Kirk apparently confirms Jake is the starter

Lets see Jake throw the dart to Powell and change the momentum. I must have missed the 4 yard passes/thrashing that Jake would have put on them in the first half.

Jake did throw a nice long ball to Powell who couldn't bring it in even though it hit his hands (another one of those 2-3 drops?). He also threw a pretty nice long ball to Vandeberg. Of course selective memory is always the best - it works when my wife asks why I didn't do something she asked me to do.
JR doesn't WANT to play at the next level. He wants to be a doctor. I think that's part of his problem.

WHAT? This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Do you really think a guy will forsake a pro career to become a doctor? You do realize that there have been a number of pro football players who went on to become doctors, right?
Actually there's a coach out there very successful with bringing in the next QB when the first guy isn't doing it. I believe his name is Steve Spurrier...quite a few wins under that guy's belt. When my daughter is having a bad soccer game and the coach pulls her she knows why she's coming out...because she was terrible that particular day. KF's undying loyalty to bad play or bad play calling is mind numbing.

Yes, I enjoyed watching Kirk's team beat him 31-10 in Florida.

But I also wouldn't mind having the 11-2 record he's hit each of the last 3 years.
Well, going through the play-by-play on ESPN, I counted 5 incomplete passes that directly contributed to stopping Iowa from scoring. Of course, all 5 were during longer drives than 3 and out. Also, they don't say how long the incompleted pass was for, just that it was incomplete.

We were tracking this at the bar whilst not getting blitzed before noon West Coast time. Of the 6 drops one was a touchdown, 3 were first downs, and 2 were make-able first downs with YAC. The buffalo wings were quite spicy so I could be wrong.
Dang, I missed that interview. I have College Sports Nation on all the time in the background and good Lord knows I always tend to catch Art Briles, Les Miles and for some crazy reason Dennis Franchione but I somehow miss KF?

I still think CF gets the start, but if JR plays well then good! Maybe the real possibility of competition will help Jake react to the game quicker and more accurately.

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Dual QB systems never work out unless one is a freak athlete who only comes into the game to run the ball. Make a decision one way or the other and go from there.
This won't be a 2 QB system. Rudock is the starter and my guess is that there will be 1 or 2 series each game where Beathard comes in. I would also not be shocked to not see Beathard at all if Rudock is playing well. People are acting like Beathard set the world on fire with his play. He was ok, nothing great. People's views are warped because they have decided Beathard is better and nothing can change their mind right now.
Dual QB systems never work out unless one is a freak athlete who only comes into the game to run the ball. Make a decision one way or the other and go from there.


Tim Tebow and Chris Leak, Stanley Jackson and Joe Germaine, and about 6 different Oklahoma teams (among others)
That Michigan game still makes me angry. Banks was able to move the ball against Michigan and McCan't was largely ineffective. I sat close to the visitor section and the Michigan fans were very surprised and relieved that KF decided to let McCan't finish the game against them. There are many things that KF excels at. But running an effective offense and game day decisions put him at the Jr high level. KF let one year of Banks slip thru his fingers when he had one of his best play making QB ever who finished highly in the Heisman race the next season.

I was at that game and I agree that banks was playing a bit more effectively. However, to be devils advocate, late in the game he made an absolute horrible decision to run out of bounds instead of pick up an easy first down. I believe it was 3rd and 3 yds or somewhere around that, we were behind with only a couple min left, and he chose to run out of bounds instead of easily picking up the first down. I think mcann came in the next play and through an incomplete pass to pretty much put the game away. Still think that team wins 1 or 2 more games that year with banks as the year long starter.
I was at that game and I agree that banks was playing a bit more effectively. However, to be devils advocate, late in the game he made an absolute horrible decision to run out of bounds instead of pick up an easy first down. I believe it was 3rd and 3 yds or somewhere around that, we were behind with only a couple min left, and he chose to run out of bounds instead of easily picking up the first down. I think mcann came in the next play and through an incomplete pass to pretty much put the game away. Still think that team wins 1 or 2 more games that year with banks as the year long starter.

I think you are mis remembering how late in the game that was but maybe I'm wrong. I do remember thinking that mistake cost us the game. Not because it killed the drive so much but because I knew we were done seeing him. What's funny is if McCann would have run that play he probably wouldn't have even made it to the out of bounds before getting tackled.
Jake did throw a nice long ball to Powell who couldn't bring it in even though it hit his hands (another one of those 2-3 drops?). He also threw a pretty nice long ball to Vandeberg. Of course selective memory is always the best - it works when my wife asks why I didn't do something she asked me to do.

Knight - what you forget is that for every "nice long ball" Jake threw, he threw 100 hair pulling 2 yard swing passes on 3rd and 5. People like CJ because he is not so scared to air it out...not because Jake doesn't have the ability to throw long.
JR doesn't WANT to play at the next level. He wants to be a doctor. I think that's part of his problem.

Who gave me a negative vote on this? This came from HIS mouth. The last sentence was my speculation but it's 100% TRUE that he has no intentions of playing past this stage.
First, you act as if CJ is the only QB to have his passes dropped, ever.
You know who else had passes bounce off receivers hands, JVB.

Second, I have said on this board that I fully expect that CJ will be the starter by the end of the year. Because I think he should.

Third, I tire of all the crap that gets spewed about Jake, as he is a Hawk and deserves the fans' support, not chides, backhanded compliments, or discounting what he has done for the team.

Fourth, our fans need to be more realistic about CJ. He is not going to singlehandedly win us football games, just as no QB before him has singlehandedly lost us football games.

Fifth, I don't care for revisionist history or manipulating numbers to prove a point. I have no trouble calling people out on it.

I haven't read one comment stating that Riddick flat out sucks. What's irritating people is that while he may be serviceable, the preponderance of the evidence indicates that he's the second best QB on the team.
Ya, this purposeful misspelling of peoples names is really one of the finest things about this forum. Never once fails to lift my mood. So funny.




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