everything else is just a glorified beauty contest.

You're right, this season sucks, and so did the one before it and so did the one before that. In fact, 6 out of the last 8 seasons have sucked. And his response to getting a little heat from fans (which is tame compared to 99% of the rest of the fanbases) is to say it's no big deal? Cool, then it shouldn't be a big deal to restructure his contract, right? Oh wait, that's different.....
I got to thinking about this answer, as far as him saying that the world isn't going to end if they lose and they aren't creating a new civilization if they win. When you move past the hyperbole, it's basically, "We're playing a football game here, it's not a big deal."

The more I think about that answer, it just pi$$es me off. You know Kirk, if it's not such a big deal, then why the heck is the U of I paying you like it IS a big deal? Why is the U of I charging me out the wazoo like it is a big deal? Why is the U of I getting paid tens of millions of dollars from networks like ESPN and BTN if it's not a big deal? If it's not a big deal, why does the U of I continue to spend millions upon millions of dollars on upgrades to Kinnick, brand spanking new football facilities, and all of the other excesses?

I'm sorry, but my passion and the passion of Hawkeye fans all across the country is the reason Hawkeye football is a big deal and is the reason why he is getting paid $4M/year to coach a game. My passion and the passion of all Hawkeye fans is the reason that the team constantly gets better bowl games than their record may indicate that he can then put on his resume and use for leverage to get a bigger contract. My passion and the passion of all Hawkeye fans is the reason we are able to keep up with the Jones' in regards to facilities.

The man was toiling in the NFL as a position coach and the U of I gives him his big break by bringing him in as the head coach of a major conference program, throws millions of dollars at him over the course of the last 14 years, guarantees him millions more over the course of the next 8 years....essentially setting up him and multiple generations of his for a long time, gives him all of the resources he needs to compete, raises ticket prices on fans in order to give him all of this and his response to negativity from fans who are unhappy with the results given all that has been given to him is to tell us, "It's just's no big deal."?

Could there be any more pompous, arrogant, condescending, ungrateful answer than that? Other than flipping us the bird and telling us to go F ourselves, probably not.

Yeah,It sucks to listen to KF. I try not to anymore. This is BIG Business and the CEO is not getting it done. We have the worst media imaginable. They will not hit him with follow up questions or even ask the hard questions.
I'm sorry your job sucks and that you don't make very much money. It isn't fair I agree.

But the bottom line is that if you get elevated to CEO of a multimillion dollar company, you'll get paid that way too.

Envy is a nasty color on all of you.

My job's awesome and I don't envy him one bit. But then again, I don't go and tell my boss when asked why sales are down, "Hey, it's just business. It's the ebb and flow of the economy. It's not like we're the only ones that are experiencing hits to revenue."

By the way, no CEO talks like that either. Well, no one except Kirk.

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