Kirk & his neighbors...

Well, that does it. I'm no longer going to support a coach and his family who would give millions of dollars to a Children's Hospital, but would stiff their neighbors and Homeowner's Association for ten grand to maintain their privacy. The gall of the Ferentz clan.

If you read between the lines here....when the KF and Mary bought the property, they weren't told it was going to be developed like this...and i'm sure were promised it would stay rural and remote. Now, they certainly can't stop the development, but they shouldn't have to pay for it if it wasn't in their purchase contract or they weren't notified of possible future assessments.

Any one of us would tell them to take a freaking hike on this one. I hope Mary said that too. I like the Ferentz clan even more now. You know damn well KF could have just paid it to keep it out of the papers....but principle is principle. Good for him.
HA's are good and bad. Ours is toothless. My neighbor brings his dog over to our yard to poop. I had to take it into my own hands (shovel) and deliver a bigger pile to their sidewalk. Would rather have a good HA. He's done it before. In the past I'd talk to him which is usually rather painful.

That said, this sounds like a county/township issue eventually. I can see it both ways I guess. Living along an Iowa gravel road is a dust problem. The Iowa gravel roads do cause respiratory issues. Some neighboring states went away from them almost entirely. I'm sure he doesn't want curiosity seekers running/biking past his him.
I agree with much of what's been written above. That being said, why wouldn't Kirk just kick in the $, or work out a compromise, especially in light of the neighbor comments that they've "bent over backwards" to work something out. Beats the hell out of a public relations debacle. I'd think a smart attorney would advise him so.

In a word: Stubborn.
Principle maybe? Yeah, it's pocket change to him, but as we all know, he's stubborn. I actually somewhat agree with that. Maybe it wouldn't be much money, but I'll be damned if I give my money to an organization I want no part of for a renovation I didn't want in the first place.

It's not like this Buatti is some poor little rural home owner being bullied by Ferentz either. He's the chair of the department of radiation oncology at the college of Carver College of Medicine. At risk of sounding like a dick, he could just be lying too.
Well, that does it. I'm no longer going to support a coach and his family who would give millions of dollars to a Children's Hospital, but would stiff their neighbors and Homeowner's Association for ten grand to maintain their privacy. The gall of the Ferentz clan.

If you read between the lines here....when the KF and Mary bought the property, they weren't told it was going to be developed like this...and i'm sure were promised it would stay rural and remote. Now, they certainly can't stop the development, but they shouldn't have to pay for it if it wasn't in their purchase contract or they weren't notified of possible future assessments.

Any one of us would tell them to take a freaking hike on this one. I hope Mary said that too. I like the Ferentz clan even more now. You know damn well KF could have just paid it to keep it out of the papers....but principle is principle. Good for him.

I totally doubt it is about the money. However anyone buying into an area like that has to know it's going to come. Wonder if the area has/will be forced onto city sewer?

KF doesn't do things in a vacuum. Is a "I'm tired of the fishbowl" moment approaching and baby KF..... I get that it wasn't started yesterday.
The money isn't the issue obviously. We don't know what KF was told when he bought the property. The other issue is that once you join the fray on assessments by paying are on the hook for the subsequent assessments. He's probably spent a ton on making his property self sufficient.

Honestly, it's none of my business...and I've dealt with enough HOAs to know there is usually more to the story. If it doesn't affect his ability to recruit and coach...frankly...I could give a shit about how he handled his HOA.
Even money Kirk has no idea what the f this is all about. At best, this falls into the "Let Mary handle it" category to which he vaguely knows something is going on, but he couldn't tell you exactly what it is. Something about a road and trying to steal $9500.

If I bought a property without there being an HOA, and then others would try to form one on me after the fact and impose their rules on me, I too would object.
HA's are good and bad. Ours is toothless. My neighbor brings his dog over to our yard to poop. I had to take it into my own hands (shovel) and deliver a bigger pile to their sidewalk. Would rather have a good HA. He's done it before. In the past I'd talk to him which is usually rather painful.

That said, this sounds like a county/township issue eventually. I can see it both ways I guess. Living along an Iowa gravel road is a dust problem. The Iowa gravel roads do cause respiratory issues. Some neighboring states went away from them almost entirely. I'm sure he doesn't want curiosity seekers running/biking past his him.

Gold, went through the same thing with lady behind us walking her dog early morning and we watched for several days and she would let her dog crap in our yard and neighbors. My wife having a little spite herself would walk ours down to crap in hers in the evening and in front of them. Magically after a few weeks she started to carry a bag and pick it up. I guess she got the subtle hint. I just would laugh to myself and kind of proud of the fact my wife handled it this way.
I agree with much of what's been written above. That being said, why wouldn't Kirk just kick in the $, or work out a compromise, especially in light of the neighbor comments that they've "bent over backwards" to work something out. Beats the hell out of a public relations debacle. I'd think a smart attorney would advise him so.

In a word: Stubborn.

I'm sure they want to keep it gravel to keep any additional traffic down and more rural. I don't blame them a bit. I started reading it & thought the Ferentz's were just being difficult but quickly changed to their side once I realized they were trying to be made to do something they didn't agree to. The HOA developed after they have lived there for years. Screw people who think they can just tell you what to do for their agenda. I think the Ferentz's have a legit reason to want to keep it rural and hidden, well, as much as it can be anyway.
What really pisses me off about some people is if they seem to need their nose in your business. I can tell you I don't care what the hell the guy living next to me does as long as he is not committing a crime or painting his house in GB Packer or ISU colors. Beyond that he pays up the ass taxes too so....
Based on your own stance, it is none of your business how your neighbor paints his house. I live in a non-HOA neighborhood but I'd be curious how many of you would be screaming if someone bought the house next door and turned it into a complete an utter shit-hole but weren't breaking the law.
From what I know, HOA's are a pain in the ass everywhere, and Iowa City is no different. What IS different between the HOA my folks live in and the HOAs people most people here in Austin live in is that they existed prior to the development being built, therefore people accepted them as being SOP. But in KF's case, his house was never situated in a development that had an HOA. Plus, he's got the money to fight the issue in court. This may be far more about the principle of fighting HOAs in general or this specific one rather than about the 10 grand they want from him.
Based on your own stance, it is none of your business how your neighbor paints his house. I live in a non-HOA neighborhood but I'd be curious how many of you would be screaming if someone bought the house next door and turned it into a complete an utter shit-hole but weren't breaking the law.

I just bought a house KNOWING that the house two down from me was a run-down hovel. And I've got no right and no business complaining about it.
Principle maybe? Yeah, it's pocket change to him, but as we all know, he's stubborn. I actually somewhat agree with that. Maybe it wouldn't be much money, but I'll be damned if I give my money to an organization I want no part of for a renovation I didn't want in the first place.

It's not like this Buatti is some poor little rural home owner being bullied by Ferentz either. He's the chair of the department of radiation oncology at the college of Carver College of Medicine. At risk of sounding like a dick, he could just be lying too.

It would be funny if the Ferentz's donated exactly $9,500 extra or a special in addition donation to the Children's Hospital.
From what I know, HOA's are a pain in the ass everywhere, and Iowa City is no different. What IS different between the HOA my folks live in and the HOAs people most people here in Austin live in is that they existed prior to the development being built, therefore people accepted them as being SOP. But in KF's case, his house was never situated in a development that had an HOA. Plus, he's got the money to fight the issue in court. This may be far more about the principle of fighting HOAs in general or this specific one rather than about the 10 grand they want from him.

The judge didn't even care to hear the case, so that tells you how much leg this case had to stand on.
Based on your own stance, it is none of your business how your neighbor paints his house. I live in a non-HOA neighborhood but I'd be curious how many of you would be screaming if someone bought the house next door and turned it into a complete an utter shit-hole but weren't breaking the law.
While I suppose that is possible, if you live in a respectable neighborhood where people take care of their property, chances are people who buy into that neighborhood are like-minded and will do the same. Nothing is absolute, but there are probabilities and possibilities. If you don't want to risk even the possibility, then an established HOA community is the place to be.
Based on your own stance, it is none of your business how your neighbor paints his house. I live in a non-HOA neighborhood but I'd be curious how many of you would be screaming if someone bought the house next door and turned it into a complete an utter shit-hole but weren't breaking the law.
Dude! I mentioned the paint color to be humorous and sarcastic. And yes I'd rather live next to a guy turning his house into a shit hole than to be told I can't change oil in my drive. Can't hang my American and Marine corps flag, have to have my grass cut a certain way. Shed can only be in a certain spot. I need to have a certain amount of green space. I have to have a certain color chain link fence. Can't hang my lighted cross and Christmas decorations or display a nativity scene. Now do I want the guy making a shit hole next to me? Hell No! I don't but it will be his shit hole not mine. But then again I'm more of independent thinker who enjoys my freedom to not be governed to death and told constantly what is good for me.
Based on your own stance, it is none of your business how your neighbor paints his house. I live in a non-HOA neighborhood but I'd be curious how many of you would be screaming if someone bought the house next door and turned it into a complete an utter shit-hole but weren't breaking the law.
Well you're right, if they aren't, there's not a damn thing we could do about it, and that's the way it ought to be.
One of the homes across from them is owned by a retired Asst AD who bought the property years before KF moved there.

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