Not really. America is rooted in capitalism. As in, "we real estate developers bought this big chunk of land and put buildings on it, and will offer you the right to buy some of it only if you sign this CC&R, because we legally own it." I don't see any government involvement (i.e. communism) in it at all other than our capitalist system at work. If it were an a non-optional set of conditions that the government forced on you without alternatives, then you could say it's creeping into communism territory.HOAs are in may ways communistic. That's not an over-exaggeration by any means. They are overseeing bodies of quasi-government that take money from their public in the form of fines, for trivial, BS-matters. More often than not, HOA bylaws are abused by others for petty personal gripes. Yes, I know... 'their public' are people who willingly agreed upfront to live there and live under their rules...but
They are un-American, no matter how you spin it.
America! - Love it or Leave it!!!
Should a squatter be able to pitch a tent in your front lawn? No, because you own it and you set the conditions of what people are allowed to do with it. In an HOA you're not just buying a house. You're buying a house subject to a contract that you sign with you're own free will.
I think HOAs are ridiculous, but I have the choice, and exercise that choice to never buy into one.