Kinnick Turf & The All-Seeing Tiger Hawk

Insurance pay out. How much of the $1.4 mill do you think she will net?? I bet contingent fee agreement with lawyers so they probably eat at least 40% and then taxes on it also. Will be a nice buffer for sure, but according to her they were on hard times now.
@1hawkeye1 mentioned earlier that according to someone who handles these cases the legal fees will be separately awarded by the judge. So she will get the entire amount.
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Meanwhile, back to this turf issue...

So none of you are with me on post 17 above???

Let's get it done.
There have been a bunch of movements to get it done. At one time I heard it wouldn't pass the Iowa City council because of non-football hipsters who were too bitter about their liberal arts degree income to let a meathead sport like football put its mark on city property. I don't have a source but I read it from an IC resident here.

I know, I know. It'll never happen. But I do think if someone had a magic wand and said they could get it done provided it was privately funded, it'd be done in about a week.
Meanwhile, back to this turf issue...

So none of you are with me on post 17 above???

Let's get it done.
Could lead to some sweet trick plays. The home uni would blend right in, and the blackout uni on that field would be filthy. The captain should be able to figure out how to game the substitution rule and take advantage.
Either way the U is picking up their Melissa Etheridge tickets for life.

Meanwhile, back to this turf issue...

So none of you are with me on post 17 above???

Let's get it done.
I've been to the surf-turf in Boise. It's an abomination. It's like that optical trick where you stare at an American flag that's the wrong colors, then every time you blink for five minutes your brain puts a red,white and blue image into your optical nerve. Blue is wrong. I LOVE Black&Gold, but any colored turf on the gridiron is wrong IMO.
Play around all you like with different colors and patterns on the hardwood, but Sweet Jesus let my field be green!
but, it would look odd for 1/2 the people...upside down. And what about the people in the endzone? Fred Flintsone. The Wisky fans will never let us hear the end of it.
They will mess the logo up by using the round version that looks like a 5th grader designed it for a class project....they need to use the stretched out version like mid-court at Cricket Hawkeye Arena.
They will mess the logo up by using the round version that looks like a 5th grader designed it for a class project....they need to use the stretched out version like mid-court at Cricket Hawkeye Arena.
And then Kirk will be able to say "I told you so." lol

Seems pretty obvious the logo is finally going in at midfield. That or extra jumbotrons so they can squeeze in more burrito lift and bergen/paulsen ads.

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