Kinnick Turf Replacement?


HN's Love Doctor
Anyone in the know want to give the precise dates for when the turf gets replaced? Juneish?
Would be nice to have a webcam for seeing the tigerhawk at midfield or lack of...
At least they finally painted a tigerhawk on the water tower

Maybe we should replace the turf with muddy grass so other teams will not have a speed advantage.

Hey I would love to go back to real grass. That's how football should be played. The NFL is taking football away from us. Can't hit anyone, can't tackle anyone, very few grass stadiums. Lets start bringing football back and start with real grass in Kinnick
Hey I would love to go back to real grass. That's how football should be played. The NFL is taking football away from us. Can't hit anyone, can't tackle anyone, very few grass stadiums. Lets start bringing football back and start with real grass in Kinnick
Iowa got rid of real grass because they were having issues with it not growing/recovering well. This is very common for stadiums were the field is below actual ground level. That is why they went to turf.
With regard to the logo, I believe Barta said that the turf is being replaced after this coming season ends and they are considering adding the logo. Time will tell.
taffaej said:
Hey I would love to go back to real grass. That's how football should be played. The NFL is taking football away from us. Can't hit anyone, can't tackle anyone, very few grass stadiums. Lets start bringing football back and start with real grass in Kinnick
Iowa got rid of real grass because they were having issues with it not growing/recovering well. This is very common for stadiums were the field is below actual ground level. That is why they went to turf.
With regard to the logo, I believe Barta said that the turf is being replaced after this coming season ends and they are considering adding the logo. Time will tell.

In addition, real grass is a maintenance whore. A lot of staff time and $$ to maintain. Now they just throw it in and I suppose have a riding vacuum to periodically clean it.
Iowa got rid of real grass because they were having issues with it not growing/recovering well. This is very common for stadiums were the field is below actual ground level. That is why they went to turf.
With regard to the logo, I believe Barta said that the turf is being replaced after this coming season ends and they are considering adding the logo. Time will tell.
Turf will be replaced this summer.
if they saved the old turf from the 70's, I'm sure the player's would love to play on it today.....and look, there's a mid field logo as well!!

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