Kirk & his neighbors...

I think TK has finally found the smoking gun to get rid of the Ferentz family forever.:)
Correct!! And I think Josh has been given the BOOT..

Oh by the way This will turn into a TK and FRYOWA smothering thread..
Did a google image search of your handle: :)

Did a google image search of your handle: :)


You will soon follow in Josh’s footsteps.. So I’m a stalker for responded to a thread you posted on a message board. That makes a lot of sense.. Keep trying harder TK, your true colors shine in threads like this..
You will soon follow in Josh’s footsteps.. So I’m a stalker for responded to a thread you posted on a message board. That makes a lot of sense.. Keep trying harder TK, your true colors shine in threads like this..
You're way too serious. :)
I agree with much of what's been written above. That being said, why wouldn't Kirk just kick in the $, or work out a compromise, especially in light of the neighbor comments that they've "bent over backwards" to work something out. Beats the hell out of a public relations debacle. I'd think a smart attorney would advise him so.

In a word: Stubborn.

Relations debacle??? They don't want to pay for shit they don't want. They didn't want some fancy ass paved road by their house so why should they pay. They were cool with gravel. And God forbid they wanted to plant some trees/hedges on their own freaking land!!!!! That's just totally nuts! Sounds like the upper crust liberals of Johnson County want to rule with the better than though little fists. Kirk should have bought a big old stinky hog farm. Farmers would not demand shit like these people.
I agree with much of what's been written above. That being said, why wouldn't Kirk just kick in the $, or work out a compromise, especially in light of the neighbor comments that they've "bent over backwards" to work something out. Beats the hell out of a public relations debacle. I'd think a smart attorney would advise him so.

In a word: Stubborn.

OK, but I would never just give up money, whether it be $1 or $10,000 if I disagreed with the results. I find it rather amusing that you found yet another way to get the word "stubborn" assigned to KF.
Principle maybe? Yeah, it's pocket change to him, but as we all know, he's stubborn. I actually somewhat agree with that. Maybe it wouldn't be much money, but I'll be damned if I give my money to an organization I want no part of for a renovation I didn't want in the first place.

It's not like this Buatti is some poor little rural home owner being bullied by Ferentz either. He's the chair of the department of radiation oncology at the college of Carver College of Medicine. At risk of sounding like a dick, he could just be lying too.

Probably a little jelly that Kirk makes far more than they do!!!
And what guy doesn't take a leak outside instead of running in the house if he has to go and has the privacy?? Needs the hedges and trees.
This is a no brainer; guy wanted to sub-develop 20 acres and wanted the neighbors to pay for the paved road, the Ferentzs' called him on it and told him to go f" himself. Good for them, they should turn around and sue the loudmouth for defamation.
Gold, went through the same thing with lady behind us walking her dog early morning and we watched for several days and she would let her dog crap in our yard and neighbors. My wife having a little spite herself would walk ours down to crap in hers in the evening and in front of them. Magically after a few weeks she started to carry a bag and pick it up. I guess she got the subtle hint. I just would laugh to myself and kind of proud of the fact my wife handled it this way.

My wife would never do that! What was funny is once he brought his dog over among our apple trees and strawberries. I have an office in the garage but normally wouldn't be looking out early in the AM. I opened the window and said, "Get! Get!" I didn't know the neighbor was hiding against my house wall and he went scampering out....getting out. It was hilarious. But here he was 25 feet into our property where he thought we couldn't see him.

It's not that it takes all kinds to make the world go's just that we have all kinds.
Not sure why this is on a football forum, other than someone witch hunting KF but I'm bored so I'll participate in the conversation ( going to stay out of the high school girls locker room drama). Read this article a few days ago and it perfectly sums up how stupid HOA's are.
As a side note how stupid do you have to be to think that just because you have means and crapped out a couple of kids your neighbors are obligated to care about them. If you want your children to have a place to ride their bikes, maybe you should of bought a house with that in mind.
Crazy. I assume that KFs house is the one on the end of the dead end street. I'd tell those neighbors to go fly a kite too. In fact with his $ it'd be tough to not just look for another more remote place to move and build on. Buy more land and try and keep things private. They are pretty much empty nesters now anyway aren't they? But he's got a wife who probably calls all those shots. I agree with those that bet KF himself only vaguely knows about what half this is all about. We probably know more than he does.
I'm almost surprised that the liberal Iowa City court system hasn't sided with the neighbors. That mindset of forcing others to pay for what you want and bend to others will is an often beloved thing amongst those of that mindset. For the love of all things common sense I hope the Ferentz's aren't forced to give them a nickel.
The tree situation may or may not have merit to it heck if I know that can be resolved easy enough but the forcing them to join a HOA couldn't be more BS.
Crazy. I assume that KFs house is the one on the end of the dead end street. I'd tell those neighbors to go fly a kite too. In fact with his $ it'd be tough to not just look for another more remote place to move and build on. Buy more land and try and keep things private. They are pretty much empty nesters now anyway aren't they? But he's got a wife who probably calls all those shots. I agree with those that bet KF himself only vaguely knows about what half this is all about. We probably know more than he does.
I'm almost surprised that the liberal Iowa City court system hasn't sided with the neighbors. That mindset of forcing others to pay for what you want and bend to others will is an often beloved thing amongst those of that mindset. For the love of all things common sense I hope the Ferentz's aren't forced to give them a nickel.
The tree situation may or may not have merit to it heck if I know that can be resolved easy enough but the forcing them to join a HOA couldn't be more BS.

I am guessing she is home a lot more than Kirk is, so I would bet he leaves a lot of the home related stuff up to her.

He should have bought a farm somewhere.

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